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Sam8411 - plasma floods

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 7:56 am
by Stephie
Your byond account:
Your character name: How would this matter
Their character name: Charlton Logue
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): Sam8411
Server and time: Artyom, around 7 AM GMT
Logs and/or screenshots: Logs: Round One, Round Two.
Description of what happened: He may have flooded plasma as a nonantag, and definitely did sabotage atmos APCs so it can't be easily fixed (got this part logged) and set plasma on fire once it was released. Two rounds in a row.
Why they should be banned: Gee, I wonder.

Re: Sam8411 - plasma floods

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 8:41 am
by Psyentific
Captain Griffon Schlourde, throwing in my account of events. Present for round one.

There was plasma reported in Cargo - I originally assumed it was from a canister, until they called that the plasma was coming from the vents. Sure enough, I saw plasma in the halls on my way to Atmospherics.

Upon arrival at Atmospherics, I saw that it was flooded with plasma, but there were no signs of forced entry - Maybe the person had hacked in, but had re-screwed the doors behind him. Conspicuously, the Atmo APC was unlocked - I don't know if you know this, but if you use tools to hack an APC it only remains unlocked for a short period of time, usually just enough to cellswap and turn Equipment on.

The APC was unlocked by ID Swipe, not by hacking, which means whoever did this had access to power equipment, and likely had access to Atmospherics as well - Most people don't bother to re-screw a door for a clean hack. There was no Chief Engineer, no Engineer, and no Atmospheric Technician. A Chief Engineer would have full access to the area, an Engineer would know how to cleanly hack the door and APC, and an Atmo Tech would have access to tools, gloves, and atmospherics and would likely know how to hack the APC. The HoP was accounted for, the Captain's Spare ID was accounted for, and the Captain's Main ID was accounted for. Security and General had no reports of all access, and everybody who could issue it was accounted for.

The APC was unlocked by ID Swipe, not by hacking, and the equipment power was off. I turned it back on, called the detective in (My fibers only), and turned off the pumps (Plasma to Distro). By this point, large chunks of the station were on fire, so I called the shuttle and started yelling for firesuits and internals. I thought nothing of grief - Prior to this, the Chemist was all but confirmed of being a traitor and the clown was suspected of colluding, and where there's one traitor there's more - Flooding plasma is behind releasing the singulo and on par with mass bombing for forcing a round end.

Skip towards the end of the round, approximately two minutes before shuttle arrival. I've made it safely to the escape wing, along with the Head of Security, the Chemist, and a few randoms. The Head of Personnel walks in, wearing the Chief Engineer's hardsuit, the Atmosian fire axe (The Bridge axe was on my back), and openly wearing a Captain ID - That is, a normal ID modified to Captain job title. That last one is what tipped me off - Nobody should have Captain ID but me, The Captain, and if a HoP is shitty enough to not change the job to "Head of Personnel" he's probably shit anyway. Valid Salad, on grand theft - Tase, Cuff, Buckle, Search. Nothing shifty on him, outside of All Access.

Being the HoP, he's kinda expected to have all access anyway, I mean, who doesn't, right? That doesn't mean it's not technically illegal, and he wasn't exactly subtle about it. Once the shuttle arrived, I tossed him into the shuttlebrig and thought nothing of it. Criminal brigged, no problem right?

Then, in the most damning thing, he says...let me dig through these logs here...
Charlton Logue [145.9] says, "HOHO EVERYONE TIS BUT I WHO SET THE FIRE"
Charlton Logue (as Unknown) says, "HOHO EVERYONE TIS BUT I WHO SET THE FIRE"
Ashton Clarke attempts to force The Witness to swallow Tricordrazine (20u) pill.
Ashton Clarke forces The Witness to swallow Tricordrazine (20u) pill.
Charlton Logue [145.9] says, "YOU ALL FELL FOR MY TRAP HOHO"
Charlton Logue (as Unknown) says, "YOU ALL FELL FOR MY TRAP HOHO"
This. This right here. Even if he was lying through his teeth, that's still not cool. Like walking up to airport security and yelling "HAH HAH! I HAVE A BOMB! I AM GOING TO HIJACK A PLANE NOW!".
For that, I executed him. Either he's stupid (No mercy), he's an antag (Valid salad), or he's fucking with us (Fuck him). Turns out, he wasn't an antag on the round-end report.

Only after round-end did I piece it all together.

Unlocked APC - Someone with access to Atmospherics AND Engineering
All Access - Means to gain unforced access, means to unlock the APC.
Chief Engineer's Hardsuit - He was in the area
Atmosian Axe - He was in Atmospherics
Gloating confession - He either did it, or is screwing with us.

It fits.

This fucker lit the station on fire for shits and giggles.
The part that really cheeses me off? No parallel volume pumps, no volume pumps at all, no hard-piping, no O2 in the mix, no spaced scrubbers, not cleaning evidence, no nothing. Just straight up Plasma to Distro, like a low-effort casul.
This fucker lit the station on fire for shits and giggles, and he didn't even do a good job of it.


The round prior to Round One above, Charlton Logue (As Chief Engineer, Non-antag) broke in to the AI Upload and attempted to Antimov the AI. This was A-Helped by myself, and handled by Neerti, possibly also by Errorage. I believe it was also overwatched by WJohnston.

Re: Sam8411 - plasma floods

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 9:08 pm
by Void Slayer
The Witness here, I was HoS both rounds.

On the first round he sent me a PDA asking me if I would help him overthrow the captain because he was shit. I told him that I hadn't seen anything worthy of a mutiny but that if he had evidence or any actions he should tell me. Later before the fire started he sent a PDA "Do you have my back if I take down the captain" and I said he better have a solid reason for doing so. After that the fires started.

I did not see who lit the fires, but the first one went up in cargo and the second in the hallway outside cargo. I did see him try and light the escape plasma on fire by throwing a cheap cig lighter into it, thats when I cuffed and searched him, he had another lighter in his back pack.

Everything else is how the captain said it.

The next round I saw him as CE collecting lighters and matches from around the station while I was trying to grab the captains spare ID as we had none. Plasma went up, I asked anyone to detain the CE and I found him, with a lit lighter in hand and another lighter in his backpack after people were shouting that matches started the fires. I stunned brought him somewhere away from the plasma and fire and searched him, he had nothing but the lighters and then someone tried to frame him over the PA system.

I uncuffed him (thinking he was framed) and brought him to the brig, said I was sorry for the mistake and got him some ointment for the burns he had. His response was to grab a sketchkin from the previously emagged armory and unload it at my head. I had the patch on rather then a helmet so he may have thought I was unarmored there. I then executed him since we had no captain and he attempted murder during what would be a code red emergency situation.

When I was killed by a traitor clown later someone watching n ghost chat said he had been the one to release plasma, he logged off after I executed him so I could not ask.

He is a fire bug, at a minimum ban him from all head positions and anything that can get plasma.

Re: Sam8411 - plasma floods

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 1:15 am
by Antonkr
Not much more needs be said.

Ban applied.