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[HotelBravoLima] Charles Schofield - Warden Jobban

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 12:48 am
by AssassinT90
Byond account and character name: AssassinT90/Charles Schofield
Banning admin: HotelBravoLima
Ban reason and length: 7 days. Reason: "Difficulty with the concept of 'not securing every gun in the armory in your locker at roundstart'. It's unnaceptable meta."
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 08 PM, GMT (-3), June 23th.

The truth Your side of the story: I had locked all armory guns in my locker at roundstart. Me and HBL had a discussion over armory and safety of guns, with me arguing that armory is not safe and he pointing out that nonetheless it's against the rules to make it safer (IE, hide guns). We kept arguing, but I must point out that at the very moment he commanded me to put the guns back I obeyed, as portrayed in the video below. But honestly I did not think of that as meta. Anyway, notice at the 10th and 29th second how I almost tell HBL about how armory is vulnerable to C4.

HBL telling me to put the guns back.
We kept arguing, and then someone started breaking into armory from space. I grabbed a hardsuit, went out and handcuffed the CE. An assistant was acompanying him. I got to tase the assistant, but he had adrenaline glands (he was a traitorling) and so he got up and flew from the area. He had a jetpack, I didn't, so it was pointless to pursue him. I tried to drag the CE back to the station, but I lost him to space.

Arresting CE and then losing him:
Anyway, I came back to armory to find out that the traitorling assistant had broken into security office and emagged a sec locker. I stunned him, but he once again used his glands to escape. I kept arguing with HBL, and then the traitorling C4ed armory (as I was trying to tell HBL...). I shoot the traitorling, and almost laser him to death, but again he uses his glands to escape.

At this point was pretty much fed up with that guy. I decided to hunt him down. I grabbed the armory guns and went too look for him. At this point I was job banned. Anyway, I managed to kill him, and as I was on my way to the crematory, my connection with the server suddenly died.

Fighting the ling:
Why you think you should be unbanned:
Honestly, as you should have seen by the video, I am fairly good at being a warden. I made a bad call by sort of metagaming and then arguing with an admin over a clearly stated rule, but that (making rules so that antags have an even easier time. Seriously, that fucking ling got up like 18 times. You still want to make it easier for them?) is something that outrages me. My temper got the best out of me.

As a good law-abiding citizen I will of course follow all the server rules, even the stupid ones that I disagree with. Thanks for your time.

Re: [HotelBravoLima] Charles Schofield - Warden Jobban

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 2:21 am
by Hibbles
Here's the thing: Warnings are things we do instead of bans. In fact, we give out warnings a lot more than any admin actually bans, from what I can tell. But we can only warn somebody if it at all feels like they're actually listening to what we're telling them or is capable of understanding it. Clearly, you are, so I'm happy to lift the ban, but next time don't argue for such a dang long time over a really, really well-established bit of server policy. Or, rather, do what the admin is asking/telling you to do without making things harder on both yourself and them, and then later, feel free to argue against the rule all you like.

At the end of the day, IMO, we need certain rules in place like not fucking up Atmos flooding, bolting the Armory, or hiding all the guns at roundstart for the sake of the game experience.'

So yeah, ban lifted.