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Non antag murder

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 7:48 am
by omnitricks
Your byond account: omnitricks
Your character name: Angelo Knapp (captain)
Their character name: Willie Fiddleskin (geneticist) and Mime (forgot name)
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): Unknown
Server and time: Sybil 5th September 7:35 GMT
Logs and/or screenshots: chat progressed too far for logs
Description of what happened: Mime been abetting the obvious ling clown which he should already know about on first encounter. Heard of second encounter which nearly got the detective killed from mime assisting the clown again. Headed over to genetics to arrest mime.

Went with an officer and shot mime. Willie declares Mime is his bro or something to tha teffect and suddenly comes to disarm and steal my egun to shoot me and officer. Strips officer. I call for help. He takes me out of genetics (the maint part in between genetics and science) and crowbars me to crit. This was followed by Rob stealing my body and eating it (he was a ling)

Further into the round detective tried to arrest the Mime. Willie and mime kills him as well. Thats two confirmed deaths caused by the pair (there could be one more by officer which I was unable to see because I didn't die and was in crit at the time)

Why they should be banned: Nonantag murder of captain and detective. I know they are not antag because Mime admitted in deadchat that they both were going to join cults or something like that. Even if it was a cult round it would mean they haven't been converted yet and shouldn't be killing people. The thing was this was a tatorling round unless the admins added cults which I doubt since Rob was already a ling.

Re: Non antag murder

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 8:42 am
by Jordie0608
They were banned, I may not have gotten back to you about it.