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Awful captaincy by Jazmine Malkovich

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 9:28 pm
by Patchouli
Your byond account: Eredale
Your character name: Pa Chuu Rin/Station Engineer
Their character name: Jazmine Malkovich/Captain
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): No idea, but it starts with T and ends with a bunch of numbers
Server and time: Badger, 21:00-21:40 GMT+2

Description of what happened:
My sister has been getting into engineering lately and requested me to teach her singularity engine setup. Due to the rulings on metacommunication, we decided to do it IC on Badger while there wasn't anyone around (so that we wouldn't screw up someone's round on Sybil by loosing the singulo) - arrive as a pair of engineers into a new round, and get things done.
In the round that was ongoing at the time of my arrival, she was already eaten by carp, and dragged off; the station was almost completely depowered at that point. Seeing how no one else was there and the HoP was braindead in his office (no shutters, right in front of a window), I entered and took his ID to call the shuttle. As I powered up the shuttle console, I heard someone talking over comms, a single miner, so I announced that I was calling the shuttle just in case.

After the shuttle was called, suddenly a captain popped out of nowhere, and started repeatedly tasering me in search for cuffs. No communication was attempted, and my arrest was settled upon without any response (she spent a full egun and taser clip on tasering me while looking for cuffs spastically, dragging me across half the station before making cable cuffs, just wow). I was subsequently straitjacketed in medbay and sent to the mining station as a prisoner (???).

After the captain set up the power, she took me back to station, and permabrigged me until the end of the round. After lambasting her captaincy, person, skill, and almost everything else about her ICly, I then suicided to space carp conveniently outside the permabrig windows.

Why they should be banned:
I mentioned all the reasons for this ICly, and shall repeat them here. A good captain is skilled, knowledgeable about the station and all departments, is communicative and just, and resolves conflicts instead of applying taser, cuffs, straitjacket, and permabrig liberally before forgetting them. A good captain values courage and honour, and does not burst into tasers the moment someone is suspicious. This captain was absolutely none of those things, and she was deathly scared of any hostility. When she came to recover me from the permabrig at round end, she was decked out in full riot armour and had guns strapped to every inch of her body... gotta be safe from that one unarmed civilian on a peaceful mission to transfer the crew and educate the engineering staff, I guess. The level of competence of this captain was unimaginably low, and yes I am mad at having my time wasted by them.

So, instead of teaching my sister how to engineer, I got to spend an entire hour restrained by a shitler captain in all imaginable ways while my sister was dead and uncloned in Genetics. I will use this incident as an example to show her exactly why new people should not play head jobs without learning basic things about the game, and I would like to see this person banned temporarily from heads to remind them of the responsibility, or anything that would have said effect.

Re: Awful captaincy by Jazmine Malkovich

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 11:33 pm
by Saegrimr
From what I can gather from the logs the initial arrest reason was because you had called the shuttle when there maybe 4 users on.

[12:06:55]SAY: Pa Chuu Rin: <i>I am transferring the crew to another station. I have received a request to educate the local engineers, so once the station is set anew, I can proceed with it in order to avoid power failures in the future.</i>
[12:07:06]SAY: Pa Chuu Rin: <i>Hope you guys are okay with that.</i>
[12:07:23]GAME: (Pa Chuu Rin) has called the shuttle.
[12:07:35]SAY: Jazmin Malcovich: <i>Did I say we could call the shuttle?></i>
[12:08:04]SAY: Pa Chuu Rin: W-Whoa.
[12:08:20]SAY: Pa Chuu Rin: W-Wh-hat's-s t-th-he deal-l h-her-r-r-re?
[12:08:43]SAY: Pa Chuu Rin: Real-l-ll-ly n-now-w?
[12:08:56]SAY: Jazmin Malcovich: You're under arrest
[12:09:49]SAY: Pa Chuu Rin: Wow, you are such a massive arse.
[12:10:04]GAME: (Jazmin Malcovich) has recalled the shuttle.

Cue an over an hour of name-calling and the captain dragging you around while straightjacketed doing god knows what except for fix anything on the station, only to have him call the shuttle himself later once you're dead and he's bored.

[13:26:58]SAY: Jazmin Malcovich: <i>Anyway...</i>
[13:27:31]SAY: Jazmin Malcovich: <i>It's mid afternoon, we have basically no crew, i think it's about time for the shuttle</i>
[13:28:10]GAME: (Jazmin Malcovich) has called the shuttle.

I will say that the constant harassment would probably make me less inclined to release a prisoner, but the situation starting it all is completely ridiculous and uncalled for. He earned every comment you gave him.

This is pretty clear-cut, and i'm going to apply a week headban and a dayban to direct him to this thread if he would like to contest it.

Re: Awful captaincy by Jazmine Malkovich

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 8:01 am
by Thunder11
Jazmin here. The reason he got a perma sentence was pretty simple, stealing the HoP's ID alone is a perma worthy crime, disregarding the whole trying to force call the shuttle thing. I only dragged him around straightjacketed while I tried to find a place to keep him secure until I could get power back on, eventually leaving him with the miner to keep him on the outpost, while I got the engine running, which, I add, is something he should already have been doing already. Once I got the engine running, I took him over to perma to give him his sentence, having given him a set of implants, since he constant screaming made me worried he might try to escape once I left him alone. Only called the shuttle myself after it was clear there wasn't anyone else gonna join to keep the round going, like I was hoping.

Re: Awful captaincy by Jazmine Malkovich

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 8:35 pm
by Saegrimr
It bothers me that the first reaction to a non-hostile shuttle call is permabrigging, especially after an announcement, entire station being depowered, both heads of staff being braindead, and basically no retaliation other than some mean words.

A total of 3(4?) people being alive at the time. You, the engineer you dragged around, and a shaft miner who wasn't even on the station.

I think there was a janitor meandering around somewhere that has no interaction logs that I can see just skimming through.

Re: Awful captaincy by Jazmine Malkovich

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 8:13 am
by Thunder11
Except for the part where he broke into the HoP's office, stole his ID and gave himself all access. Which, as I said earlier, is, according to space law, already grounds for an immediate perma. If he'd been a head trying to call the shuttle, it would have been a recall and a lecture on why you ask the captain first if it's not an emergency.

Re: Awful captaincy by Jazmine Malkovich

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 9:15 am
by Saegrimr
It still seems in excess to take the only engineer out of the round over something a clown/average greyshirt does on a regular basis. When its super lowpop like that, things run a bit differently than it would on Sybil. Shoot-first-question-later is fine but there wasn't even any questioning about it, just full on lawbringing.

I'm gonna reduce it down to 3-days starting from the initial ban just so long as you don't do things like perma literally the only other person on the station for calling the shuttle.

Re: Awful captaincy by Jazmine Malkovich

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 9:29 pm
by Pandarsenic
Don't be the head of CDBcurity. Consider why you're brigging someone and try to find a better reason than "Because it's valid for me to."

Re: Awful captaincy by Jazmine Malkovich

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 6:43 pm
by TheBibleMelts
Pandarsenic wrote:Don't be the head of CDBcurity. Consider why you're brigging someone and try to find a better reason than "Because it's valid for me to."
This. You've been playing long enough to know better, and I recall quite a few adminhelps from you in the past complaining about people doing this very thing to you.