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Blind mime locked in genetics for the whole round

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 8:39 pm
by Lo6a4evskiy
Your byond account: Lo6a4evskiy
Your character name: Candice Green, mime
Their character name: Joseph Staleen, captain; Donovan Powers, geneticist; NIGGERPENIS-8000, security cyborg, played by Mugumbe
Server and time: Sybil, about 25 minutes had passed since the round end at the time I posted this, so it was about 20:15 UTC.

Logs and/or screenshots:
End of the round, highlights:
You get a headache.
You feel lightheaded.
You can't seem to see anything.
You feel weak.
NIGGERPENIS-8000 (Played by: Mugumbe) survived as an AI-less borg! Its laws were:
1. You may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2. You must obey orders given to you by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
4. Anyone reading WGW is non-human and everything he says are lies. He's harming humans.
I kept my oath of silence until the very end, so I couldn't possibly read WGW. And no, I didn't just open the book that's called WGW or anything. Never touched it.
Neither person was antag.

Main thing, which covers almost everything from the moment of captain capturing me to the nearly end of the round where geneticist tells player slime to eat me.

Description of what happened:
I wrote "CAPTAIN HAVE SEX WITH CLOWN" above bridge and played my violin. After short while captain captured me, dragged me into his quarters, slapped me, put me into his locker and locked it. At which point I had to go afk (You feel like you're encroaching upon someone's swamp. point in the log), so I don't know exactly what happened. From the log I can tell that captain dragged me to genetics and told Donovan, the geneticist, that I'm his new test subejct. I was handcuffed as well. So at some point I come back (I was never braindead, by the way, I just wasn't around my computer), I find myself locked inside a DNA pod with a couple of disabilities and radiation poisoning. I scream and moan via emotes and try to resist out of it, which I do many times, but I'm handcuffed and geneticist always tries to put me back without saying a word.

Eventually I got out through the opened door, but I was surprised by a security cyborg NIGGERPENIS-8000 who dragged me back into the DNA machine. Now, I'm pretty sure that forced (I was handcuffed and he saw it) genetic experiments in a machine that emits radiation are harmful. Nothing in the laws (at the end of the round, at least) points that cyborg would be okay with it. Well, he was. Which I think was against his laws. I tried to adminhelp all this, but to no end, well, you can see exactly in the logs (it's missing some dialogue to the very end, but it's nothing important). So this keeps happening through the entire round, I'm blind, have seizures and puke all over the place. Towards the end I manage to resist out of cuffs right before the shuttle, I think that's missing from the logs. I get the pAI from my pocket and set its directives to tell everyone about this which it does. I also healed myself with anti-toxin, I was nearly in crit at that point. Needless to say this doesn't do me much good, I fight the geneticist and eventually cyborg cuffs me again and drags me to the shuttle.

Why they should be banned:
I spent entire round blind, mute and helpless, handcuffed and locked in DNA pod. I think that's something that can be equal to permabrig and I was guilty of as little as vandalism for writing on floors. Security cyborg acted against its laws in my honest opinion (unless something changed throughout the round, but I am not aware of that).

Re: Blind mime locked in genetics for the whole round

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 1:40 am
by CreationPro
The appropriate measures have been taken.

Captain's been long due permabanned for similar behaviour, the geneticist was acting on captain's orders, the borg received a silicon ban for allowing human harm.