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Luck - Griefing and greytiding

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 12:53 am
by Mastigos
Your byond account: Mastigos
Your character name: Luca Bowchiew
Their character name: Luck
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): Iteq
Server and time: Artyom, the round ending around 7pm Central time today.
Witnesses: Zango Zett the HoS, HAL the AI, Kharl Dreynor the Captain, and I can't remember the CE's name.
Logs and/or screenshots: Most of it had scrolled up too far by the time I tried to get the logs, here's the only snippet that I managed to grab after the round:
HAL [145.9] states, "The armory has been successfully looted by luck"
HAL [145.9] states, "Luck is killing the CE"
HAL [145.9] states, "He just killed him"
Description of what happened:
Joined up, there was I think five people on including me. Figured since it was slow I'd steal the spare ID and do random jobs around the station. AI caught me, told me it was gone, and the CE gave me nearly all access. Went to Science and started R&D, while the CE went to mine. Luck signed on, immediately started yelling and being Luck, whatever. Then, he starts yelling that he wants guns from Science, and says he's gonna break in after we ignore him. Breaks the window and starts kicking through the grille before CE runs him off, then he breaks in again while pulling Kel around and being a nuisance. I threw a telecrystal at him and he started punching me, then the CE convinced him to go away in exchange for access. So Luck fucks off for maybe three minutes before running in with me and the CE and deconning a floor section and running away, leaving us to patch the hole before all the air escapes.

After another several minutes of Luck miscellaneously fucking around trying to get in, CE unlocks an SMG for me because after the constant break ins and assault, we both figured he was going to try and kill me at some point, and even the AI is protecting me at this point by bolting them out. Zango Zett signs on as HoS a little bit later, and by this point they've caused so much trouble I made a Gygax to kill them with if they messed with me any more. They made such nuisances of themselves, along with other assistants following the example and putting us on edge, between breaking stuff and calling everyone rogue that the AI implied it would be conveniently looking elsewhere if something happened to them, saying to just tell him about it later and just to not kill them and happy hunting.

Well, I walk around in my mech a bit, and things are actually pretty quiet until I get to the brig and see a bunch of assistants outside the brig and Zango standing just inside. I walk up, tase Luck once then walk off, to which he immediately screams that I'm rogue and people start coming after my mech. I believe it was Kel that was hitting it with the Chain of Command along with another assistant hitting it, at which point I load up the scattershot and fire towards them and run. Right at the same time, an Unknown starts shooting the Captain's laser gun down the hallway at me while I'm just trying to get to safety. They corner me a couple of times but I get away until I end up at the brig. I barely make it inside the brig itself before the guy with the captain's gun finally blows it up. I hide off in maint for a while and PDA Zango a couple of times, he says he's fine with them dying.

A little bit later, Grey Tide Virus event happens, and Luck, Kel and another guy apparently rush into Sec and successfully loot the armory, killing the CE and I believe the RD, and detaining Zango. I go to try and help, but run the hell away when I see three of them in there and knowing they have the armory. I go back to Science, and notice that we have a captain after he speaks on the radio. I apprise him of the situation and he agrees things are bad and that he's gonna go try and clear out the brig. Crew transfer shuttle finally arrives, and after a bunch of yakety sax Luck and another guy weld themselves in the command section. Round ends, it was extended.
Why they should be banned: Breaking into and looting the armory, breaking brig cells, unwarranted murder, calling the AI rogue fnr, just greytiding and shittery in general as a non-antag in extended

Re: Luck and Kel Thuzad - Griefing and greytiding

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 1:10 am
by Kel
what exactly did I do for a ban request again? I was either passively being dragged or just sitting in a chair, or stunned and cuffed during all those events.

Re: Luck and Kel Thuzad - Griefing and greytiding

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 1:13 am
by noppa354
I'm the one who got lasered (not actually CE, just me in CE gear)
and I'm okay with it
he said something to my corpse about cloning me immediately

Re: Luck and Kel Thuzad - Griefing and greytiding

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 1:19 am
by iteq
So this starts with me breaking a R&D window because i see a greyshirt, who at the time i didn't know had access to R&D in R&D, the CE tells me he'll give me some extra access if i stop so i head over to the HoP line and he gives me the small amount of extra access, i come back fucking around and break the window again and Luca throws a bluespace crystal which could've spaced me so i punch him and he throws another one to which i respond by punching him again. i go grab the RCD and RCD a floor on the opposite side of R&D that luca is by knowing that him and the CE can quickly repair it with the materials they have in the room.

the second thing is you shooting people with your taser when they're hitting you with weapons that have no affect on your combat mech, eventually firing scattershot which in response they killed you. by this point you're really bootyblasted and i figure you're going to try something so i head up to the armory and arm myself to which the AI immediately bolts me inside. i'm not involved with the next gunfight because i'm bolted inside the armory but apparently the RD is captured. the AI lets me out of the armory and I see Dirk Roberts come into the breakroom and start lasering someone to death so i stun him and laser him because i was lacking cuffs, next thing the HoS comes in and is stunned and cuffed too. in this time dirk succumbs and i'm not able to heal him (my bad).
The RD and CE are never killed by me or anyone else, the brig cells were not broken by me and luca got what he deserved for shooting people up in his gygax

Re: Luck and Kel Thuzad - Griefing and greytiding

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 2:24 am
by Mastigos
You came up yelling about wanting guns and broke into the department when we ignored you. You weren't trying to stop the nefarious greyshirt from being in R&D, I was sitting there loading stuff into the DA with the CE who was the de facto leader of the station standing right there, which I'm pretty sure means the situation is obviously under control. You started it purely to be a shit, we told you to stop and you kept fucking around and being disruptive so I threw the crystal at you to get you out. There was no danger of you being spaced, they only teleport you a short distance, so that's a bullshit claim. Even after we got you out and built a wall in place of the window you tried welding through it, only to come back and RCD the floor. That's shit behavior, regardless of whether or not we had the materials to patch it up.

The Captain, CE, HoS and AI all agreed you were in need of being dunked, which should say quite a bit. You and the people running around with you had everybody's tensions running high, and instead of not being shitheads you just kept going. As for shooting people up in my Gygax, I only fired after I was already being ganged up on and I did so to try and get the mob to fuck off long enough for me to get out of the halls, iirc I shot two people and immediately after walked away instead of just killing them like I had the opportunity to. Also you had no reason to break into the armory, you guys had plenty of weaponry already, including the captain's laser pistol, and my mech was long gone. Also, when I showed up to the brig one of the cells was broken through and the front windows were broken, if that wasn't you I'll rescind that portion.

However, regardless of that, you were repeatedly breaking into places including the armory, and the CE did die in the process and I recall the AI saying the RD got fucked up too. You had no actual reason to be there, trying to claim you raided it for self-defense is a lie. You were greytiding and being a shit for no reason, and you're full of shit if you keep trying to justify it like you are.

Also Kel, if that's true then I apologize to you and withdraw you from my request, I just remember you were doing a lot of the shouting on comms about people and the AI being rogue and you were everywhere Luck was, I didn't notice you whether you were handcuffed after the Science break-in.

Re: Luck - Griefing and greytiding

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 3:50 am
by iteq
you literally admitted that you were trying to kill me in your post and say i'm bullshitting when i go to the armory to defend myself? okay

i didn't shoot your gygax until after you had shot the crew

the only place i had broken into prior to you trying to kill me was R&D and the CE's office for his kelotane so if you consider that being a shithead and disruptive okay

the tldr of this whole situation is you being mad your gygax got dunked after you shot people with it

Re: Luck - Griefing and greytiding

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 8:39 pm
by Skorvold
Everything Luck says checks out.

Unless someone has something more to say, I'll be locking soon. I'm leaving it at IC.