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Ban Request: Spike Christman

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:34 pm
by Darno
Your byond account: Darno
Your character name: Rob Ust
Their character name: Spike Christman
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): Laimfu
Server and time: Sybil, around 8:40 +9 GMT
Logs and/or screenshots:
Description of what happened: Resuming in a few words, the epitome of shitcurity.

My version of the story is:

I was a trat atmos tech whose objective was to steal a hypo and corgi meat. Me, not wanting to cause a bloodshed, decided to make an agreement with the CMO. I traded a chameleon projector for her hypospray, and that's all. No one got killed, nothing blew up. Now, in the next minute, the Warden starts running around cuffing everyone and brigging them for absolutely no reason. I tried to negotiate and explain the situation, but his only excuse was 'lel stfu its valid'. I got mad, because CMO wasn't supposed to be permabrigged because she had a fucking chamaleon projector. I tried to take him down with a syndipen, which resulted the Warden in lasering me down. With the round end, he merely excused himself and gave an answer of 'its valid'.

Why they should be banned:

First of all, a Warden is supposed to stay in brig and STAY IN THE FUCKING BRIG. You are no validhunter, you are not the hero the station deserves. Your job is to sit in your office and make sure the arrests are within the law and reasonable, not throw every fucking suspect into permabrig because 'lelvalid'. Laimfu is literally what makes Security shitcurity.

Re: Ban Request: Spike Christman

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:48 pm
by Laimfu
"I conspired with a Chief not-a-real-head officer and we both got fucked upon by glorious security force led by brave and valiant Spike Christman"

Re: Ban Request: Spike Christman

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 1:00 pm
by spray
I witnessed the whole thing and more.

As i wanted to make a ban request too, im just going to post in this Thread.

When i arrived on the Station, multiple people were already Shouting Shitcurity. I soon found out why. Appears a man wearing the HoS uniform and the Warden where on a validhunting spree, Arresting literally everybody.

I shouted over comms why the warden is not in the Brig and is hunting Criminals, but because he is the "hero this station needs" he didnt gave a shit. He proceeded to put the CMO into perma who was not antag for having something to do with a cham projector. Which was not the case.

He also was putting people ito jail for absurdly long times for just saying Shitcurity.

Anyways, soon after that, the warden was running around hallways with an Ion rifle and a lasergun, shooting around at people. he was then disarmed left side of the bridge, and i took his egun. I then returned to genetics to work on my Job. Soon after this, a guy wearing HoS clothing stormed into medbay nd started shooting at me(he was not the HoS). I disarmed this guy, took his stunbaton and threw him out of genetics. He left, and soon after this a guy with the jobname " Virology Security" and a full riot armor came in and shot me, arrested me and dragged me to the brig.

There i was instantly stripped by the warden, declared "MEGATRAITOR" for having wardens egun, and put into perma. Then the Warden took some effort to execute me as soon as possible, but shuttle had already arrived so that was scrapped. He ignored me the whole time. Only Captain can perform executions. Or rather, allow them to be performed.

A warden is to stay in the Brig. His job is to watch the Cells and handle Jailtimes, also to hand out Equipment from the Armory. He is able to hunt for criminals, but ONLY when there is absolutely no sec officer (which were plenty since they used the arrested HoP id to make themself a small army of loyal people).

Also dont forget the round after this he instantly Picked captain and not even 5 minutes into the round, he already lasered someone to death. The AI locked him down then and even the Admins got angry about him doing this despite the things happened the round before.

Re: Ban Request: Spike Christman

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 1:06 pm
by Laimfu
spray wrote: Also dont forget the round after this he instantly Picked captain and not even 5 minutes into the round, he already lasered someone to death. The AI locked him down then and even the Admins got angry about him doing this despite the things happened the round before.
If you want to make a second FNR for that, I'll have a witty refute ready as well

Re: Ban Request: Spike Christman

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 1:08 pm
by Trognar
Hello Gannon here, during the round in question I was an officer from round start. Before laying down what happened from my point of view, and most of securities, I think a few thinks are in need of a mention. First of all, even though the Warden's job is to protect the brig, make sure everything is fine with prisoners and keep track of arrests it is not magically against the rules for him to leave the brig. I personally hate it when Wardens do this but it is something they can do and are perfectly within their rights to do so. The furthest I saw him outside of the brig was near the bridge, which really isn't out of the ordinary especially when you take into account the entire crew has all access.

Now to begin from my point of view. Round start security, easy peasy. Go about my normal business of checking on the department I am attached to, checking out the brig to see who we have, and then patrolling the halls. Guy breaks into EVA because he want's to go spess exploring, okay cool whatever, search him for anything suspicious before sending him on his merry way to enjoy the deep beyond. During this time was when all the chucklefuckery happened with the mime who became the new captain and the HoP having arguments over the announcement system. Didn't catch much of it nor did I particularly care at the time however it turns out some fight really did break out and the HoP came out under the captain. As a result the HoP began handing out all access to the entire crew, whilst this happened the clown was arrested and brigged. The mime hears of this and begins ordering the crew to openly revolt against security. Soon after we had several people start running into the brig making a break for the armory. Long story short we arrest them all and decide that enough is enough, everyone with all access is to be arrested and searched. At this time the comms went down as well causing a huge breakdown in communication over arrests.

Around this time the Captain, HoP, and the CMO were arrested. Interestingly enough both the captain and the HoP went braindead as soon as they entered the brig. CMO was brought in shortly after and searched and to our surprise she had a chameleon projector. Not only is this cause enough for us to believe the CMO was a traitor, but shortly after brigging her she took the argument to OOC(pics/logs will be posted) were she repeatedly called all of security...wait for it...shitcurity! To which another player joins in and begins talking about how security is now considered valid. What happened to the CMO wasn't due to OOC though, she had a traitor item on her and was promptly treated like a traitor. When you accept illegal items from someone you sign away your freedoms if you get caught with it. Now I don't know why you were arrested Rob, I witnessed the arrest however I didn't take part in it, I presume it was because you were in the bridge as an atmos tech leading the officer to assume you had extra access. You were arrested and then released after some time by me.

I spend the next few minutes zooming through the halls thanks to a speed virus/drug Nasir cooked up for us. Eventually I make my way back to the brig to check on things. When I arrive the warden is in the perma hallway dragging you in crit behind him, I sat there and watched him put you in a holding cell. I asked him why you were arrested again before he promptly told me he had been penned by you. Sure enough he falls flat on his face and snores away. At this point I gave up trying to help you out and went to help the warden. Next few minutes pass, shuttle arrives, everyone gets on and bada bing bada boom round end.

Full logs from my perspective which were provided to Deuryn at round end:
Pictures of IC in OOC for easy reference:

EDIT: Seems the Warden didn't yell he was parapenned, however shortly after I asked why Rob was in the brig in crit the Warden did fall on his face. Doesn't change what happened in any case.

Re: Ban Request: Spike Christman

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 1:20 pm
by Darno
Trognar wrote:Hello Gannon here, during the round in question I was an officer from round start. Before laying down what happened from my point of view, and most of securities, I think a few thinks are in need of a mention. First of all, even though the Warden's job is to protect the brig, make sure everything is fine with prisoners and keep track of arrests it is not magically against the rules for him to leave the brig. I personally hate it when Wardens do this but it is something they can do and are perfectly within their rights to do so. The furthest I saw him outside of the brig was near the bridge, which really isn't out of the ordinary especially when you take into account the entire crew has all access.

Now to begin from my point of view. Round start security, easy peasy. Go about my normal business of checking on the department I am attached to, checking out the brig to see who we have, and then patrolling the halls. Guy breaks into EVA because he want's to go spess exploring, okay cool whatever, search him for anything suspicious before sending him on his merry way to enjoy the deep beyond. During this time was when all the chucklefuckery happened with the mime who became the new captain and the HoP having arguments over the announcement system. Didn't catch much of it nor did I particularly care at the time however it turns out some fight really did break out and the HoP came out under the captain. As a result the HoP began handing out all access to the entire crew, whilst this happened the clown was arrested and brigged. The mime hears of this and begins ordering the crew to openly revolt against security. Soon after we had several people start running into the brig making a break for the armory. Long story short we arrest them all and decide that enough is enough, everyone with all access is to be arrested and searched. At this time the comms went down as well causing a huge breakdown in communication over arrests.

Around this time the Captain, HoP, and the CMO were arrested. Interestingly enough both the captain and the HoP went braindead as soon as they entered the brig. CMO was brought in shortly after and searched and to our surprise she had a chameleon projector. Not only is this cause enough for us to believe the CMO was a traitor, but shortly after brigging her she took the argument to OOC(pics/logs will be posted) were she repeatedly called all of security...wait for it...shitcurity! To which another player joins in and begins talking about how security is now considered valid. What happened to the CMO wasn't due to OOC though, she had a traitor item on her and was promptly treated like a traitor. When you accept illegal items from someone you sign away your freedoms if you get caught with it. Now I don't know why you were arrested Rob, I witnessed the arrest however I didn't take part in it, I presume it was because you were in the bridge as an atmos tech leading the officer to assume you had extra access. You were arrested and then released after some time by me.

I spend the next few minutes zooming through the halls thanks to a speed virus/drug Nasir cooked up for us. Eventually I make my way back to the brig to check on things. When I arrive the warden is in the perma hallway dragging you in crit behind him, I sat there and watched him put you in a holding cell. I asked him why you were arrested again before he promptly told me he had been penned by you. Sure enough he falls flat on his face and snores away. At this point I gave up trying to help you out and went to help the warden. Next few minutes pass, shuttle arrives, everyone gets on and bada bing bada boom round end.

Full logs from my perspective which were provided to Deuryn at round end:
Pictures of IC in OOC for easy reference:

EDIT: Seems the Warden didn't yell he was parapenned, however shortly after I asked why Rob was in the brig in crit the Warden did fall on his face. Doesn't change what happened in any case.
That doesn't justify the Warden to go in a greytide hunting spreed, because there were more than enough people to do that.

Re: Ban Request: Spike Christman

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 1:24 pm
by Laimfu
Darno wrote: That doesn't justify the Warden to go in a greytide hunting spreed, because there were more than enough people to do that.
3 people and 1 volunteer is not enough against a station with all access

Re: Ban Request: Spike Christman

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 1:42 pm
by Laimfu
I'd like to take a moment right here to quickly address the two people that are implying that I was saying shit like "lel you're valid" and "I'm the hero the station needs".
It's all bullshit, read the logs.
I don't subscribe to OOC IC, and I absolutely resent meme-spewing IC. Also, quickly to address this:
spray wrote:Anyways, soon after that, the warden was running around hallways with an Ion rifle and a lasergun, shooting around at people. he was then disarmed left side of the bridge, and i took his egun.
I was chasing a criminal who had all access and captain's items with my detective. Due to me being absolutely shit, I kept missing the fucker. With stuns. Nobody else was hit by said electrodes, and no human harm was done by me up to the point in the round where I had to lazer a fucker who parapen'd me. After which, the abovementioned detective misses a shot from his revolver, gets me stunned. I drop my egun. You run up, pick up my egun, stun the detective, switch it to lethal and start shooting lazers at the poor browncoated fuck. As a non-antag. After you ran out of ammo and ran away, I bravely helped my man up, stunned the guy I was chasing originally and we quickly fell back to the brig where we informed the rest of the staff of your wrongdoing and told beepsky to sic you.

And of course, everything I say is in the actual logs since It's not made-up bullshit by buttblasted unrobust antags.

Re: Ban Request: Spike Christman

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 1:52 pm
by Trognar
Darno wrote:That doesn't justify the Warden to go in a greytide hunting spreed, because there were more than enough people to do that.
Again, I don't like seeing the Warden out and about either but him doing that has no effect whether what he did was ban worthy or not. What we are arguing over right now, and what it seems a lot of people are using as part of their argument, is a matter of personal opinion on how the job should be played.

But here's some food for thought, why shouldn't the warden take it upon himself to leave the brig to chase a suspect? Can he call for backup? Can he get Beepsky to go after him? Can he in anyway tell the rest of security he needs someone arrested? The answer to all of them in an ideal situation is yes, he can do that. However this was not one of those times, the comms were down and setting Beepsky after someone only does so much.

Re: Ban Request: Spike Christman

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 2:08 pm
by Laimfu
spray wrote:Also dont forget the round after this he instantly Picked captain and not even 5 minutes into the round, he already lasered someone to death. The AI locked him down then and even the Admins got angry about him doing this despite the things happened the round before.
To address this:
Next roundstart, I pick captain because fuck playing 2 rounds in a row with no/braindead heads.
As soon as I join, I get a PM from Deuryn about the previous round asking to describe what happened. I decide I'd get to a safe place (My office) before I start typing up a wall of text.
About halfway through the wall of text, an assistant named Rob Ust is let into my office by the AI for some fucking reason (hint-hint, it's the same guy who made the thread). I ask what the fuck he's doing in my office, yell at AI to prevent shit like that happening again. He goes "Oh, he's not braindead" and books it. First, of course, he grabs the fucking nuclear disk for absolutely no reason whatsoever as it turns out he wasn't an antag and it wasn't a nukeops round. I grab my stungun, chase after him into the teleporter room, miss every shot in the process. Hit him once, realize I don't have any cuffs, start disarming him to keep him down. Shit doesn't work, a scuffle breaks out, we're pushing each other down at this point. I reach for the chain of command to teach the greyshirt some fucking manners, start whipping the guy. He disarms me, whips my shit around a little bit, I try crotchpunching but shit don't work. In dark-red, I grab my handtele and get the fuck out. Recharge, heal, go back in. Guy's already grabbed my lazgun by the time, I take no chances and stun+lazer the fucker to death. Any captain with any piece of brain left in his head would do the same if someone broke in and stole the fucking nuclear disk.

Again, it's all in the logs.

PS: And no admin was angry about me killing the fuck, stop making shit up. I haven't received a single admin PM that round.

Re: Ban Request: Spike Christman

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 2:19 pm
by Darno
Laimfu wrote:
spray wrote:Also dont forget the round after this he instantly Picked captain and not even 5 minutes into the round, he already lasered someone to death. The AI locked him down then and even the Admins got angry about him doing this despite the things happened the round before.
To address this:
Next roundstart, I pick captain because fuck playing 2 rounds in a row with no/braindead heads.
As soon as I join, I get a PM from Deuryn about the previous round asking to describe what happened. I decide I'd get to a safe place (My office) before I start typing up a wall of text.
About halfway through the wall of text, an assistant named Rob Ust is let into my office by the AI for some fucking reason (hint-hint, it's the same guy who made the thread). I ask what the fuck he's doing in my office, yell at AI to prevent shit like that happening again. He goes "Oh, he's not braindead" and books it. First, of course, he grabs the fucking nuclear disk for absolutely no reason whatsoever as it turns out he wasn't an antag and it wasn't a nukeops round. I grab my stungun, chase after him into the teleporter room, miss every shot in the process. Hit him once, realize I don't have any cuffs, start disarming him to keep him down. Shit doesn't work, a scuffle breaks out, we're pushing each other down at this point. I reach for the chain of command to teach the greyshirt some fucking manners, start whipping the guy. He disarms me, whips my shit around a little bit, I try crotchpunching but shit don't work. In dark-red, I grab my handtele and get the fuck out. Recharge, heal, go back in. Guy's already grabbed my lazgun by the time, I take no chances and stun+lazer the fucker to death. Any captain with any piece of brain left in his head would do the same if someone broke in and stole the fucking nuclear disk.

Again, it's all in the logs.

PS: And no admin was angry about me killing the fuck, stop making shit up. I haven't received a single admin PM that round.
What the fuck are you talking about, you fucking liar.

I AM Rob Ust, and I didn't grab or break into your god damn office.

EDIT: Also, if you have the logs, go ahead and post it then, but I doubt you are going to do it anyway because you are just making that shit up.

Re: Ban Request: Spike Christman

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 2:26 pm
by omnitricks
I was the mime in this round. There was all access all over because the lawyer and assistant broke into the HoP office and took it off him while he was braindead for the first few minutes into the round and there was no captain. The HoP then thought he was demoted because he was braindead and announced he was giving it out to everyone.

I got my all access from the Captain room after securing the sensitive stuff. Never left the bridge once after that and instead started playing with the communication console to make captain announcement as King of the Castle since I was a mime and I cannot even talk. Then in the bridge I heard the warden talking shit things when he was passing by at the lawyer and the started abusing the clown for no reason so I started saying things like free clown 2554.

Suddenly hypocritical warden declared he is going to get everyone especially those with all access, runs into the bridge and stuns me. Takes me to brig and strips me of everything except my clothes. When I was eventually let out, he didn't even bother to return back anything. Not even my PDA or my mask and as a mime without a pda I become very very limited in what I can do.

Re: Ban Request: Spike Christman

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:40 pm
by Laimfu
Darno wrote: EDIT: Also, if you have the logs, go ahead and post it then, but I doubt you are going to do it anyway because you are just making that shit up.
The logs for the first round have already been posted, the second round is viewable by admins.
Suddenly hypocritical warden declared he is going to get everyone especially those with all access, runs into the bridge and stuns me.
I think you need to look up the definition of hypocrisy. You were not the first person to get arrested for having all-access that round, nor were you the last.
As for your stuff: You could've requested it back if you haven't gone braindead during your sentence for grand theft.

Re: Ban Request: Spike Christman

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 6:34 am
by omnitricks
Because a mime can sooooooo totally talk without his pda to other people. Oh wait, because people are soooooo willing to be patient to go along with miming or are smart enough to give the mime a pen and paper. Oh oh wait, barring that why don't I just break my vow and get lynched by the crew? That sure would be fun.

You're the damned warden. If the HoS was cool about people with all access when they aren't even doing any harm you shouldn't be validhunting on your own accord you piece of shit.

Re: Ban Request: Spike Christman

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:41 am
by Trognar
omnitricks wrote:Because a mime can sooooooo totally talk without his pda to other people. Oh wait, because people are soooooo willing to be patient to go along with miming or are smart enough to give the mime a pen and paper. Oh oh wait, barring that why don't I just break my vow and get lynched by the crew? That sure would be fun.

You're the damned warden. If the HoS was cool about people with all access when they aren't even doing any harm you shouldn't be validhunting on your own accord you piece of shit.
There wasn't an HoS though, if you are talking about the guy in the HoS coat then he was just a normal officer.

Re: Ban Request: Spike Christman

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 5:20 am
by Laimfu
omnitricks wrote:Because a mime can sooooooo totally talk without his pda to other people. Oh wait, because people are soooooo willing to be patient to go along with miming or are smart enough to give the mime a pen and paper. Oh oh wait, barring that why don't I just break my vow and get lynched by the crew? That sure would be fun.

You're the damned warden. If the HoS was cool about people with all access when they aren't even doing any harm you shouldn't be validhunting on your own accord you piece of shit.
Then fucking motion for one you dumb piece of frenchie shit, I didn't have the time to deal with your bullshit and guess what the fuck you want from me. Also, maybe you should think about that before you steal yourself some all-access and start spamming shitty announcements over the station.
As for the "HoS", he personally dragged in at least 3 different shitbags with all access, so don't give me that bullshit.

Re: Ban Request: Spike Christman

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 5:28 am
by Cheridan
The discourse in this thread needs brought down about 5 notches. You two can discuss the issue without hammering BULLSHIT BULLSHIT out every post.

Re: Ban Request: Spike Christman

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 6:05 am
by Laimfu
There is nothing left to discuss, everything I did was not against the rules. People are just pissed I didn't let them greytide all over the station.

Re: Ban Request: Spike Christman

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 1:50 am
by jyxpe
I was the CMO that round.

In short, I was arrested and permabrigged for having a chameleon projector. Very metagame to instantly assume I was a traitor. I would also like to point out that the prison sentence of possessing a restricted item is 5 minutes brig time or labour camp sentence. You left me out in my cell during a radiation storm and took me vomiting with radiation poisoning to permabrig. AI let me out and followed me to go to medbay cause security wouldnt help me even if I was in crit. Outside medbay I was shot and cuffed, sent back to permabrig still vomiting. Whilst talking to the AI over a private radio, I saw a couple of prisoners taken to the execution room, another cuffed and locked in a personal locker. I will barely ever call shitcurity but the actions of Sec. Dep. were extremely meta and against Space Law

Re: Ban Request: Spike Christman

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:00 am
by Stickymayhem
jyxpe wrote:I was the CMO that round.

In short, I was arrested and permabrigged for having a chameleon projector. Very metagame to instantly assume I was a traitor. I would also like to point out that the prison sentence of possessing a restricted item is 5 minutes brig time or labour camp sentence. You left me out in my cell during a radiation storm and took me vomiting with radiation poisoning to permabrig. AI let me out and followed me to go to medbay cause security wouldnt help me even if I was in crit. Outside medbay I was shot and cuffed, sent back to permabrig still vomiting. Whilst talking to the AI over a private radio, I saw a couple of prisoners taken to the execution room, another cuffed and locked in a personal locker. I will barely ever call shitcurity but the actions of Sec. Dep. were extremely meta and against Space Law
Assuming someone is a traitor for having an illegal and totally-traitor only item is not meta in the slightest as we enforce it, and is common practice.

I don't have time to read the whole thread I just noticed this and figured I ought to correct it.

Re: Ban Request: Spike Christman

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 9:28 pm
by CreationPro
I don't believe any action is to be taken upon this request.

Unless a headmin pops in, I guess this is a resolved one.