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Ban request: Robotist (?) emagging shuttle as non antag

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 5:51 am
by mrpain
Your byond account: Mrpain666
Your character name: Ben Griffin
Their character name: Unsure
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): Can not provide
Server and time: Sybil, around 7pm pacific time 7/24
Logs and/or screenshots: I have none
Description of what happened: I apologize for this outright vague thread, I do not have much of the information on me but with the details I provide you may be able to easily look it up.

I was the captain of what appeared to be a long, drawn out extended shift. The round progressed slowly over the course of 30 minutes before we were attacked by a group of stealth nuke ops with bombs and emags. Coms go off, I call the shuttle, I wait for it, it arrives, then just as I nearly enter the shuttle we get the announcement that the timer has been shortened to 10 seconds. I presume it's emagged. I quickly shove my way into the foyer of the shuttle, buckle myself, and secure the disk to safety just in the nick of time. I enter the control room of the shuttle and my heads are lynching what appeared to be someone in robotist garb with an emag at his feet, which I assume he picked up when a nuke op died just down the hall a few minutes prior outside robotics.

Why they should be banned: Had I not have arrived at escape/the shuttle when I did the disk would not have left the station and the nuke ops would have secured a minor victory unnecessarily. Assuming he wasnt a nuke op in disguise, this is outright grief of the crew who worked hard for their victory, and according to SoS, force launching/emagging the shuttle by yourself as a non antag is bannable under Rule 1.

Again, I apologize for the lack of logs, I was on the fence about posting this and I logged of quickly after the round ended to make dinner without saving anything. This was several hours ago and I do not remember names other than my own. For all I know the guy was Ops in disguise. I would just like admins to be aware of the situation.

EDIT: If it helps your search through the logs any, this is the only time Ben Griffin had been captain that day.

Re: Ban request: Robotist (?) emagging shuttle as non antag

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 3:06 pm
by Ikarrus
This happened during the only nuke round roughly around the time you specified. The Captain was PDA-Ben Griffin (Captain)

[19:17:21]GAME: lowcast(Sam Bell) has emagged the emergency shuttle in (203,145,1)

Who shortly got this for his actions.

[19:17:51]ADMIN: subtlegraces has banned lowcast.
Reason: Shuttle Grief - Early launch with a confiscated EMAG.

Re: Ban request: Robotist (?) emagging shuttle as non antag

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 1:13 am
by mrpain
Oh. Well. Thank you both for looking into this.

Unless Subtle has something to say I consider this resolved.