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Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 4:48 pm
by vcordie
Byond account and character name: vcordie and Kaff Eine
Banning admin: lollerderby
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Bagil and Sybil
Ban reason and length: Suicide firebombed the HoS after being arrested because he thought they were rogue and had shot someone they didn't actually shoot. Ban is for 1 day
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2017-02-08 15:12:37
Your side of the story: Let's start with the fact that I screwed up, and I made a mistake. Here is what happened: 3 hour round that is shockingly stable. Most people have all access, the station isn't falling apart at the seams, things are pretty okay. Borg says that the Mech and the CMO are harming Humans. I see the mech and the cmo in the engineering corridor. I also see an assistant in crit while the durand and the cmo walk away leaving him in crit. I sprint past them, grab the assistant, and sprint back, shoving the assistant into cyro. I then head to chemistry after grabbing some uranium that was in the cmo's office to create emp grenades with to take down this mech. Outside the window, I witness a conversation between the mech and the borg that the borg commited human harm because the clown had sleeping carp. This makes no sense to me for 2 reasons. A. the mech had no ability to deal with someone with sleeping carp, sleeping carp reflects all the mech projectiles, so why would he bring the mech? and B. the clown wasn't the person he hurt (or so I thought). In fact, if he had killed the clown, where the hell was the body? This seems...suspicious, of the supposed HoS. Now, like I mentioned, almost everyone had all access, and some people were using this to change their role. For example, the HoP that gave me my access wasn't the HoP at all as the real HoP only signed on for the shift later. I'm well experienced in doing "Fake Sec" and in fact it's one of my favourite things to do as a traitor. So while I make the emp grenade, I consider these facts:
1. The HoS's story doesn't add up (Killed the clown because it had sleeping carp with a mech suit, even though their ranged weapons don't do anything)
2. The HoS killed the assistant, not the clown. (or so I thought)
3. The HoS might not actually be a real HoS.
4. As a shift gets longer, traitors tend to go for more intricate schemes.
5. If the HoS is telling the truth, why did neither of them try to help the assistant that must have been put into crit during the firefight?
With this in mind, I draw a conclusion: The HoS is NOT real, and is a midround antagonist that has teamed up with the CMO, who is also a midround antagonist.
Now there's one thing to note about my character. She is a pyromaniac. Now, I know this does not let me just kill people with fire. I am well aware of the rules. But it does justify my little quirks, like hacking vending machines to get zippos, staring at the zippos flame, and carrying voice activated fire bombs on me which I use to cremate myself in the event of my death (And it's safe to do so without breaking the rules). So, I, as an assistant with voice activated fire bombs, need to deal with this rogue mech. I have one emp grenade, as the rest of the uranium vanished from chemistry (I was told by the chemist that it was taken by the cmo, in my mind to stop emp grenade production) while i went to get metal for iron. I've got tools, and I've got shit for weapons. But I'm going to try. I see the HoS in the mech charging bay. I ask them to drop the lethal weapons off the mech. They refuse, and try to explain that they killed the clown because of sleeping carp. I disregard this story, your lethal weapon does shit all against sleeping carp and where the fuck is the clowns body? I drop the emp grenade. it goes off. They stun me with the mounted taser on the mech, and get out and prepare to cuff me. Now, there's three things to note here.
1. I know Jessica Hunter, I've had runs in with her as the HoS before and heard things. She's a little execution happy in my mind, and from what I've heard, loves to harm baton.
2. harm batonning stuns you obviously. Stunning makes you stutter. Stuttering means your voice activated triggers won't work
3. the emp pulsed the electrifying wire on the door out of the mech bay.
4. I know the range on my firebombs. I know they're shit as a retaliation strike for death as you can outrun the fire and only suffer medium to minor burns.
5. I believe that Jessica Hunter is not the real HoS, if there is a real HoS (it was a 3 hour lowpop round early in the morning), and has already killed one assistant.
6. I think the cmo is her partner, and is available to medically treat her. So this marginally effective "bomb" is going to be even less effective.
With these things in mind, I say the codeword before she can harmbaton me. my marginally effective bomb goes off, igniting me and filling the room with plasma, which is starting to become a plasma fire. Now here's where shit luck fucks Jessica. She gets stunned by the door because rng decided that emp was going to electrify it. This means she has to remain in the plasma fire with me, and we both die. She turns out to be the real HoS. the clown killed the assistant, not her. She did kill the assistant somehow with the mech (I do not know how this happened). I explain my side of the story to lollerderby. They agree it was a mistake, but give me a dayban to encourage me not to make mistakes like this in the future
Why you think you should be unbanned: The perfect storm of circumstances, communication breakdown, involved parties, and apparent blindness combined to cause me to leap to the wrong conclusion and make a mistake. This was not a malicious action. Loller said in supportbus that one of the reasons that they do not believe my mistake was honest (though they will not go so far as to say there was malicious intent) was because of an oldish note from okand that talked about me validhunting from when I was much newer then I am now. I have chilled out. I have realized that this isn't a game about who wins or looses (though trying to get greentext can be very rewarding) but rather about the experience, about roleplay. To this end I have became more of a roleplayer, giving my characters little quirks like Kaff's pyromania (and her backstory about how she was forced out of being an atmos tech because of this, but nanotrasen is too stubborn and too cheap to buy out her contract so she remains on as an assistant), even cultivated in character friendships (Caitlyn Rose, Jean-Luc Vanleer, Rob Robinson are who I consider to be in character friends of Kaff). If I had known that the clown killed Rusty (The assistant), I would never have detonated those firebombs. I wouldn't have even made the emp grenade. But because the borg said HUMANS harmed. as in the durand was harming MULTIPLE humans, I made my logical conclusion given the information I have. It was a wrong conclusion, but not a leap or lack of judgement given what information I did have. I do not agree with the idea that people should be banned for honest mistakes to discourage them from making mistakes in the future because we have no way of controlling when we make mistakes. We just do.
Finally, I thought long and hard about making this appeal. I didn't intially want to because I didn't want to be that guy and get a reputation for being a rules lawyer or whatever, like forcefulcjs has.

Re: [lollerderby]vcordie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 5:50 pm
by elyina
Hi, I was the HoS you killed. What you did was incredibly shit. If you're going to go vigilante and decide that the hos is fakesec and you need to kill him, you better be 100%, beyond a reasonable doubt POSITIVE that this is the case.

You decided that you, as some random latejoin assistant with no context and limited information, needed to be the hero the station needs and kill the HoS just in case they're fakesec. This is incredibly poor judgement, and it's why you were banned. You cannot kill sec for arresting you because "they might be fakesec". Your logic is also incredibly flawed. I had the opportunity to kill you with my mech with the laser gun, instead I tased you with it, jumped OUT of the mech and started cuffing you, yet you still decide I'm out to get you despite skipping every possible opportunity I had to go lethal on you? That is not a reasonable mistake. You made extreme leaps of logic and made a very poor decision as a result. Don't play vigilante when you don't even understand the context of the situation.

Re: [lollerderby]vcordie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 5:55 pm
by vcordie
emp can disable one of your weapons. I figured that is what happened. And I was pretty sure I understood the context of the situation, given everything I saw. it was the perfect storm of circumstances (SERIOUSLY WHERE DID THE CLOWNS BODY GO AND WHY DID YOU USE A MECH AGAINST HIM WHEN YOU KNOW HE HAS SLEEPING CARP) plus your story, which seemed very fishy and off to me that lead me to doing what I did. Once again, not arguging that I made a mistake. Just saying that it was a honest one, and not with any malicious intent to grief or anything. also, you not taking the assistant to cyro and just letting him lay in crit on the ground is also incredibly shit.

Re: [lollerderby]vcordie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 6:04 pm
by elyina
The CMO knocked him down with his baton and I quickly lasered him before he could get up. People with sleeping carp are vulnerable to projectiles while stunned. Not really buying how anything was "off" about what I told you. If you were so suspicious, why didn't you ask Rusty what happened to him? Did he go braindead?

Re: [lollerderby]vcordie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 6:09 pm
by vcordie
the cryo wasn't working for some reason. I was watching him get colder and his vital's just weren't going up. I don't think the cyro pod injected him with anything for some reason. I just left him in the pod and hoped it'd work. and what was off was you didn't mention rusty, and the clowns body was nowhere near where the fight went down (or so I thought it went down given the crit assistant). Both you and the cmo walking away from the crit assistant, when the cmo tracked me down earlier because they saw i was hurt on crew sensors. That attentive of a cmo, just walking away from the crit assistant, sent all kinds of alarm bells in my head going off. Finally, how would I know that you lasered him while he was on the ground. I wasn't there. I only arrived very shortly after the fact.

Re: [lollerderby]vcordie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 6:16 pm
by elyina
Well gee, if you weren't there and couldn't have known what happened, maybe you shouldn't have jumped to conclusions and acted on them. I think we've found the root of the issue.

Re: [lollerderby]vcordie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 6:20 pm
by vcordie
so the only crimes that can be prosecuted are ones that are caught in the act then? because if you weren't there you couldn't have known what happened, and evidence doesn't do shit.

borg says mech is harming humans
hear mech fighting
see nearly dead human right below mech
mech claims it didn't attack it and instead attacked someone that's not even nearby.
clearly mech is innocent.

once again i ask: WHERE WAS THE CLOWNS BODY

Re: [lollerderby]vcordie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 7:15 pm
by kevinz000
Really you shouldn't valid hunt unless you're absolutely sure it's a valid kill. If you don't know what something does don't touch it. You can examine mechs for weapons.

Re: [lollerderby]vcordie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 7:32 pm
by lzimann
kevinz000 wrote:Really you shouldn't valid hunt unless you're absolutely sure it's a valid kill. If you don't know what something does don't touch it. You can examine mechs for weapons.
You can't always absoletely know if the person is "valid" or not, this whole game is about conflicts and not having enough information about what is going on.

Sure, not having the information does not mean you can always act to the worst extent on something(for example killing a guy because you ~think~ he did something bad), but also means sometimes you will do things that can be proved to be wrong(like this in your case).

I am going to lift this ban, not because it's a bad ban, I partially agree with it, but I'll leave a small warning, try to gather more information about what's going on whenever possible, jumping straight into fire bombing someone because you think they did something bad is a really bad move(and it's not like you were having any risk here, you went after them to deal with it, as an assistant that was not involved in any means in any of what happened).

Re: [lollerderby]vcordie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 10:18 pm
by lollerderby
i was going to shitpost but this has already been lifted so who cares

also now it's locked