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Non antag slimes killing everyone

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 4:30 pm
by UtterNewbie
Your byond account: UtterNewbie
Your character name: Kade Shaffer
Their character name: Slime <number>
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it):
Server and time: Sybil, wizard round few minutes before the time of this post
Logs and/or screenshots:
Description of what happened:

Wizard round, someone becomes a slime probably by self sliming, proceeds to kill everyone he meets.

Why they should be banned:

Non antag player slime(s) murderboning everyone on stations. Becoming slime doesn't make you an antag, you cannot bypass server rule 1 because you did some science / found a staff of polymorph.

As a sidenote, this little gem from a trialmin about the situation: OOC: BlessedHeretic: being a slime is being an antag

I really hope he wasn't being serious and we wont be having an antag ticket factory in science xenobio.

Re: Non antag slimes killing everyone

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 4:35 pm
by Jordie0608
UtterNewbie wrote:As a sidenote, this little gem from a trialmin about the situation: OOC: BlessedHeretic: being a slime is being an antag
Wording is at err here; being a slime is the same as being an alien: you can go do whatever since you're an antag. But intentionally becoming an alien/slime for the goal of being able to valid people isn't allowed.

Re: Non antag slimes killing everyone

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 4:40 pm
by Bluespace
Delaron was the slime, I grabbed the ckey.
I had no idea on policy about this, tbh.

Re: Non antag slimes killing everyone

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 4:49 pm
by BlessedHeretic
Del has been given a ban after i consulted with the adminbus on IRC. We really need to post this slime policy in a more easily accessible place for both players and admin alike. Also I won't deny to saying that in OOC, I was pretty confident at the time that becoming a slime was meaning you were to be treated as a xenomorph.