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Iamgoofball - MSO - Asked RShoe to shitpost in a PR

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 11:18 pm
by iamgoofball
Byond account and character name: Iamgoofball as Myself
Banning admin: MSO
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Perma
Ban reason and length:
Time ban was placed (including time zone): See above image
Your side of the story:

Okay, so here's how shit went down:

>commenting on some guy's steam profile, he doesn't reply
>french shitpost from someone with one of Remie's old avatars
>check profile
>it's rshoe, fuck
>banter in the comments, happen to have a meme PR up
>request a quality shitpost(I SHOULD OF CLARIFIED THAT I ONLY WANTED A SHITPOST) because he's shitposted on previous PRs and they were usually pretty funny
>log off for the night after advertising the PR
>wake up, go to work
>check election thread on break, i got shitcanned for someone doing something in my name
>find out rshoe is DDOSing the server until my unfinished PR is merged
>get very angry
>gather more details and explain this is not OK over the rest of my break
>go home
>write appeal

Why you think you should be unbanned:
There's 2 points here.

1. He could of pointed at ANYONE's PR and done this. Why am I catching the blame here? I didn't ask him to ddos the servers. That'd be really fucking retarded for me to do due to running for headmin AND also not wanting to be banned.

2. I'm very pissed off that he did this shit, all I wanted was for him to shitpost in a github PR where he's not banned. No DDOS requests were made. I don't know where all this shit about "inviting a blacklisted member back into the community" is coming from, because if we're still operating on hornygranny's teachings than separation of codebase and server is absolute.

Re: Iamgoofball - MSO - Asked RShoe to shitpost in a PR

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 11:29 pm
by MrStonedOne

So, my arguments for making this ban is simple.

You poked the sleeping bear.

Ya, you didn't mutilate all of those children, and ya, maybe they shouldn't have been playing so close to a sleeping bear without protection, but who woke it up? You did.

You asked rshoe for help, you turned his attention on /tg/, and to some degree you are accountable for the results of that action.

The keyword here being some degree.

So i want you ask you, what do you think is fair?

Re: Iamgoofball - MSO - Asked RShoe to shitpost in a PR

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 11:32 pm
by PKPenguin321
Gonna repost what I already said:

>Maybe don't ask blacklisted players to come back to interact with us again after we've made it very explicitly clear we want nothing to do with them and finally got them to leave after months of constantly dealing with their griefing and crashing of our servers

>"oh no it was just a prank I only asked him for meme value who knew the guy who's name is basically synonymous with crashes, grief, and exploits would use exploits to crash and grief our server???"

>You should know better, this is your own fault

Basically I'm kind of saying what MSO said. Why would you invite this guy back to /tg/ in any way, even as a joke? He is blacklisted for a reason.

Re: Iamgoofball - MSO - Asked RShoe to shitpost in a PR

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 11:43 pm
by iamgoofball
I totally agree, this was my fuckup, I figured it wouldn't be that bad since he shitposted in PRs in similar situations just fine before without flying off the handle over an unfinished PR being closed, and didn't figure this would happen.

Well, the way I see it, I need to be able to communicate with players to develop.

I'd say a 1-2 day jobban from all station and off-station jobs, so that I can still talk to players in deadchat/OOC and observe rounds to see how features are working out(things I need to do as a developer) would be a good trade. Can't play but can still actually run my development progress and stuff by the players.

I've also asked rshoe to stop his bullshit but he's refused completely """until the PR is merged""" so I guess I'll have to finish the PR in the mean time, which means I'll spend these next few days finishing up the PR since it's the least I can do(and I don't want to scrap this work and the idea just because some internet dweller had a heart attack over a temporary close)

PK, I answered this in the election thread I believe, and it's covered earlier in this post

Re: Iamgoofball - MSO - Asked RShoe to shitpost in a PR

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 11:47 pm
by PKPenguin321
No, you really didn't. You say that you "just wanted a dank prank shitpost rshoe endorsement xddd" but never really say why. Where was the thought process in inviting him to /tg/? How is it justifiable?

Also, that ban you propose wouldn't affect you at all, much less teach you a lesson. I think everybody on the admin team that's seen you in game knows that 99 times out of 100 you just idle in deadchat and OOC.

Re: Iamgoofball - MSO - Asked RShoe to shitpost in a PR

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 11:48 pm
by iamgoofball
That was literally the entire reason. Why do you not believe me? I live and speak and breathe memes. Why would I not want a spicy meme for the sake of it being a spicy meme?

DDOSing isn't a spicy meme. It's pure shit.

Re: Iamgoofball - MSO - Asked RShoe to shitpost in a PR

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 11:49 pm
by iamgoofball
Also contrary to popular belief, I play, I just don't spend all my time playing and I idle in OOC/Deadchat so I can talk to players about the video game i develop and the video game they play. You can check my logs. It's either that or friendly banter/campaigning, which the admins do with colored text.

Re: Iamgoofball - MSO - Asked RShoe to shitpost in a PR

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 11:55 pm
by MrStonedOne
iamgoofball wrote:I totally agree, this was my fuckup, I figured it wouldn't be that bad since he shitposted in PRs in similar situations just fine before without flying off the handle over an unfinished PR being closed, and didn't figure this would happen.

Well, the way I see it, I need to be able to communicate with players to develop.

I'd say a 1-2 day jobban from all station and off-station jobs, so that I can still talk to players in deadchat/OOC and observe rounds to see how features are working out(things I need to do as a developer) would be a good trade. Can't play but can still actually run my development progress and stuff by the players.
See, the thing is you are trying to make sure it doesn't sting... and i don't think that's fair.

I'm giving you a 2 day ban from the server.

The lesson I want you to learn here is simple: Sometimes the goofing about gets too far.

The lesson I want other people to gain from this is also simple: Don't fucking call attention to our server to known bad parties. Ignore them, pretend they don't exist, don't comment on their steam profiles, don't comment on their videos: DO. NOT. FEED. THE. TROLLS.

Re: Iamgoofball - MSO - Asked RShoe to shitpost in a PR

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 11:57 pm
by oranges
You should be giving me a ban for 2 days on the same principle then, because I speak with Rshoe on steam when he reaches out.

Re: Iamgoofball - MSO - Asked RShoe to shitpost in a PR

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 11:58 pm
by MrStonedOne
beerobot wrote:You should be giving me a ban for 2 days on the same principle then, because I speak with Rshoe on steam when he reaches out.
except you don't play so what would that do?

Re: Iamgoofball - MSO - Asked RShoe to shitpost in a PR

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 11:58 pm
by iamgoofball
I'll take it, sounds good.

Re: Iamgoofball - MSO - Asked RShoe to shitpost in a PR

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 12:26 am
by IrishWristWatch0
we did it.

Re: Iamgoofball - MSO - Asked RShoe to shitpost in a PR

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 11:09 am
by Thunder11
Goof's happy with his reduced sentence, so it looks like we're done here