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Security officer Ban request for Willy Raiden & Michael Name

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 9:16 pm
by iyaerP
Your byond account: iyaerP
Your character name: Wandering Bob
Their character name: Willy Raiden, Michael Name
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it):
Server and time: Basil, at 4:30ish PM
Logs and/or screenshots:
Description of what happened: I was playing as warden and saw a spider in brig, took the combat shotgun and shot it. I later found out that it was the "pet" of another sec officer, Michael Name, and he and Willy Raiden attacked me, stripped me, and put me in the labor camp with legcuffs. Despite an adminhelp, I was stuck there the whole round and nothing happened.
Why they should be banned: Unprovoked attack on a superior officer over a minor misunderstanding, permabrigging for no reason at all.

Re: Security officer Ban request for Willy Raiden & Michael

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 9:42 pm
by Hibbles
Two things before I begin to read: This kind of sounds like an IC issue just from how you've described it, although a big overreaction over a pet being killed. Especially if it's not even Ian. Number two kind of ties into that: Was the spider in any way hostile? Was it smashing glass or trying to get at you or anything? If it was just a normal aggressive NPC then yeah, demoting and gulag-ing a fellow Sec over killing it is definitely not cool.

Re: Security officer Ban request for Willy Raiden & Michael

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 10:17 pm
by iyaerP
It was on the other side of an airlock, I started shooting it as soon as I opened the airlock and it started biting me. It is in the logs I posted.

edit: just realized that the logs I posted were incomplete. here is the full round:

Re: Security officer Ban request for Willy Raiden & Michael

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 10:45 am
by Bluespace
>guys sees a spider, he doesn't know it's a pet.
>lasers it in an effort to defend his department
>is punished for it.

Re: Security officer Ban request for Willy Raiden & Michael

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 12:57 pm
by Gamarr
This is the sort of mistake you only make once. As for being made valid, partially his fault for not even doing a round of the brig and/or knowing enough about his own department that it comes with a pet from round start that sits not too far away in the Hoss office.

Re: Security officer Ban request for Willy Raiden & Michael

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 6:18 pm
by iyaerP
Gamarr wrote:This is the sort of mistake you only make once. As for being made valid, partially his fault for not even doing a round of the brig and/or knowing enough about his own department that it comes with a pet from round start that sits not too far away in the Hoss office.
I almost exclusively play on Sybil, and play sec/warden all the time there. Sybil was down so I was on Basil. There is still no justification for permabrigging over a dead spider. If you read the logs you can see that I tried to explain my mistake upon realizing that it was one.

Re: Security officer Ban request for Willy Raiden & Michael

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 5:23 am
by CreationPro
Well, can't really blame you for killing a giant fucking spider. But also can't blame the HoS for getting angry at you for killing his pet.

I'm going ahead and call this one a very unpleasant IC issue and call this request resolved.