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Juliana Taylor Murdering me

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 5:16 am
by Ahammer18
Your byond account: Ahammer18
Your character name: Iona Hagane
Their character name: Juliana Taylor
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): Unable to aquire it, no admins on at the time.
Server and time: Sybil at about 10:40 Central Time
Logs and/or screenshots:
Right as I was attacked:
Talon Bickerson climbs onto the glass table, and it breaks!.
[Common] Slippy Flappy says, "AND IS KILLING"
You finish drawing rune.
You put the red crayon into the box of crayons.
You put the box of crayons into the satchel.
Talon Bickerson starts climbing onto the glass table.
[Common] Jamison Sanders says, "HoS, you are a asshole"
Talon Bickerson climbs onto the glass table, and it breaks!.
OOC: Kodeth101: There appears to be a lack of moderation in the server, so therefore I have come to the conclusion that the rules that were in effect prior, are no longer in effect.
Talon Bickerson starts climbing onto the glass table.
Talon Bickerson climbs onto the glass table, and it breaks!.
OOC: Atlanta-ned: Counterpoint: Shut your whore mouth
[Common] Trey Elderson says, "AI open i'm the champ"
[Common] Jamison Sanders says, "I have spent the whole shift setting up telesci, and I was just checking my results when you busted in and broke it all"
Ne'er-do-well hisses, "Mime iss-s a tator."
OOC: Kodeth101: Thanks.
Talon Bickerson starts climbing onto the glass table.
Iona Hagane says, "Jii'rak na'leth"
Talon Bickerson climbs onto the glass table, and it breaks!.
Juliana Taylor stabs you in the eye with the screwdriver!
[Common] Jamison Sanders says, "I have not even touched a bomb"
Juliana Taylor stabs you in the eye with the screwdriver!
Juliana Taylor stabs you in the eye with the screwdriver!
[Common] Orbital DK states, "Waaaiiit"
[Common] Orbital DK states, "Get back in there"
[Common] Trey Elderson says, "AI open this too"
Juliana Taylor stabs you in the eye with the screwdriver!
Your eyes start to bleed profusely!
[Common] Jane Doe says, "Captain"
Juliana Taylor stabs you in the eye with the screwdriver!
Your eyes start to bleed profusely!
Juliana Taylor stabs you in the eye with the screwdriver!
Your eyes start to bleed profusely!
Juliana Taylor has been attacked in the head with the null rod by Iona Hagane!
[Common] Jane Doe says, "I am now drafting my message to CentComm to authorize your execution"
Juliana Taylor has been attacked in the head with the null rod by Iona Hagane!
Juliana Taylor stabs you in the eye with the screwdriver!
Your eyes start to bleed profusely!
You drop what you're holding and clutch at your eyes!
Your eyes start to bleed profusely!
Your eyes start to bleed profusely!
Juliana Taylor has been attacked in the right leg with the null rod by Talon Bickerson!
[Common] Jane Doe says, "Unless, of course, you meet with me in your office"
[Common] Orbital DK states, "Fortune, the Captain is dead."
Current Admins:

Juliana Taylor says, "CULTIST"
[Common] Muler Smith says, "Hos you still havent explained why"
[Common] Jane Doe says, "And fix your wooden floor while you are at it"
Henry Hughes asks, "CULTISTS?"
[Common] Jane Doe says, "I am Jane Doe, an authorized CentComm official"
[Common] Finn Tennant says, "Jane Doe is a trannie assistant lizard pretending to be important. please disregard"
Juliana Taylor stabs you in the eye with the screwdriver!
Your eyes start to bleed profusely!
You drop what you're holding and clutch at your eyes!
Your eyes start to bleed profusely!
Your eyes start to bleed profusely!
You drop what you're holding and clutch at your eyes!
You go blind!
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
You have given up life and succumbed to death.
Talon Bickerson has pushed Juliana Taylor!
Bryant Hunter says, "Yes you can."
Mackenzie Stafford gibbers, "CAPTAINS A COMDOM!"
Unknown drools.
Henry Hughes attempted to disarm Talon Bickerson!
Rob Ust says, "honk"
Henry Hughes has disarmed Talon Bickerson!
[Common] Jane Doe says, "CentComm does not allow lizards in its higher ranks"
Jane Doe says, "CentComm does not allow lizards in its higher ranks"
Bryant Hunter gasps!
Jim Otis gasps!
Dick Johnson says, "where is Darius?"
Rob Ust says, "sorry"
Alexi Sokolov has thrown the flashbang.
Rictar Lethlin has been hit by the flashbang.
Unknown seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless...
Description of what happened:
Alright, I was the Chaplain, and I was about to do some IC praying to the gods. I made a rune on the ground, surrounded it with candles, and said some gibberish (Jii'rak na'leth). I did so to further get into character, as if I was actually invoking the gods. I was then attacked in the eye with a screwdriver repeatedly by Juliana Taylor. I realize that there was a rune made of crayon, and I realize that I said some magic words, but seeing as I was the chaplain, any cult activity by me is impossible. As there were no admins on at the time, I was unable to verify that they were not antags however, after the round ended Juliana was not listed as an antag and I was not on anyone's assassination objectives. If I was mistaken, I apologize, and this topic can be dropped straight away.

Why they should be banned:
The attack was pretty much unwarranted. Even if they thought I was a cultist
A) I was the chaplain
B) I wasn't saying any actual cult words (They weren't whispered/in all caps)
C) The rune was made of crayon

Even if they thought that they were trying to defend the station, there was so much evidence pointing towards the fact that I was not an antag that their attack was done completely FNR.

Re: Juliana Taylor Murdering me

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 5:53 am
by CreationPro
All right, resolved. Thank you for reporting this to us.

Re: Juliana Taylor Murdering me

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 7:52 am
by Ahammer18
No problem, thank you very much for the quick reply.