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In which Cargo goes COMPLETELY ROGUE in an Extended round

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:03 am
by Cayce
Your byond account: Cayce
Your character name: Kwisatz Haderach
Their character name: Nasir Shupe, Erik Garrison, Hammy
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): Unknown
Server and time: Round just ended around 2:47 am Mountain time
Logs and/or screenshots: I was unable to log the round - It didn't save.

Description of what happened:
This occurred on Sybil.

I latejoin as CE and my engineers have done an amazing job already. Best crew I've ever had.
Cargo is in FULL guncargo swing, when a security officer announces that they've cut all of their cameras, so I walk in and repair them all. Cargo techs and QM in riot suits with guns and laser crates sitting open.

We have a couple of issues that we take care of - removing kudzu in the halls three times. One of my engies says that part of the 'chapel crew' (a little gang the chaplain had started) had killed him with a flamethrower earlier that round, so I go and check it out. I arrive to find one of them welding airlocks. I flash and cablecuff him and hand him off to a secborg, the engineer who had been killed turns off their APC because the whole group is being extremely cunty.

I do some more rounds around the station, and after a while I start hearing about Xenos.. and then I start hearing a lot about Xenos, so we head to the bridge.
One of my engineers mentions that we should dismantle the console once it's called. We arrive at the bridge and I ask the captain to join me in declaring code red, and she flips out, makes accusations, points a gun at us and flees the bridge. I end up calling the shuttle regularly.

We arrive at the escape hallway and a shaft miner, Nasir Shupe and the QM, Erik Garrison are there and flinging insults. Nasir starts disarming me, and there's a lot of pushing and shoving, and my engineers try to defend me and help me up. Then Erik starts unloading on us with his riot shotgun. I fire off a few shots with the captain's laser that I'd grabbed on my way to escape just to keep them back.

Shuttle arrives, we get on. Nasir runs up with a fire axe and says something like "You called the shuttle. You are an honorless coward." and starts chopping at me with the axe. I laser him to death (I think, someone dragged him off). In turn, the QM starts shooting again, and runs out of ammo at the same time I do, and stuns me with a stun baton, strips me, and drags me naked and handcuffed through the shuttle full of broken glass. Shuttle arrives at centcomm and I'm in crit from their attacks and bullshit.

>Round ends.
>MFW, it was extended.

The following was shared with me on #TGStation13 IRC:
<Xerux> Goddamn cargo.
<Xerux> Shaft miner started the brawl between engineering and cargo by calling for the lynching of the CE because he called the shuttle, then
started shoving him down.
<Xerux> Nasir Shupe says, "Lynch the CE if you see him. HE called the shuttle like a coward."

Why they should be banned:

Attempted murder, incredibly shit behavior in a time where no admins were on, general terrible player behavior.

Re: In which Cargo goes COMPLETELY ROGUE in an Extended roun

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:24 pm
by Cayce
Update: I was provided this log from one of the Engineers' players: ... 0am%29.htm

Adding Hammy to the initial FNR as well, since I can see he was firing at us just as much or even more than the QM and miner.

Re: In which Cargo goes COMPLETELY ROGUE in an Extended roun

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:06 pm
by Antonkr
Going to direct them to the thread. This smells of absolute worst cargonia bullshit.

Re: In which Cargo goes COMPLETELY ROGUE in an Extended roun

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 5:17 pm
by omnitricks
Cargo was designated security for the round because we started with no sec and HoP opened all the crates for us. I spent the whole round reinforcing cargo which everyone can agree with because they were commenting about how much metal we had and I also had to deal with the borgs messing with our doors which I made intruder proof so no one can break in to steal our stuff. I was wearing a chaplain outfit (when we supplied the cult with stuff) and only switched out to riot gear and lethal shotguns when the aliums came and started hunting them down because that was our job as the new security in the station.

And read your own logs before you spout your holier than thou bullshit. If Nasir actually wanted to kill you and your boys, you'd all have been dead even before all the shit started. He was already extremely armed to the teeth. When there is an alien infestation and people are in escape trying to protect everyone from the xenos, you decide to use an axe, lethally with intent to kill just because of some shoving that is annoying but non lethal. I admit, I wasn't really paying attention to your shenanigans with shoving because I was keeping an eye out on the screen for any signs of xenos but then I started hearing axe slashes and after a few more times I decided to put a stop to it on the guy that was wielding it. Fyi, cargo was security for this round and just as in any round, you mess with security you get rekt.

I lost my egun during a fight with xenos in maint so i could only use my shotgun hoping it knockbacks the axe wielder down long enough to cuff him however I was a bad enough shot that I missed a few times. After that you started shooting me with your lethal lasers which I didn't even realize but survived thanks to my riot shield. Considering you and your engineer started lethal aggression I considered you both rogue and as any sane security body would try to do apprehend you only I was equipped to deal with the xenos threat and not stupid crewmembers that are trying to get their valids on hence the lethal weapons.

Also check further down your own logs. After I cuffed and stripped you and your other engineer I tried to send you to the brig in the shuttle instead of spacing your sorry rogue arses. At that point I could have also killed you if I wanted to but I didn't, instead acting like the security as designated and appointed by the HoP because of lack of sec. If anything, this banreq of yours stinks of bitching about failing to get your valids on and getting dunked for messing with the people that has the guns to deal with the xenos threat. Thats right, I wasted ammo that I could have used on xenos if they appeared on two stupid engineers just because they wanted to kill another cargo officer.

As far as I am concerned this situation is sufficiently escalated in favor of us cargo especially because you instigated the lethal attacks. The logs can say for themselves that I did not attack anyone that did not attack with lethals first (engineer that used the axe and then the chief engineer that used the laser)

As we were also playing as guncargo security for that round I will allow myself to be submitted to security policy especially with proof that:
I was unable to use any non lethals at that time because my egun was stolen and I was hoping for shotgun to knock guy on the ground long enough for him to be cuffed.
I am at risk of being killed by a guy armed with an axe and then his psychotic boss armed with a laser if I tried to do it non lethally. Heck if I did not have the riot shield to block it I would have already been dead.
Proof that I only used lethal force while you were at large and after I had the both of you cuffed I stopped and tried to take you to the brig.

You're lucky if I do not make a banreq for your banbaiting since you instigated the whole lethals thing and are now QQing about it when you lost eventhough you did not even die at all when there was every opportunity for that to happen.

Re: In which Cargo goes COMPLETELY ROGUE in an Extended roun

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 7:49 pm
by Cayce
Cargo was designated security for the round because we started with no sec and HoP opened all the crates for us.
If security acted like you did, they'd get banned too. In fact, I can point you to dozens of FNR posts regarding security acting like you did, and getting banned.
When there is an alien infestation and people are in escape trying to protect everyone from the xenos, you decide to use an axe, lethally with intent to kill just because of some shoving that is annoying but non lethal.
Cargonia started shoving and Hammy started shooting even before we did anything but arrive there, all over us calling the shuttle. I can understand that you didn't want the shuttle called, but if you're playing security (and if what you say is true, that you were), you should be held to the same standards AS security. Cargo assaulted multiple engineers, and generally pushing is the start of hostilities - pushing and then attacking or strangling. I rolled my eyes and ignored it at first, but then you idiots KEPT doing it, that's when the other members of Engineering attacked, to stop you from assaulting me. If you're to be held to the same standards as security, randomly assaulting heads of staff and shooting indiscriminately is a GREAT way to get a security jobban.
Also check further down your own logs. After I cuffed and stripped you and your other engineer I tried to send you to the brig in the shuttle instead of spacing your sorry rogue arses.
You dragged me through piles and piles of broken glass. I was in crit and bleeding out by the time you got me to the brig. Also, there was no need to strip me in the middle of the escape shuttle.
At that point I could have also killed you if I wanted to but I didn't
Yes, you functionally did kill me.
If anything, this banreq of yours stinks of bitching about failing to get your valids on and getting dunked for messing with the people that has the guns to deal with the xenos threat.
Engineering made ZERO hostile measures until we were attacked. We didn't mess with anything or anyone. We only defended ourselves with what we had.
As far as I am concerned this situation is sufficiently escalated in favor of us cargo especially because you instigated the lethal attacks.
You're lucky if I do not make a banreq for your banbaiting since you instigated the whole lethals thing and are now QQing about it when you lost eventhough you did not even die at all when there was every opportunity for that to happen.
You're welcome to do that.

Re: In which Cargo goes COMPLETELY ROGUE in an Extended roun

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 8:11 pm
by omnitricks
You can say what you want but anyone reading this topic can see your own logs and the true sequence of events for what they are and it all follows what I have explained:

Shoving > axing > shooting > more shooting > subduing > attempted brigging.

To rebut your own allegations of how the events were:

At no point did cargo even shoot any of you until you started using your axe which is shown in your own logs. And choking, attacking? I don't even see any grabs or punches from the people you are trying to push for the reasoning that they were trying to kill you before you "defended yourselves"
I did not shoot anyone until you had like 4-5 axe chops into Nasir who did not even do anything other than push you. Even after you started chopping he did not shoot you but you continued at it.
Hammy did not even shoot anyone long till past that when he arrived in escape although at the whole time I did not even notice Hammy in the whole thing until I checked your logs.
For all your talk, it was Nasir that died and none of your engineers because you all were looking for your valids to kill while we were trying to just capture you. I myself did not notice that Nasir died on account of how chaotic you and your engineers were making everything. Also you very much tried to kill me with your laser.
And piles of broken glass? Please the logs do not even say anything about you stepping on broken glass and you were well enough to talk and were very not dead right until the shuttle docked in the end to not even be considered to be in crit.

I'm pretty sure any admin can now check for themselves the facts and details from both Kwisatz on behalf on Engineering and myself on behalf of Cargo. From that Kwisatz is obviously lying through his teeth to get a ban through. Pretty sure you know what to do here.

Next time if you are going to lie, read the logs first to know if your story matches up. You've been blatantly lying throughout the whole thing.

Re: In which Cargo goes COMPLETELY ROGUE in an Extended roun

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 8:19 pm
by Cayce
I'm not lying at all. I stand by my version of the events, but I will look at the logs again once I have a moment free.

None of us wanted to get 'our valids', we just wanted to survive the round. I only killed Nasir because he blatantly and abruptly walked up and started axing me to death.
I did not shoot anyone until you had like 4-5 axe chops into Nasir who did not even do anything other than push you.
And piles of broken glass? Please the logs do not even say anything about you stepping on broken glass and you were well enough to talk and were very not dead right until the shuttle docked in the end to not even be considered to be in crit.
I did not have an axe.
Those are not my logs, as I stated - they were the logs of another member of Engineering, given to me via IRC.

Re: In which Cargo goes COMPLETELY ROGUE in an Extended roun

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 8:27 pm
by omnitricks
When I say axe, I mean all of engineering collectively. Like I said, I was shooting at the axe wielder that was hacking away at Nasir first and then you started using the damned laser on me which would have killed me if not for my riot shield which was when I started shooting at you as well. The logs will show that I have only attacked the aggressors trying to kill Nasir when he did not even draw out a weapon or myself when I was defending him.

Also like I said, despite it being not your logs you were well enough to talk until the end proving that you were not in crit as you have claimed in order to try and justify that you were "functionally dead"

Re: In which Cargo goes COMPLETELY ROGUE in an Extended roun

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 10:22 pm
by allura
i completely detest this banreq, especially since it contains lies and slander
i was the captain and i didnt flip out or point a gun at either of you, i didnt HAVE a gun because i was wearing robes with no suit storage so i left it in my office. i said that we didnt need to have code red because it was only 4 minutes and there was no real emergency, and you threatened to do a coup, so i ran away. i didnt get mad or anything, fucking dumbass

Re: In which Cargo goes COMPLETELY ROGUE in an Extended roun

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 3:26 am
by CreationPro
Appropriate action taken.

Apparently, Nasir Shupe was the contact point and was attacking engineering as cargo and attempting to get the CE lynched.
All other parties involved shall receive no reprimand.