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[ZaynHusseinDid911] - Nuke ops teamkilling

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 3:27 pm
by leibniz
Your byond account: Leibniz
Your character name: Philip Honks
Their character name: Leland Honks
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): ZaynHusseinDid911
Server and time: Sybil, 15.40 CET
Logs and/or screenshots:screen1 screen2

1. Nukeops
2. They tell us to donate everything
3. I decide to donate half of my points, since I believe I am entitled to my points, and I dont really trust the leader to do their job well
4. Guy rushes to my uplink station and donates everything
5. I punch him 4 times (doing around 15 damage, keep in mind there is a medkit on the shuttle) and table him
6. I tell him not to touch my uplink and walk away
7. 14 seconds pass
8. He gets up and shoots me 7 times with the stetchkin, killing me almost instantly (oxyloss puts me at -100 in around 3 seconds)

They received a dayban from syndicate for this, but I think that is far too light.

Re: [ZaynHusseinDid911] - Nuke ops teamkilling

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 3:51 pm
by ZaynHusseinDid9/11
2.i repeatedly tell everyone to donate
3.that about 10 times over the span of several minutes
4.he didnt speak so i assumed he was new,just like half the team
5.i went to his uplink and donated the rest of his point so we could split and get more points in total,it would be unfair for him to keep some because i he would have more than everyone else
6.he punches me and throws me on the table
7.i shoot him.

Again,he didnt speak all game so i assumed he was new so i clicked on his station and donated
I do think i have overscaled it a bit but we were both being assholes in this situation

Re: [ZaynHusseinDid911] - Nuke ops teamkilling

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 4:00 pm
by leibniz
ZaynHusseinDid9/11 wrote:1.Nukeops
2.i repeatedly tell everyone to donate
3.that about 10 times over the span of several minutes
4.he didnt speak so i assumed he was new,just like half the team
5.i went to his uplink and donated the rest of his point so we could split and get more points in total,it would be unfair for him to keep some because i he would have more than everyone else
6.he punches me and throws me on the table
7.i shoot him.

Again,he didnt speak all game so i assumed he was new so i clicked on his station and donated
I do think i have overscaled it a bit but we were both being assholes in this situation
I did speak.
There is no point in donating if you are just going to split.

Re: [ZaynHusseinDid911] - Nuke ops teamkilling

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 6:00 pm
by Timbrewolf
They recieved just a dayban from syndicate?

That's a really, really weak punishment considering the roll of the dice could just as easily pass someone over for antag every round in a period of time that short.
Should've been a dayban for murder and like a weeklong antag ban or something.

While you should want to cooperate and listen to your Commander, "gimme all your points!" without explaining beforehand what you intend to spend them on is bad and I wouldn't blame anyone for not wanting to do so.
Pretty quickly you have one dude stomping around in a mech and everyone else wondering what the hell they're supposed to do now. Asking people to do something before explaining the plan is the first step of Fluke Ops.

Stealing the points when they don't listen, and then executing them in the altercation that follows is straight up ridiculous.

Who was the admin that handled your help?

Re: [ZaynHusseinDid911] - Nuke ops teamkilling

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 9:05 pm
by Stickymayhem
It seems to me then that a week antag ban should be tacked on but the original admin should probably ammend the punishment themselves. Seeing as they haven't shown up I'm sure An0n3 can make the move himself.

Re: [ZaynHusseinDid911] - Nuke ops teamkilling

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 3:54 am
by Timbrewolf
I looked into it some more, it looks like Tedward handled the initial situation so I asked him to take a look at this thread.

Re: [ZaynHusseinDid911] - Nuke ops teamkilling

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 6:44 am
by tedward1337
Hey, I was the banning admin for this one. When I got the initial ahelp for this, I got both sides straight away, after hearing what happened it was an obvious antag ban. After the ban was in place and the round was moving forward mlei said he didnt really have any feelings to which way the ban being more harsh or less harsh went, he'd still post the request.

In hindsight this ban may have been too light, however Zayn did seem to be apologetic for what they did and understood why it was wrong. They seemed to have learned to avoid conflict escalation like this.