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[sweaterkittens] Drbee - Ghost role ban

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 10:12 pm
by Dr_bee
Byond account: Drbee

Character name: Melvin Bee

Banning admin: Sweaterkittens

Ban type :pAI, Posibrain, drone, deathsquad, lavaland

Ban reason and length: Metagamed as a Clockwork Marauder, using information that was gained as a ghost to inform the cultist of the status of the security team, their equipment, and the status of their former base.

Time ban was placed: 17:15:31 server time.

Your side of the story: Still a bit unclear about ghost roles. I figured because I was summoned as a servant of a near omnipotent deity I had an IC justification to share the information. I discussed it with sweaterkittens and she explained my mistake. I took her advice and brushed up on the rules, as ghost roles are a new addition since the last time I was really into /tg/station, only to find very little in the rules pertaining to them or to using ghost role knowlege in character. I checked both the rules page as well as the ghost job role page.

Why you think you should be unbanned: Ill eat the ban, feel free to unban be from ghost roles whenever you folks feel it is appropriate. I do however ask that you update the rules page on the wiki to better explain use of ghost knowledge and rules around ghost roles in general. it isnt very well defined on the wiki and is rather confusing as to what can and cannot be acted upon or shared. It was my understanding that metagame knowledge basically boiled down to use of metacomms and doing things such as putting manual valves on atmos with no cause, and if there are other definitions it would be helpful to have them written somewhere.

Re: [sweaterkittens] Drbee - Ghost role ban

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 11:00 pm
by Okand37
Generally its been firmly established that, as a clause of metaknowledge and metagaming, you are not allowed to know or remember your past lives or experiences unless specifically told otherwise. Most ghost roles have this message when going in (specifically; xenobiology) but not all of them do.

The banning admin has, however, been informed of the appeal.

Re: [sweaterkittens] Drbee - Ghost role ban

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 6:34 am
by Sweaterkittens
Hey DrBee,

While we all have grown very familiar with ghost roles over the past year or so as they've gained prominence, I can understand how the rules seem a tad ill-defined to someone who hasn't played in a few years. I can see how even from an IC perspective you could get the idea that a manifested ghost could use the information they've gained. However, Rule 2 pretty clearly states: Do not use information gained outside of in character means. That covers using knowledge you've gained as a ghost, regardless of what role you're jumping into. I will see about getting a more comprehensive definition put in the rule details for people who are unclear.

That being said, since you seem new to ghost roles (and admittedly, the wiki isn't as clear as it probably could be for newcomers), I'll go ahead and unban you. Keep in mind that since we've spoken about this, and since I'm assuming you're clear on how it works now, the punishment for metagaming again will be very steep. Remember that if you're ever unsure, you can always drop us an Ahelp and we'll be happy to clear things up for you!

Re: [sweaterkittens] Drbee - Ghost role ban

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 6:46 am
by Okand37
A happy ending! Hooray! Just make sure to have fun and follow the rules! Cheers! : )