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[Exalted12] RG4ORDR Unban and Job Appeal

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 3:37 am
by RG4
Byond account and character name:RG4ORDR - Akliana Black
Banning admin: Exalted12
Ban reason and length: Killing people with a durand 20160 for jobban 1440 for ban
Time ban was placed (including time zone):10:26 Pm CST
Your side of the story: My side of the story is simple as can be, I was doing what I usually do as RD make upgrades, trick out medbay the works, then mining came along and gave me what I always wanted, a Durand. Now me I always make one these fuckers because it's sheer intimidation tactics and whose gonna fuck with the Durand right? Anyway Cargonia gets pissed because someone was dumping excess shit down the disposals and they "Declared war" on us. As an amazing intemidation tactics I walk up to cargo with the Durand and break a window, this pretty much scares them to death and I assume the issue is done. Next thing I know one of my robotists and scientist are telling me that they plan to bomb me!
Funny as it as sounds that a pretty legit threat, so I make my way over to cargo back to literally scare by stunning them with the AC2 and walking out, but one them beings throwing fire bombs at me. See I take that a legitimate threat because they're going through with their plan which all them were in on considering they had the bombs and the autolathe prepping their bombs and such. So what do I do, a bomb suddenly thrown at me in the attempt to actually harm me? I take them all down considering if I let them live they would've attempt more bombings and actually hurt more people than they assumed
Why you think you should be unbanned: Honestly I didn't start the fight at all, I did some intimidation not intents on killing them. Then act upon a legitmate threat and come to counter it and they instigated an attack against a heavy duty mech. Any form of self defense was lost as soon as the first firebomb was thrown towards and my plans on scaring them changed. Also lets take note that I cannot see anyone's actions within cargo bay due the mech being apparently blind and that people who were involved in attempting to take down the RD might have been killed due to association.

Cargo being rather autistic and sperging out over fucking disposals
Scientist informing me of their plan.

Re: [Exalted12] RG4ORDR Unban and Job Appeal

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 3:42 pm
by Sven12
The request console messages are from one asshole Cargo Tech, it's clear the Quartermaster wasn't jumping on the cargonia bandwagon and yet he was still killed in your rampage. The bottom line is that you went over there and broke their windows to "intimidate them". They reacted as most people would with a mech breaking into their workplace and defended themselves. In this case they threw a firebomb at you (not that these do any damage whatsoever to mechs). After that you took that as your cue to valid kill everything in sight and proceeded to rampage through cargo and kill them all. I saw the locations of their dead bodies, it looked to me like you chased them down and shot them up. And for future reference the AC2 is not a weapon you stun people with, it's very lethal.

Re: [Exalted12] RG4ORDR Unban and Job Appeal

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 4:19 pm
by RG4
If a mech broke into your section of the station and it wasn't shooting prior to one of your cargo techies or potentially your QM fling a bomb towards it then it wasn't a threat. The fact they initiated the first few vollies of throwing the fire bombs with little to no reaction time tells me that even if I didn't break in they were going to attempt to attack the Durand anyway. Also as I said before I could not see who actually threw the bomb for what ever reason, I even scrolled up and searched for looking for who did it for all I knew the QM thew could've thrown it. Also the location of the bodies really doesn't matter considering the AC2 does very little brute damage per hit and that mech punches tend to enjoy flinging people a square ahead of where they were punched from, but the bottom line was that Cargo literally had no reason to get pissy at science and start making bombs the first time I came around and more or less gave them a damn good reason to actually chill the fuck out.

Re: [Exalted12] RG4ORDR Unban and Job Appeal

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:05 pm
by Gamarr
If a mech broke into my area, I'd fucking destroy the thing. Mechs are not your damn toys for you to intimidate people with, they serve a purpose to save the station if required, and you are one of the reasons why tg-station can't have nice things. You were in the giant kill machine, YOU are the one who has to be the mature person. If you can't handle it, then get the hell out of R&D for awhile.,

Re: [Exalted12] RG4ORDR Unban and Job Appeal

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:10 pm
by Aurx
You used a lethal weapon on a combat machine to vandalize a department. Then, when a member of that department's staff takes justified offense to your actions, you return with the intent to use that lethal weapon on the entire department, and kill them all when one of them defends themselves. That's not anywhere close to acceptable. This mentality of "I'm in a mech I can do no wrong with my power" is the exact reason I coded lockboxes for mech guns on /vg/.

Re: [Exalted12] RG4ORDR Unban and Job Appeal

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:19 pm
by RG4
Gamarr wrote:If a mech broke into my area, I'd fucking destroy the thing. Mechs are not your damn toys for you to intimidate people with, they serve a purpose to save the station if required, and you are one of the reasons why tg-station can't have nice things. You were in the giant kill machine, YOU are the one who has to be the mature person. If you can't handle it, then get the hell out of R&D for awhile.,
I wasn't the one flaming the entire science department and declaring "war" over disposals now was I? Literally I made the Durand for that expressed reason of saving the station,hell my first expressed use of the damned thing was to actually got after Lings that were causing Sec trouble not bust into cargo and kill everyone, maybe scare the shit out of cargo to stop being shit heads(The first I actually went to cargo to get them to stop). But it wasn't like I stomping around the station to kill people at random or on hunches just because I had the mech, otherwise I probably would've had a higher body count other then 2 cargo techies and the QM planning on bombing me prior to my entrance to Cargonia itself. Once again the Ultra AC2 on any mech doesn't do that much damage otherwise they would've been dead from 2 burst of the AC2 rather that multiple mech punches. Though we need to still consider that Cargo WAS making bombs and planning on using them prior to me even going to cargo, the only reason I knew is because I had a scientist and robotist who were in cargo inform me of their plan before anything was made of it.