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Sec officer going beyond his powers

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 8:13 am
by omnitricks
Your byond account: omnitricks
Your character name: Cole Smirnov
Their character name: Seuss Taer
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): Raickoz
Server and time: Sybil 7:30 GMT
Logs and/or screenshots: No logs to speak of.
Description of what happened:
Saw a cargo tech breaking into captain's room so I went in to see what else is there. Nothing else so I took the coin and chain of command. Walk around and see one officer trying to axe the chef without even attempting to stun and cuff and tried to stop her. After a long time of I have no idea what is happening another officer came in and took me to brig. Searched and found the stuff I took from the captain's office. Alright theft so what now?

Get stripped of everything. Including headset and shoes which isn't a part of security procedure. Point it out and was taken into perma where I see the QM as well (as if its not obvious they are trying to perma people here) but then the shuttle is only two minutes away. Here I am already cuffed but what does officer do? He goes one step further and straightjackets, blindfolds, muzzles and earmuffs me. Yes he went so far off the reservation you couldn't even see it anymore just for what? To effectively take me out of the round but not technically take me out of the round for a minor offence?

I point out the technicality because SubtleGraces refuses to give the job ban because "I'm not in perma" but well I can't do anything in the because the officer went over and above anything reasonable. SubtleGraces answer? I ghost myself. Well that is fun. Either I let the officer take me out of the round or I take myself out of the round.

To show how horrible this officer was, the HoP came into the shuttlebrig and saw everything on me. Obviously it was shitty otherwise he wouldn't take them off (everything except the straightjacket I mean) Officer comes back in the shuttlebrig and sees that eventhough I am secured in the brig and unable to escape I can see, hear and speak (oh no. The thief can actually function as a normal person) and wordlessly puts the blindfold, muzzle and earmuffs back on.

Why they should be banned:
Remember rule 1? Yeah this is it but SubtleGraces refuses to acknowledge and focuses on the technicality that I am arrested for theft and not in perma (where theft is actually a 5 minute sentence so I should have been released after the shuttle has started moving if anyone was actually counting the time. Actually rule 3 applies too because like I said, I was effectively taken out of the round excessively for no reason where being cuffed to the chair would have been enough. At most only having the straightjacket on me. The muzzle, the blindfold and the earmuffs would obviously point out how shitty this entire situation is especially since the officer had no reason for putting them on me.

Re: Sec officer going beyond his powers

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 1:44 am
by Subtle
I don't think you made this request to speak to me again, so I'll be succinct and sum up the opposite argument for those interested.

As a result of the bombing/breakin to the Captain's office he ordered all possible suspects (the detective turned up cargobay fibers) to be brought to the brig and searched. You weren't the first one to get there and, being the criminal in question, were the only one detained. Removing your headset in the first place was a little silly but what do you expect from yelling at and about them the entire time you were there? From that point on you were straight-jacketed, muzzled and muffed before spending half a minute in a permacell and being brought to the bridge where the Command Staff decided to take you on the shuttle.

Arrive on the shuttle, the HoP removes your binds and immediately you go back to screaming about the unfairness of it all. Unsurprisingly, the officer replaces them.

Your lost time was a grand total of eight or so minutes with ten being the high-end; your permaverdict was shot down by the HoP/HoS. This is blown out of proportion.

Re: Sec officer going beyond his powers

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 4:09 am
by omnitricks
Clap clap. It means you still don't get it. Oh well. I know how really shitcurity I can go from now on. I can straightjacket, muzzle, blindfold and earmuff people for no reason whatever their timer is because technically they as "still serving their time" and yes of course I am yelling about them because my short time in the station has me seen one officer trying to use a fireaxe to murder someone in the station where stun and cuff is enough. Hell after stunning, instead of cuffing said officer continued axing. Now you have another officer STRIPPING ME down to jumpsuit which is against protocol, removing HEADSET which is also questionable at best.

And then fun times. Muzzled, blindfolded, straitjacketed and earmuffed which goes beyond anything necessary since I am already secured in the brig with no way to actually escape. Like I said there is no reason other than to be a dick or to powergame. Both being against the rules which obviously you are ignoring to protect a shitcurity officer using a reason of technicality. If that is the case I am sure you don't mind if I start doing it to other prisoners when I play security because straightjackets and blindfolds are obviously good to prevent them from escaping in anyway. Muzzles are better than just taking off headsets because now not only can they not tell the crew if any unfairness is going on, I don't even have to listen to them anymore and earmuffs is just better because I don't even want them to listen to anything that goes on around them.

Your solution is of course to just ghost out from the "very short time of being brigged" which is to take myself out of the round. That in itself is your acknowledgement of how shitty this situation is to use such an extreme method because it will effectively end my game. Either I allow the officer to keep me out of the round or I take myself out. How wonderful.

"From that point on you were straight-jacketed, muzzled and muffed before spending half a minute in a permacell and being brought to the bridge where the Command Staff decided to take you on the shuttle."

Not showing the intents of said shitsec officer to want to perma me for a theft offence until Command Staff shuts him down. Seriously. Are your investigations so skewed to actually allow a shitsec officer like that to not be jobbanned just because admins always perceive that any officer player is better than no officer player?

Re: Sec officer going beyond his powers

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 5:22 pm
by Timbrewolf
You were caught with a bunch of stuff you obviously looted from the captain's quarters. That's a potential permabrigging.

You were screaming and yelling about shitcurity well before they were even doing anything out of the ordinary. That's just incredibly annoying and you were muzzlwd appropriately.

Nothing out of the ordinary here. I'm more concerned with what happened to that chef. Sec officwrs shouldnt be chasing folks with fire axes. Axe Cop is a cool comic book but not good roleplay.

Re: Sec officer going beyond his powers

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:13 pm
by omnitricks
Don't worry. I've already started straightjacketing, muzzling and blindfolding people now that I know it is an acceptable standard among the admins. It makes prisoners easier to handle and harder for them to escape.

Also if officers trying to kill people without attempting to even apprehend them is the norm to you then fine. Nothing out of the ordinary at all which I have seen even before being taken to the brig.

Muzzle is enough? Maybe to you. But do you have any argument about the blindfold and the earmuffs (which the officer needs to take the trouble of getting from the armoury?) Thought not.

I clap for admin logic and approval of shitcurity as long as you think you get to retain the shitcurity players you think you need so much.

Re: Sec officer going beyond his powers

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:49 pm
by Ikarrus
I think we're done here. Omnitricks, you're always getting into trouble with security one way or another and it's something we shouldn't have to keep dealing with.

If you find playing on tg frustrating and incompatible with your playstyle then I'd suggest you find another server to play on because I can't see your situation improving.