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[okand37] Justice Huey - whewt lets make up random shit

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 5:26 am
by Aqualie123
Byond account and character name: Aqualie123 - Justice Huey
Banning admin: okand37
Ban type (What are you banned from?): server
Ban reason and length: "Stripped an officer and buckled them into a mining dorm and shocked the door when they tried to arrest them." - 1440 minutes
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 1:18AM EST
Your side of the story: Some random sec officer stalked me into cargo and then onto mining shuttle and began stunning me without saying a word as I was launching the shuttle. So I grabbed his stun baton and stunned him back and then moved him into the mining dorms and cut all the wires (No I did not shock any doors please stop making random shit up so you can finally have some bullshit reason to ban me, grudge more please). Before I locked him in the mining dorms and removed his clothing I gave him sufficient time to call for him on the radio and the HoS and security force acknowledged they were coming to assist. (Admin PM from-Okand37: Which if you stripped them stark naked they wouldn't have any possible way of telling them. So I believe we're concluded here.) Yes, let's just rush through this ban as quickly as possible so he doesn't have any way of explaining his side.

Why you think you should be unbanned: Obviously a grudge ban that has no basis and the facts are distorted so he could get away with this non-sense, claims I shocked doors in which I didn't, claims I left him in the dorms with no commucation access in which I didn't (everyone knew his location on the radio and help was confirmed on the way)

Re: [okand37] Justice Huey - whewt lets make up random shit

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 12:26 pm
by Docprofsmith
Cutting all of the wires in a door is likely to shock it.

Why do you think Okand is grudging you?

Re: [okand37] Justice Huey - whewt lets make up random shit

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 1:00 pm
by Aqualie123
Docprofsmith wrote:Cutting all of the wires in a door is likely to shock it.

Why do you think Okand is grudging you?
Cutting all the wires in a door completely disables its power making shocking not possible because there is no power... While I was trying to explain this to Okand and also explain that I did not leave him in that area without people knowing his location and coming to assist him he simply ignored my response and proceeded to ban me without a justified reason. Allowing him to make his buddies happy they finally got me banned @OOC chat.

Unless everyone is lying in admin feedback and trailmin reviews coupled with the fact he was pretty salty when I gibbed him last week with supermatter as traitor when him and his buddy Zol attempted to take me hostage for whatever reason. It's pretty hard not to think he's grudging after everything I've stated.

Re: [okand37] Justice Huey - whewt lets make up random shit

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 1:35 pm
by Docprofsmith
It's a bit hard to believe that Okand of all people would grudge you. You don't even have enough notes to be grudgeworthy.

It seems more like you're just complaining because you got banned, which fair enough it might have been a bad ban (I don't know enough and it's not my job to say), as opposed to having a real reason to file a complaint.

Re: [okand37] Justice Huey - whewt lets make up random shit

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 4:53 pm
by Okand37
Aqualie123 wrote:
Allowing him to make his buddies happy they finally got me banned @OOC chat.

Unless everyone is lying in admin feedback and trailmin reviews coupled with the fact he was pretty salty when I gibbed him last week with supermatter as traitor when him and his buddy Zol attempted to take me hostage for whatever reason. It's pretty hard not to think he's grudging after everything I've stated.
Firstly, accusing me of metagrudge or bias is only in turn making yourself look biased in the ban appeal. I don't recall having participated in such a round, but have you thought changelings or mistaken identity could have been the case?
Secondly, this is being handled in the complaint first, so we'll work from there, but I'd like to state something.
Your reasons in the complaint and appeal are both different, if they're about the same thing please keep the facts the same for easy sorting.

Re: [okand37] Justice Huey - whewt lets make up random shit

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 4:32 pm
by Okand37
The ban has expired.