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Assistant Shittery on Badger (kinda)

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 9:59 pm
by Wyzack
Your byond account: Wyzack
Your character name: Caleb Robinson
Their character name: Misted Bait
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): Dunno
Server and time: Badger, multiple times
Logs and/or screenshots: Dont really have any

Description of what happened: I was kind of hesitant to even make this appeal, but after talking to the guys in singulo i decided to go for it. This person who plays Misted Bait will log onto the server, and if they do not receive antag they go braindead almost right away. I have seen them braindead in a round, the next round will start with readied up, and not 5 minutes in they will be braindead in arrivals or dorms. The only exception to this is when they receive antag. Not only is this frustrating given the lower population on our server, it leads to some pretty extreme meta, wherein if you even see Misted Bait around you can be pretty damn sure they are a round antagonist.

Why you think they should be banned: Really i do not know if this is the best option, maybe just a stern talking to or something? I do not know if we have policies against it but it is pretty clear they only log in to our server to kill people.

Re: Assistant Shittery on Badger (kinda)

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:48 pm
by Wyzack
Dunno if they saw this or i am just a biased shit, but they seem to be playing as a nonantag now. Maybe i overreacted, who knows. Lock and move please.

Re: Assistant Shittery on Badger (kinda)

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 1:27 pm
by Dorsidwarf
I would like to add to this even though a lock was requested - as a nonantag assistant he watered the doors to engineering when the singulo got free, resulting in a bunch of deaths from slippers and people trying to help.

Re: Assistant Shittery on Badger (kinda)

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 2:37 pm
by Wyzack
He was also interfering yesterday when we were trying to dunk an antag AI. We had used metalfoam so there only a one wide passage in the core, and he started slipping people with water and soap in there.

Re: Assistant Shittery on Badger (kinda)

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:45 pm
by moyogo
Wyzack wrote:He was also interfering yesterday when we were trying to dunk an antag AI. We had used metalfoam so there only a one wide passage in the core, and he started slipping people with water and soap in there.
Yeah I'd armed him and Igor somethingorother with watertank backpacks as a traitor clown. Figured they'd get up to no good with it, was right. They came into cargo I think intending to fuck with me but when I started emagging stuff open for them they backed off me and went on to do this.

They were dropping metal foam all over the place. Never seen so much in one round before.

Re: Assistant Shittery on Badger (kinda)

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 1:59 am
by Wyzack
Igor actually was really helpful though, helped us disable turrets and kill it

Re: Assistant Shittery on Badger (kinda)

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 2:00 am
by moyogo
Yeah I didn't see too much of them after they left cargo, but I did hear someone thanking Igor on the radio.

Re: Assistant Shittery on Badger (kinda)

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 2:12 am
by Wyzack
Regardless, Misted Bait being a shitty greytider is not exactly the purpose of this thread, nor is it really banworthy (probably). Thread should still be locked

Re: Assistant Shittery on Badger (kinda)

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 6:52 am
by oranges
Admins are most likely watching them.

Re: Assistant Shittery on Badger (kinda)

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 5:13 am
by mrpain
Braindead on Sybil. Yet again. Someone should really do something about this.

Re: Assistant Shittery on Badger (kinda)

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 12:05 am
by Antonkr
Jobbanned him from antag roles. All of them. I know there is no precedent policy for this, but I think rule 1 and 0 covers it.