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Thomas Wise makes up reasons to straightjacket me

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 6:59 am
by baverage
Your byond account: Baverage
Your character name: Barnabus Bailey
Their character name: Thomas Wise
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): unknown
Server and time: Sybil at ~10:45pm

Logs and/or screenshots: My entire round (long but it contains all the snippets below):
The best bits:
Why I quit as HoP: Thomas Wise [Command] says, "If you don't respond I am fucking tasing you" He started asking me if I was giving out all access. Came to my office and was being an ass about it. One guy asked me for all access and I said SURE!! Then told him to beat it after staring at him, ID on the table untouched, for 5 minutes. That's the only reason I can think of.

I didn't want to leave the station hanging, but he didn't bother with a new HoP despite me giving him time: Barnabus Bailey [Command] says, "Hey captain i'm retiring. I left the necessary equipment in my office."

This is the real bits from when captain shows up after I'd already been in the brig for 5 minutes:
Shanaynay Laquisha asks, "Would you like to come write a statement for me, about what happened?"
Carlina Marx says, "Oh captain"
Barnabus Bailey says, "No i'd like to serve my time and leave"
Carlina Marx asks, "You wanted him?"
Thomas Wise says, "well thats the thing"
Thomas Wise says, "thats our HoP"
Shanaynay Laquisha exclaims, "Alright, then!"
Barnabus Bailey says, "no point antagonizing this crazy person any longer"
Thomas Wise says, "but"
Carlina Marx says, "Oh."
Theodore Isaman says, "Hello sirs"
Thomas Wise says, "he's a little insane"
Thomas Wise says, "Sorry bar but I hereby declare you Insane"
Carlina Marx says, "I was told to arrest you, so I did"
Barnabus Bailey asks, "For what reason?"
Thomas Wise says, "Unstable mental mind"
Barnabus Bailey says, "Not a crime under space law"
Thomas Wise says, "Welli it isnt but we gotta prevent you from making more"
Barnabus Bailey says, "Nope, can't arrest me for potential to cause harm"
Barnabus Bailey says, "especially with no violent history"
Thomas Wise says, "well this isnt an arrest"
Barnabus Bailey says, "your both just literally shit"
Thomas Wise says, "this is a trip to the asylum"
Carlina Marx says, "Captain has this authority."
Barnabus Bailey says, "you brigged me for 5 minutes"
Barnabus Bailey says, "nope, captains not above space law"
Thomas Wise tries to put the straight jacket on Barnabus Bailey.
Barnabus Bailey says, "My QM ID is in the brig, the HOS left it there when she unlawfully arrested me"
Barnabus Bailey says, "You could always stop wasting our time and let me go"
Thomas Wise says, "well no"
Thomas Wise says, "You see"
Thomas Wise says, "we dont run around with an all access" <--- I had not been. I was in the fitness room joking around with an assistant when I was suddenly arrested.
Thomas Wise says, "If you plan to retire stop snooping around"
Barnabus Bailey says, "You have all my IDs now"
Thomas Wise says, "Now I have to declare you insane"
Barnabus Bailey says, "And thats definately not insanity."
Thomas Wise says, "You are too risky to be out and about int he station"
Barnabus Bailey asks, "What harm have I caused at all?"
Thomas Wise says, "lemmi find a flashlight"
Thomas Wise asks, "alrdy goin ginsane man?"
Thomas Wise says, "come on"
Thomas Wise says, "Stop being clinicly insane Bailey"

Description of what happened: Shortly after starting the shift I realized me and Thomas Wise, the captain, were not going to get along, so I made myself a quartermaster ID (we had none) and announced my retirement and encouraged him to replace me and left for cargo. I took Ian and the captain's bed sheets with me as souvenirs. I also kept an all access ID in a box, in my pack, in a locked locker in the back of cargo bay. I spent most of the round with the bed sheets as my cape, no backpack or that ID. I even left my e-gun, literally all inappropriate things except the one emergency ID, which, again, was locked up. I hung around cargo for awhile and then was wandering around, drinking and such, and was suddenly arrested by the HoS. The captain shows up and declares that he ordered me arrested because I'm "obviously insane." I tell him and HoS off because I feel their in violation of space law and they just keep saying i'm crazy and captain takes me to a patient room. He locks me in a straitjacket and puts a flashlight in the corner because there was no lights, and just leaves. OH and he put a headset on me, with the microphone turned off. That was a nice touch. I adminhelped multiple times to no response.

Why they should be banned: Captain had no reason to essentially remove me from the game. I had caused no harm, was completely peaceful, I lost my temper a few times at how insane they were being but was mostly compliant, and there was no trial of heads or anything. He even said himself that he thought I was snooping around, not that I'd committed serious crimes worthy of even a lawful sentence to the actual perma brig. He left me straitjacketed in a dark room, perma brig has more freedom than that.

Re: Thomas Wise makes up reasons to straightjacket me

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 7:52 pm
by CreationPro
The person is permabanned by now for bad behaviour.

I also added this incident to his account for the record.

Consider this resolved.