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[Shadowlight213] Iamgoofball - Captain - "shitty gimmicks"

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 9:24 am
by iamgoofball
Byond account and character name: Iamgoofball - Darke Arhpee
Banning admin: Shadowlight 213
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Captain
Ban reason and length:

You, or another user of this computer, (iamgoofball) is banned from playing Captain. The ban reason is:
(MANUAL BAN) Consistently runs shitty gimmicks as captain and often uploads horrible lawsets to the AI. Last straw was him running a gmod server dark rp gimmick and uploading an entire huge ruleset to the AI. enough is enough.
I had to do this ban fucking 6 times because he kept switching mobs.
This ban was applied by shadowlight213 on 2016-07-28 08:08:52.

Perma ban from what I can tell

Time ban was placed (including time zone):
2016-07-28 08:08:52 this is what it says to the server
Your side of the story:
I've ran my GMOD DarkRP gimmick before. I haven't been PM'd about it before. Players usually enjoy it. I had the borgs running up and helping out with shit like defining the laws and shit and doing /advert raid drop 10k or die memes. Everyone seemed to be having fun with the joke, and going along with it. It was YET ANOTHER WIZARD ROUND as we discovered 10 minutes later or so, so at that point everyone was just "fuck it memes all day every day". I was given no notification about the ban until the next round when i tried to roll captain and discovered I was banned, due to the last round being a clusterfuck of crashing Dreamseeker and everyone's savefiles being disabled for a round.

The AI laws were mentioned too. I uploaded this same set of laws to the AI last time I ran this gimmick, and the AI asked a few questions clarifying some things it was confused about and went on with its day following the laws happily. All it had to do was ask for clarification.

Shadow stated that the AI ahelped about being confused, presumably to report me for "shitty laws" or something. I'd like to see the ahelp conversation between the AI and the admins, as I feel it's relevant to this case.

Why you think you should be unbanned:
"Consistently runs shitty gimmicks as captain"
Why do you get to decide for the players what gimmicks they want to enjoy? Who made you the person who decided what was good roleplay and what isnt good roleplay? What's the line where it's a "shitty" gimmick or a good gimmick? Where are the defined rules on this? Is this because my roleplay wasn't "realistic"? Do we ban for unrealistic roleplay now? I need more specifics than "shitty". Who decided it was shitty? Why was it okay for me to do one round with a head administrator thinking it's funny, and then another round I get banned for it? I didn't even go around griefing and raiding places. I literally sat in my office talking to and interacting with people all round. It was roleplay. Why do I get banned for it when the guy who literally plays Adolf Hitler gets to run around and gets an admin event based around him?

Also, this raises another question:
My one sole duty as Captain is "protect the disk". What else am I supposed to do? Just sit around and do nothing while armored up loaded with guns in security waiting to get my valids on? I find it really dumb that we give the captain tools to do stuff like run gimmicks with Station Names, Captain's Announcements, Cross-Station Messages, and many other fun tools, yet don't allow him to be anything but a loot pinata, if this ban is setting any precedent.

Also, I'd like to take a moment to discuss this:
"often uploads horrible lawsets"
What defines a lawset as being "horrible"?
Now, I have a note for uploading weird lawsets, but this was awhile ago, as I explain below.
This note is from the valadin era where AIs either had Paladin uploaded or it's rogue. People would just upload Paladin all day every day. If the AI's laws weren't paladin, everyone flipped the fuck out, including AI players sometimes. I uploaded weird and experimental laws like the Democracy Lawset, the Film Producer Lawset, and other classics designed to let the AI have a little more fun as a player with less strict guidelines, to rebel against the "paladin or bust" player mindset. What's the point of having any freeform law boards if you're only allowed to subvert the AI with them as a traitor? Why even have fill in the blank laws? Why not just have Asimov and Antimov if we're going to set this precedent?

For reference, these are the laws that were uploaded:
Now, before you go "THATS 2 MANY LAWS", note that the first 4 are "dont do these" and the next 4 are explaining what "dont do these" means. The lawset explains everything about it. If anything needs clarifying, literally all the AI needed to do is just ask what I meant by X or Y. The AI immediately ahelping "i cant read malf me pl0x!" because he couldn't bother to just ask me ICly what something meant, or literally just ask me "these laws are shit can you do something else". I wasnt told "hey dont upload those laws" by the admins. In fact, in a previous round, I had KorPhaeron mention to me "you had the perfect AI for those laws". I took this as "it's okay to do this".

I have no intention to make rounds bad. All of my shit is intended so everyone has a good laugh or has a good round. I'm not doing shit like "darkrp SS13" to grief, I'm doing it to create fun and interesting gameplay experiences everyone will hopefully remember. I'm not trying to be a bad person. Good intentions are the goal here.

If people really weren't having fun, why couldn't they just tell me? If you tell me "hey that was shit heres why" then great, at least I have something to work off of. Getting silently and suddenly banned from one of my favorite jobs doesn't do anything but waste all our times with a ban appeal.

There's a bigger issue here showing that since every admin does things differently, you shouldn't be able to ever expect that anything is allowed since you can get banned at any time and have to spend time writing out an appeal listing why you thought this was OK and how another admin had effectively given consent to it

also, PS. you could of headed all this off at the pass by just telling me "i dont like this gimmick please stop doing it" when I renamed the station the first time.

Re: [Shadowlight213] Iamgoofball - Captain - "shitty gimmick

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 9:27 am
by iamgoofball
also, I'd just like to say, if you're here to post "lol its goofball fuck him", or you're coming into this thread as an admin to go ">its goofball" "he's the admin punching bag its ok", please stop and think about what you're doing.

I don't see why things are OK if "its goofball". Remember the whole kick/OOC mute incident where you guys got exposed for literally going "its goofball we dont have to care about him complaining" or when I got BSA'd repeatedly a few days back because you disagreed with a station name and you guys went radio silence about who did it because I wanted to make an admin complaint about getting BSA'd whenever I suggested a name to go along with my round gimmick? I had to go to a headmin to get the name of who did that, and I'm still drafting up the complaint for that because come on man it's not cool.

Re: [Shadowlight213] Iamgoofball - Captain - "shitty gimmick

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 10:41 am
by iamgoofball
I talked with shadow and he understand now and ban gonna get lifted tomorrow

This thread is more for discussion

Re: [Shadowlight213] Iamgoofball - Captain - "shitty gimmick

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 9:51 pm
by Armhulen
I know this is resolved, but for the record I was the AI and I thought it was hilarious.

Re: [Shadowlight213] Iamgoofball - Captain - "shitty gimmick

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 11:22 pm
by VincVsVincent
Armhulen wrote:I know this is resolved, but for the record I was the AI and I thought it was hilarious.
So you were the AI and you didn't ahelp anything?

Re: [Shadowlight213] Iamgoofball - Captain - "shitty gimmick

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 11:23 pm
by Armhulen
VincVsVincent wrote:
Armhulen wrote:I know this is resolved, but for the record I was the AI and I thought it was hilarious.
So you were the AI and you didn't ahelp anything?
Why would I? I genuinely liked the gimmick and the laws didn't make me rouge or anything

Re: [Shadowlight213] Iamgoofball - Captain - "shitty gimmick

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 11:52 pm
by VincVsVincent
Armhulen wrote:
VincVsVincent wrote:
Armhulen wrote:I know this is resolved, but for the record I was the AI and I thought it was hilarious.
So you were the AI and you didn't ahelp anything?
Why would I? I genuinely liked the gimmick and the laws didn't make me rouge or anything
So he got banned for what a captain is allowed to do? Change the laws?

Re: [Shadowlight213] Iamgoofball - Captain - "shitty gimmick

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 12:29 am
by Armhulen
VincVsVincent wrote:
Armhulen wrote:
VincVsVincent wrote:
Armhulen wrote:I know this is resolved, but for the record I was the AI and I thought it was hilarious.
So you were the AI and you didn't ahelp anything?
Why would I? I genuinely liked the gimmick and the laws didn't make me rouge or anything
So he got banned for what a captain is allowed to do? Change the laws?
I suppose, but you decide for yourself
edit: and honestly most of them just define what the first four laws are