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[Neetri] Slurpieking11- Week ban appeal.

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 9:33 pm
by rascal1002
Byond account and character name: Slurpieking11 Corvin Atano
Banning admin: Neetri
Ban reason and length: For killing 2 people as sec and injuring some caught in laser fire. One week
Time ban was placed (including time zone): Apox 11 est.
Your side of the story: For the people caught in laser fire there was a Super Blob so lots of people probably hit someone without noticing. For killing two people as sec, I walked into the bridge and saw someone messing with the bomb (I cannot remember her exact name but her first was Alicia) I stunned her and cuffed her, I then searched her and found some traitor gear. I then took her to the chapel and planned to ask the captain to mass drive her. As I was getting ready to send the message to the captain, then Bryce Pax ran in grabbed her and ran off. I pulled out my energy gun and shot them both dead. I was then banned for killing two people as sec, and wanting to space their bodies.
Why you think you should be unbanned: They were clearly traitors (I found traitor gear) I was the only sec officer and I knew one would get away if I tried to stun them and take them in. So I figured the best course of action would be to shoot them dead as they ran.

Re: [Neetri] Slurpieking11- Week ban appeal.

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 12:13 am
by Neerti
I'm going to deny this on the basis of two separate rounds of poor conduct, especially the second one due to security being held to a higher standard, and killing people is poor form when you have them detained safely.

Re: [Neetri] Slurpieking11- Week ban appeal.

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 12:23 am
by rascal1002
On the first round I am sure lots of people died. I mean heck it was a super blob lasers were flying everywhere, I could not have known if I hit someone. The second time as I said I only had the one detained, I was at that moment requesting permission to execute her. Then she was rescued I only had one pair of cuffs I was the only sec officer. One of them would have gotten away, so I killed them. Could you at least give me a job ban on sec for a while, I admit I may have made a poor call on murdering them. But at that time it seemed like the best course of action.

Re: [Neetri] Slurpieking11- Week ban appeal.

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 12:50 am
by Neerti
For the first round you had tried to steal the HoS's ID because you wanted a space suit, as a person who was sent to the station to help.
For the second round you removed an innocent person and jumped straight to validkills for the traitor.

Re: [Neetri] Slurpieking11- Week ban appeal.

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 12:56 am
by rascal1002
I tried to get the space suit so I could help fight the blob.
I don't know what to say for the second round other then, ya I did kill the traitor and the person trying to help the traitor. It was the best course of action at that time in my opinion.

Re: [Neetri] Slurpieking11- Week ban appeal.

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 5:11 pm
by rascal1002