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Ban Request - Gunner Mull/Smallbubba

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 1:47 pm
by Staub
Your byond account: misterstaub

Your character name: Siegmeyer Staub

Their character name: Gunner Mull

Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): smallbubba

Server and time: 15:42 GMT+1 on Sybil

Logs and/or screenshots:

Description of what happened: I stand in escape with my L6 Saw and Riot Shield, it was a wizard round with tons of guns, he splurts out that he got killed by a greyshirt and that every greyshirt in escape should be killed, i tell him to shut up and he tries to attack me, i let it slip and tell him that ill retaliate next time. he does it again and i decide to let it slip, i dont like killing people. He does it again and this time i do retaliate, Borg saves him on shuttle medbay, he proceeds to kill me with my own L6 while i was tabbed out of the game.

Why they should be banned: He was showing pretty shit behavior during that whole situation, and tried to kill me multiple times as a non antag, and did so on the escape shuttle.

Re: Ban Request - Gunner Mull/Smallbubba

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 10:02 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf
Borg here. He was pushing you around at which point you instantly issued death threats, firing your L6 SAW at random when the HOP threw a teargas grenade at you. Shortly after, he picked up the janitors gun and took a shot or two at you, at which point you beat / shot him to -90 hp, and would have killed him if u 'd let you. After e got out of the cloner I draggd him to, I didn't see, but at that point I'd think it was pretty much escalated IC as far as you can go.

Re: Ban Request - Gunner Mull/Smallbubba

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 4:35 am
by Staub
he tried to disarm me at first, which was blocked by the riot shield. the misfire on the L6 was a misclick and i apologize for that.

Re: Ban Request - Gunner Mull/Smallbubba

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 5:42 pm
by Hornygranny
From my reading, Gunner was being pretty aggressive and instigated this situation, but I'm not sure that he deserves to be banned for it.

Re: Ban Request - Gunner Mull/Smallbubba

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 12:32 pm
by Bluespace
Agreed with HG, case closed.