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[Kevinz000] Odhisius - Science Jobban (again)

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 2:25 am
by HeatherK
Byond account and character name: Odhisius - Heather Kelly
Banning admin: Kevinz000
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Jobban from Science
Ban reason and length: Accidental mousetrap maxcap set off - Until appealed?
Time ban was placed (including time zone): Uhh... 3 weeks ago today? 21st January at 1:26am GMT
Your side of the story: I was a dithering retard who reacted to PUT ON INTERNALS via muscle memory, completely forgetting I had the big ol' DON'T FUCKING OPEN THIS YOU RETARD thing in said bag.
Why you think you should be unbanned: A legit accident and I was a fucking retard, and I figure 3 weeks is a fair length to be jobbanned. Can totally understand why I'd get the banhammer swung at me, just feel like enough time's passed.

Re: [Kevinz000] Odhisius - Science Jobban (again)

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 2:32 am
by kevinz000
Alright yeah, I'll lift this but let me just point out that bombs and getting banned for them is becoming a repeated issue.
I'd HIGHLY suggest keeping yourself from doing too many bomb-related things in the future unless you're an antagonist, as it'll only get worse.

Re: [Kevinz000] Odhisius - Science Jobban (again)

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 3:01 am
by Saegrimr
How many major bombing bans are we up to now?

Re: [Kevinz000] Odhisius - Science Jobban (again)

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 5:00 am
by kevinz000
Including mine like 5-6.

Re: [Kevinz000] Odhisius - Science Jobban (again)

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 2:29 pm
by Rockdtben
Of the 5-6 bombings how many were accidental?

I don't think the OP understands why they were banned.

Kevinz000, please address the tripwire bomb issue. Chiefly, IC it doesn't make sense for a scientist--NonAntag--to have a bomb with the trigger ready in his bag, especially when the trigger is a trap.

Re: [Kevinz000] Odhisius - Science Jobban (again)

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 3:50 pm
by lzimann
This appeal is resolved. Just remember that the next bomb incident might result in a really long server ban(even for accidents, this amount of bomb issues, it gets kinda hard to "forgive").