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Scott Osterweiss: Just wow.

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 6:20 am
by Raven776
Your byond account: Raven776
Your character name: Suicides Badly
Their character name: Scott Osterweiss
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): Dunno
Server and time: 11 PM Central Timezone, Badger
Logs and/or screenshots:
Where my logs start, me being thrown into perma.
Scott Osterweis says, "Clown"
Alfred Keplin says, "The captain did sort of go past the normal replacement protocols. Making your promotion illegal."
Suicides Badly says, "Captain can't do anything illegal."
Suicides Badly says, "Captain is the highest tier of aauthority."
Scott Osterweis says, "Captain is always a crook"
Suicides Badly says, "Eleven minutes for slipping."
Scott Osterweis says, "AND I AM IT'S PROTECTOR"
Suicides Badly says, "You're the crook."
Alfred Keplin says, "Central command is actaully above him."
Scott Osterweis says, "IT'S LAW"
Scott Osterweis says, "IT'S DARK KNIGHT"
Scott Osterweis says, "NIGHT"
Scott Osterweis says, "KNIGHT"
Scott Osterweis says, "NIGHT"
Scott Osterweis puts the telescopic shield into the security satchel.
There are no admin notices at the moment.
Alfred Keplin says, "Scott I think you need to chill."
Scott Osterweis says, "I hope to never see this clowns face again"
Alfred Keplin says, "Thats kind of..."
Suicides Badly says, "I literally did nothing to him."
When Scott actually used comms to figure out what was happening and then promptly ignored it.
Common] Scott Osterweis says, "OH NO"
PM to-Admins: So, I've been permad, and I really haven't done anything in the past ten minutes or so besides get made captain by the old captain.
[Common] Caleb Robinson says, "uH"
[Common] Lisa Thompson exclaims, "What?!"
Suicides Badly says, "Captain said he was suiciding."
[Common] Lindsay Donk says, "Wow"
[Common] Caleb Robinson asks, "Didnt captain say he promoted the clown?"
ÿsustenance vendor beeps, "Enough calories to support any worker."
Suicides Badly says, "He did."
Suicides Badly says, "And then he suicided."
[Common] Alfred Keplin says, "The captain killed himself."
[Common] Scott Osterweis says, "Bring proof"
[Common] Krystal Symers says, "HoP to office."
[Common] Lives In Space hisses, "Clown promoted hims-ss-self, I s-ss-suppos-ss-se."
[Common] Krystal Symers says, "Or someone."
[Common] Alfred Keplin asks, "The radio logs count as proof?"
[Common] Caleb Robinson says, "He said on the radio that he was making the clown the captain"
[Common] Alfred Keplin says, "And that he was going to kill himself."
Security guard walked into perma, tazed me, and then ended up losing his taser because he didn't know how to drag instead of grab, and I gave him his gun back afterwards to try and show him I didn't want to hurt anyone and he lasered me to death.
Suicides Badly says, "So..."
John Xcom hugs Suicides Badly to make her feel better!
John Xcom fires the taser gun!
Suicides Badly is hit by an electrode in the right leg!
John Xcom has grabbed Suicides Badly passively!
Suicides Badly stammers, "Wh-hy-y am I ev-v-v-ven in-n t-th-her-re?"
Suicides Badly has pushed John Xcom!
You fire the taser gun!
John Xcom is hit by an electrode in the head!
You shake John Xcom trying to get him up!
Suicides Badly has thrown the taser gun.
John Xcom fires the energy gun!
Suicides Badly is hit by a laser in the right leg!
John Xcom fires the energy gun!
John Xcom fires the energy gun!
John Xcom fires the energy gun!
John Xcom fires the energy gun!
Suicides Badly is hit by a laser in the left leg!
John Xcom fires the energy gun!
Suicides Badly is hit by a laser in the head!
John Xcom fires the energy gun!
Suicides Badly is hit by a laser in the right leg!
John Xcom fires the energy gun!
Suicides Badly is hit by a laser in the right leg!
John Xcom fires the energy gun!
Suicides Badly is hit by a laser in the right leg!
After around 40 minutes being in perma and cells, Scott decides he wants to be funny and lighten my mood
Suicides Badly asks, "For honk's sakes, what is wrong with you people!?"
Cristina Leyland points the forensic scanner at the floor and performs a forensic scan.
Scott Osterweis says, "sa FOR ASSAULT OF AN OFFICER"
Alfred Keplin says, "I am inclined to believe her."
Scott Osterweis says, "I AUTHORIZE"
Scott Osterweis says, "EXECTION"
Alfred Keplin says, "Besides, what reason did he-"
Suicides Badly exclaims, "I had him tazed, if I wanted him dead he would have been dead!"
Alfred Keplin exclaims, "You WHAT!"
Scott Osterweis says, "BY TICKLES"
He throws me in perma again after healing me up from the officer's lasers, then he decides to blindfold, gag, and straightjacket me.
Scott Osterweis tries to remove Suicides Badly's handcuffs.
Scott Osterweis fires the energy gun!
Suicides Badly is hit by an electrode in the chest!
Scott Osterweis has thrown the teargas grenade casing.
The solution begins to bubble.
Suicides Badly asks, "What the actual honk is going on?"
Suicides Badly asks, "Can you at least get me my mask?"
Alfred Keplin says, "No clue hold on."
Alfred Keplin says, "I will try."
Alfred Keplin says, "Come on Scott."
Alfred Keplin says, "Don't be cruel."
Scott Osterweis tries to put the straight jacket on Suicides Badly.
Scott Osterweis tries to put the blindfold on Suicides Badly.
Alfred Keplin exclaims, "Thats not right!"
PM to-Admins: Soo... Can I just be killed if this guy is an antag?
Scott Osterweis says, "I like it"
Alfred Keplin exclaims, "You are killing her basically!"
Current Admins:
Stickymayhem is a GameAdmin

Alfred Keplin says, "Scott I-"
You hear metal clanking
You hear metal clanking.
Alfred Keplin says, "Take those things off."
Scott Osterweis says, "Then she stays in the cell"
Scott Osterweis puts the straight jacket into the security satchel.
Alfred Keplin asks, "Come on Scott, what harm does giving her more do?"
Suicides Badly says, "Listen..."
Scott Osterweis says, "What"
Suicides Badly says, "Literally when he arrested me the first time, I was making a suicide chair."
Scott Osterweis says, "My haaair"
Suicides Badly asks, "Can I just go back there and FINISH it and end this?"
Scott Osterweis says, "Eh"
Scott Osterweis says, "Seems legit"
Suicides Badly says, "He arrested me, took my tools so I couldn't finish it, and now here we are."
Scott Osterweis says, "I quit"
Don't know how long this was into the round, but it felt like an hour. He finally kills himself because at least then I can't kill him and feel just a bit better about revenge.
Scott Osterweis is putting the live stunbaton in his mouth! It looks like he's trying to commit suicide.
Alfred Keplin exclaims, "Scott!"
Alfred Keplin is trying to perform CPR on Scott Osterweis!
Alfred Keplin is trying to perform CPR on Scott Osterweis!
Scott Osterweis whispers in their final breath, "Fuck itttt..."
Probably the only bad thing I actually did that round was after Scott died, I welded the security officer and the detective who took turns beating me into the armory when they came to ask me for guns and then made people answer really awful riddles to get in. Then I finally lived up to my name.
Suicides Badly says, "To enter my vault, you must answer three riddles."
Lindsay Donk asks, "Whats the first riddle?"
Suicides Badly asks, "What is brown and sticky?"
Caleb Robinson says, "a stick"
Suicides Badly exclaims, "Honk. Very good!"
[Common] Develops-the-Technology hisses, "On my way"
Lindsay Donk asks, "Second?"
Suicides Badly asks, "Riddle number two?"
Suicides Badly asks, "What comes after one?"
Caleb Robinson says, "hmm"
Suicides Badly asks, "Did I stump you?"
[Common] Lindsay Donk says, "Theres a trick here"
Suicides Badly says, "I'm a smart clown."
Suicides Badly says, "Honk."
Caleb Robinson says, "i guess so"
Caleb Robinson asks, "is it two?"
Suicides Badly exclaims, "H-honk!"
Suicides Badly asks, "How did you know!?"
Suicides Badly says, "F-fine."
Caleb Robinson says, "lucky guess"
Lindsay Donk says, "Third"
Suicides Badly says, "I bet you'll never get riddle number three..."
Suicides Badly wiggles.
Caleb Robinson says, "uh oh"
Suicides Badly asks, "Is today my birthday?"
Alfred Keplin says, "Uhh"
Lindsay Donk asks, "Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-noooooooooo-maybe?"
Caleb Robinson says, "no"
[Common] Lisa Thompson asks, "Is-s-ss-s everything alright?"
Alfred Keplin says, "Yes"
Suicides Badly asks, "H-honk... It's not?"
[Common] Caleb Robinson says, "they are fighting in there"
Suicides Badly says, "B-but..."
Suicides Badly says, "The calender..."
Caleb Robinson says, "no silly it was yesterday"
[Common] Lisa Thompson hisses, "Hs-ss-s..."
Lindsay Donk says, "I have no idea"
Suicides Badly says, "H-honk..."
Caleb Robinson says, "we had a cake and eveything"
Suicides Badly is twisting her own neck! It looks like she's trying to commit suicide.
Description of what happened: Logs tell it all. Scott was a shitler, I slipped an engineer once and attempted to slip the captain, he spent the entire round popping out of nowhere and arresting me for timers upwards of 5 minutes each time. One time he arrested me and tazed me for holding out a remote signalling device as I was trying to get close to a grav anamoly.
Why they should be banned: Because being a HoS doesn't give you free reign to abuse the clown, let alone abuse them in a way that simply takes them out of the round. I could have dealt with a shockpack or something else like that, but god damn being straight jacketed in perma is awful. There's more stuff before the logs, but I can't access it as mine only go up so far.

I did try to taze him, but only after he yanked guns on me and ran at me. Most of the time I just tazed myself anyways and then shouted out honk a few times because I'm fairly sure that's what clowns are supposed to do.

Re: Scott Osterweiss: Just wow.

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 8:58 am
by Timbrewolf
I'll go through and confirm this in the logs this weekend.

Normally brig timers are IC circumstances but if this occurred as you described it a lot of people are about to lose their badges. I'm especially concerned with John Xcom apparently wandering into perma(?) just to taser you a few times, getting the tables turned on him, and then deciding LOL ITS VALID and lasering you after you returned his taser.

Sure seems like security has attracted a lot of shitters lately.

Re: Scott Osterweiss: Just wow.

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 8:03 pm
by Raven776
To be clear, the Xcom event wasn't exactly how I described it because I didn't want to wall of text over it. I did walk out of the perma brig after he walked in and attempted to talk to him before he could run away, then I got tazed, he tried to grab instead of drag me back in, and I turned the tables on him and dumped the taser on the floor and tried to talk to him again.

So he's not at huge fault here, but I was making no attempt to get close to him and I was cowering against a far wall. Without my comms though, I was looking for any chance to get back into the round in any tangible way.

Re: Scott Osterweiss: Just wow.

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 9:28 pm
by Timbrewolf
Scott's CKEY is Wizardjenkins66. I'll bring this thread to his attention so we can talk about everything that happened.

Re: Scott Osterweiss: Just wow.

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 11:39 pm
by Raven776
Evidently he's a good guy, so I'm worried that I've either got an incomplete story or my actions were rightfully perceived as wrong in some way I don't understand. In any case, I'm also worried that the Scott from this round might not have been him because it was ultimately very griefy, especially close to the end, and from my point of view it's exactly as it was...

Re: Scott Osterweiss: Just wow.

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 2:38 am
by Timbrewolf
If there are multiple people playing as Scott Osterweiss the one playing as that name when this occurred with you was Wizardjenkins66.

Re: Scott Osterweiss: Just wow.

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 3:16 am
by Wizardjenkins66
This round was really terrible, I started out as HOS, Went around a bit, Clown was doing something and the Captain told me to bring him in, So I did and left him in the cell for a bit, Left his tools and such the first time, The second time he was breaking into Cargo so I confiscated his tools and brought him in, Third offense I finally perma'd him, Then he assaulted one of my officers so I threw him back into the cell with a Teargas grenade. This whole thing has a bit of escalation on both sides.

Re: Scott Osterweiss: Just wow.

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 5:28 am
by Raven776
I never broke into cargo... And the fourth (edit, I just counted them up in my head) offense was literally me being promoted captain by the old acting captain and going to hang out in the brig to honk at you some and then fuck off to finally kill myself.

To which you proceeded to strip my comms and mask off despite me having never even talked over radio prior to all of this. Literally the moment I started talking saying anything other than 'honk' was when it was evident you were going to throw me in perma and let me rot.

I can't recall if you brigged me for it or not, but why did you decide to knock my shit down when I had a remote signalling device near the grav anomoly?

I can't blame you for siding with your officer, but the logs above prove I didn't do that thing that you decided to teargas me for.

On the THIRD offense which was me building a suicide chair outside of cargo (outside. In that place that chairs and desks are, the pipe machine taken from construction so it didn't bother anyone), you came in and told me to submit to being put into perma.

I stopped escalating when I decided to take myself out of the round with a suicide chair. The only time I ever interacted with cargo was to ask them for a welding mask which they gave me after I stamped a paper with the request on it with my clown stamp.

Edit: I can't imagine a single person other than you who was intentionally making the round shit. You even brought the mime to the holding cells and demanded he laugh at me, to which I started laughing at him back and we had a moment. You took an almost autistic amount of time and effort to make sure I ate the end of your baton or the receiving side of your taser, all the while shouting out some shit about how I was an evil clown or saying nothing at all and stripping me into prisoner clothes. And then you spent an entire ten minutes throwing me out of the brig when I was trying to get my shit out of the temporary cell because you decided to taze me and drag me out for some reason, leaving me in prisoner clothing and without the tools I needed to finish my chair.

I can't understand why you took the tools, decided to brig me, or anything like that.

Re: Scott Osterweiss: Just wow.

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 3:06 am
by Wyzack
I was in this round. Captain suicided and promoted the Clown as Captain. Everyone knew, and everyone seemed fine with it. Clown was not even being a shit as clowns tend to. Also the armoryweld/riddles thing was breddy fun. Not sure what your offenses were, as far as i know no one radioed about you committing crimes or anything

Re: Scott Osterweiss: Just wow.

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:05 am
by Raven776
The armory weld thing was hilarious mostly because the people in the armory immediately began shooting at walls, freaking everyone crowded around outside out. It was a good end to an awful round for me, and I finally get to live up to my name.

Re: Scott Osterweiss: Just wow.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 8:23 am
by Timbrewolf
In somewhat related news John Xcom turned out to be a complete shitter, and was caught beating others to death with his baton as on officer in another round by another admin. He's been perma secbanned and I think he's still riding out the bans from the accumulated murders.

I'm trying to assemble a chain of events on which you can both concur.

1) Clown slips/attempts to slip Captain. Captain orders clown brigged. Clown gets brigged by HoS.
2) Clown was brigged for something. HoS says breaking and entering. Items confiscated.
3) Captain suicides and orders the Clown given Captaincy as his last order.
4) HoS brigs Clown because...?
5) Officer attacks Clown in perma. Clown gets put into crit, gets revived by HoS, and then brigged longer for fighting with the officer.
6) HoS suicides. Clown resumes being Captain.
7) Shenanigans people seemed to enjoy.
8) Clown suicides.

Is that the right of it?

Re: Scott Osterweiss: Just wow.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 8:52 am
by Raven776
There were a few more briggings in there, some for less reasons. Somewhere between 2 and 3 I was brigged for what Scott says was 'breaking into cargo,' which I never did. Also the incident where he tazed me in a hallway near the grav anomoly somewhere between 2 and 3.

Otherwise, you get the jist of it. Nearly 20 minutes or more was spent in perma brig, not including the 10+ minutes spent in cells. His attempt to take me out of the round was only interrupted by people remembering I exist with the Xcom incident.

Edit: Just realized you meant breaking and entering as the one about breaking into cargo. There were a couple other arrests besides that. Or one or two. I've lost count over the days, though I wish I had thought to get logs before.

Re: Scott Osterweiss: Just wow.

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 1:40 am
by Raven776
I don't suppose this can get looked at again? It's been a while and I'd hate for memories to go dark on the whole matter before someone can look into the logs.

Re: Scott Osterweiss: Just wow.

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 8:29 am
by Timbrewolf
My apologies, I've had a very busy week.

There's a difficulty here in that I can't really confirm one way or the other if you were caught breaking into areas, as the HoS says, or if you were just minding your own business doin' nothing clowning around like you say.
You say it was a string of random arrests more or less FNR and the HoS says you were being a pain in the ass type clown. I've got no solid evidence it was really one way or the other.

Re: Scott Osterweiss: Just wow.

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 9:53 pm
by Raven776
I don't know if they'd show up on logs, but I recall very specific events from the round that would generally call my side into favor. If you have logs from way back then, that is.

Re: Scott Osterweiss: Just wow.

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 1:15 pm
by peoplearestrange
As this hasn't been dealt with in over a month, I'm going to resolve the topic.

If this was in error or you wish to re-address the issue please either start a new thread or PM me.