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CMO, captain of graffiti

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 5:28 am
by Gamarr
Your byond account:gamarr
Your character name:Nobody (I think)
Their character name:Clark Mathews
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it):GrimReaper05
Server and time: Tuesday 21 Oct, around 12:00 AM at transition time ish
Logs and/or screenshots: I did not save any, because I'd a-helped about it and did not think there would be an actual problem in the shitlery.
Description of what happened: Start as mime, get some stuff, see wizard and get some slightly increased access for sharing the info with the HoP after some miming in the line. Quite alright with being doctor mime, so took that and went to medbay. CMO instantly weird about even seeing me, kicks me out after some doodles on floor just inside the medbay past the lobby. Am fine with that, whatever I think so I just doodle in the lobby. CMO flips his proverbial shit over it, calls sec on me for graffit, and then proceeds to hypospray me with some shit and use that telebaton on me. I take both, and space the hypo after I eventually wake up from whatever he shot me with and get it. Share said info with AI and few others, offer giving baton to sec but get arrested eventually and do time for it. CMO is being a dick the whole time in the brig to me during this until he finally leaves and I am freed. Wasn't really bothered by it, but CMO threatened to kil lme when I doodled again infront of medbay, and I promptly took his baton a second time once he tried to chase me. Left the baton in maint by solars this time after he tries to kill me with a spear. Am killed later with spear, since was hoping sec would kinda do something about him, which they never do, after even apparently being told by a witness (Willie or Zillie something) that he said he'd kill me.
Why they should be banned: Escalation over graffiti? I shouldn't even have to make a ban request for this shit but I apparently have to.

Re: CMO, captain of graffiti

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 6:34 am
by cedarbridge
Warden here.

Mime was brought for minor infraction graffiti (probably only time I actually brigged somebody for that but the officers were a little trigger happy that shift) and stealing the hypo. He admitted to stealing said hypo and admitted also to having spaced it. CMO went ballistic some minor abuse followed. Mime was eventually removed after doing some time for credited offenses and the CMO was apparently not pleased with that. Continued to act erratically and aggressively after.

Re: CMO, captain of graffiti

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 2:23 pm
by BlessedHeretic
I'm surprised you had to even make an appeal. I watched this unfold but I was pretty confident Subtle was also watching so I went off to fix other pressing issues. He started attacking you with a spear after a brand intelligence and the reasoning is just shit. I'm checking now to see if there is any ban on him, if not i'll be applying a dayban for the terrible escalation for a very poor reason.

We really need to crack down on these hilariously poor escalation valids. They make no sense. You don't kill people for throwing food at you, and you sure the fuck don't kill them for simply drawing something that can be cleaned with water in an instant.

Re: CMO, captain of graffiti

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 9:07 pm
by Subtle
Ah dammit. Knew I'd miss at least something while I was out of state.

Allow me to clarify here; the CMO has a right to decide who belongs in his department. He obviously doesn't have to allow a Doctor-Mime to be there purely for the sake of drawing black-and-white runes all over the place. I ruled this interaction as IC because, despite the picture you're painting here, you refused to depart the Medbay and eventually the CMO had to use his hypospray to remove you himself. (something he couldn't do otherwise, because as you point out you had medbay access) You woke up in the middle of being dragged to security and robusted the CMO's gear away, spacing his hypo.

At this point it's not about "hilariously poor escalation," the CMO attempted to deal with this in a number of nonviolent ways before doing just that. From the two stories I managed to gather you two began fighting again in medbay after the arrest. Again, you no doubt still had the medbay access the CMO disagreed with. You stole his baton while he was distracted, continuing this pointless battle in a manner I can't objectively verify through the logs. It's WAY too murky for a ban.

Let's please not ban the CMO because despite him being an idiot there's no reason why this shouldn't be viewed as IC. Start shit, get hit.

Re: CMO, captain of graffiti

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 7:35 pm
by Gamarr
I left the medbay actually, right at the start, and I never even pushed my doctor access to do the stuff attached to it because of how the CMO was reacting. Left the medbay, and doodled in the lobby. That's the whole issue for me about it I guess is that despite me going out into the public are and the hallway, they still threw a shit fit over it all. I was not hypo'd to get out of the medbay, he hypo'd me while I was doodling outside of it (in the lobby). Never went back into the medbay after his bulshit began as it was obvious how he would get his valids on.

Drawing graffiti in the hallway is not 'starting shit' and you have a new level of 'escalation' given this. Murky for a ban? You-don't-say. Why didn't I think of that and repeatedly ask for it to be looked into during the round as it was ongoing....

Honestly did not expect this shit to have something done about it, but the CMO was a shitler over this.

Re: CMO, captain of graffiti

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 12:32 am
by Subtle
That much I'll certainly grant. The CMO has questionable authority over the lobby and it was a huge jerk-move of him to go out there and hypo you for it.
(And just to clarify; despite giving my "IC ruling" in-game I asked Gamarr to make this request to get second opinions from other admins)

Everything after that though is just a cycle of revenge from both of you. I don't like the idea that we should interfere OOC with an IC matter if it was escalated because of extenuating circumstances. Had you left the matter at a brigging and moved on I'd be one-hundred percent on your side in this issue. He'd have gotten his "justice" and (in this hypothetical situation) would have came after you for petty reasons. Once it becomes a matter of going back to push him again (and sadly I can't verify who exactly started this stuff in the medbay the second time, because it was largely logless) the gloves are off. If you'd gotten the upper hand in the resulting battle I'm sure we'd be after this ban-request from the opposite perspective. Even then, my stance would be the same.

That's SS13 for you. A thousand really ugly grey areas and a few people eager to drive a stake through one-another.

Re: CMO, captain of graffiti

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 8:01 pm
by Ikarrus
I agree with Subtle's judgement and nobody else has an opinion to offer, so I'll consider this closed.