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[TehSteveo] pathofchaos1 Salt subsided

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 12:55 am
by PathOfChaos1
Byond account and character name: pathofchaos1 Kevin Walker
Banning admin: TehSteveo
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Server Ban
Ban reason and length: Blew up chemistry with gibtonite 1440 minutes
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2016-10-25 16:33 (server time) 11:00~ I think around there (U.s central time)
Your side of the story: I had saved the HoP from getting his ass kicked by Carp fu miner, I dragged two bodies to medbay foyer for cloning. Mercy tara?I think the characters name was was being real uppity with me, and blamed me for the murders which I didn't do, and had asked the HoP if he was alright when he was dealing with said criminal in sec. I throw a word of warning at mercy saying she should respect miners as it is real easy to get gibtonite (or something to that extent) I leave as I was heading towards mining I threw up... knowing only one thing makes you throw up without my health status being lowered and I wasnt injected/breathed any gas in (Internals on) I knew i had appendicitis, and I didn't pay attention to flavor text during the carp fu debacle. I go back to medbay and ask for surgery as I have a potentially life ending issue. she refuses to do surgery.. stating chemist are not surgeons. (This was a skeleton crew so she literally was the only medbay staff) At this point we have arrived at the salt mines level of anger from me. I tell her that Im going to collect some gibtonite. she tries to chase after me with her syringe gun full of death which I dodge... I go to mining ignore john pinkertons statement of he will do the surgery (he was hop) because I had explosions in my eyes.. I get a 1 reaction left chunk of the good stuff... I bring it back smash open the chem window.. I waited for her return so she wouldn't walk in on it exploding, and killing her. Bomb armed at c it explodes I wait by and when the HoP shows up I ask for the cuffs ill cuff my self (Gets tasered) then mercy Quad shots me with lethal poison john states I deserved it(he didnt even kill the traitor he caught that killed two people maan). I die I get bwoinked the story ends.

Why you think you should be unbanned: My salt has been expunged I went outside I laid in the grass I contemplated life realize grass is itchy and the sun burns I played on another space station server and cried at how worse it is. I just want to get back on my favorite server and not explode hapless chemist's work place because they RPed kinda good.. I guess.. I haven't been bwoinked for something like this in ages.. Think I can be let back on? I'm sorry I let the salt consume me. I was with the saline god during this.

Re: [TehSteveo] pathofchaos1 Salt subsided

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 3:06 am
by Alipheese
Why appeal a day ban? Just why? Just sit the day out and come back salt free.

Re: [TehSteveo] pathofchaos1 Salt subsided

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 3:27 pm
by TehSteveo
I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to sit out till this ban is up...which pretty much ends in a few hours. This a pretty standard dayban for a nonantagonist bombing of this type.

Re: [TehSteveo] pathofchaos1 Salt subsided

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 9:19 pm
by TehSteveo
Ban has expired.