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Elle Lowell warden abuse

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:11 am
by baverage
Your byond account: baverage
Your character name: silly willy
Their character name: elle lowell
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): unknown
Server and time: sybil about 11:30 PST
Logs and/or screenshots:
Silly Willy is hit by an electrode in the chest!
Rickard Kirisame stammers, "G-GOD-D-D D-DAM-MN"
Elle Lowell puts the taser gun into the security satchel.
Skid Mark coughs!
Silly Willy stammers, "H-H-He's-s-s-s-s-ss-s pic-ck-k-k-kin-n-n-ng-g-g up-p h-his-s-s-s-ss-s-s g-gear-r"
Silly Willy stammers, "s-s-s-ss-s-s-st-top-p-p-p"
Silly Willy hisses, "Hos-ss-s your warden is-ss-s retarded"
Thaddeus Dark says, "Ok chill"
Silly Willy hisses, "Hos-ss-s I will s-ss-shoot your warden if s-ss-she does-ss-sn't get her s-ss-shit together"
Thaddeus Dark says, "We need the clown to perform the conversion"

Silly Willy hisses, "MOVE"
Silly Willy hisses, "You little children"
Elle Lowell fires the taser gun!
Silly Willy is hit by an electrode in the left arm!
Skid Mark coughs!
Elle Lowell puts the taser gun into the security satchel.
Elle Lowell is trying to put handcuffs on Silly Willy!
Silly Willy stammers, "W-War-rd-den-n"
Skid Mark says, "WArden"
Silly Willy stammers, "I am y-y-your-r-r b-bos-s-s-s-ss-s-s-ss-s-s-s-s-s-ss-s-s-s"
Skid Mark says, "Stop"
Silly Willy hisses, "ss-stop being ss-so retarded"
Silly Willy hisses, "Look at my ID"
Silly Willy has been beaten in the head with the stunbaton by Elle Lowell!
Your armor has softened a hit to your head.
Silly Willy has been beaten in the head with the stunbaton by Elle Lowell!
Your armor has softened a hit to your head.
Silly Willy has been beaten in the head with the stunbaton by Elle Lowell!
Your armor has softened a hit to your head.
Silly Willy hisses, "I was-ss fighting cult"
Silly Willy has been beaten in the head with the stunbaton by Elle Lowell!
Your armor has softened a hit to your head.
Silly Willy has been beaten in the head with the stunbaton by Elle Lowell!
Your armor has softened a hit to your head.
Silly Willy has been beaten in the head with the stunbaton by Elle Lowell!
Your armor has softened a hit to your head.
Elle Lowell says, "Captain told us we could do that if you were being shit."
Silly Willy has been beaten in the head with the stunbaton by Elle Lowell!
Your armor has softened a hit to your head.
You've been stunned with the stunbaton by Elle Lowell!

OOC: WeeYakk: "The Clown is now the HoP, I am the best Captain. If he fucks up once you are authorized to beat him, he agreed to these terms which makes it voluntary."
Description of what happened: I was a clown ( a nice clown) and was trying my best to help out the station. Got promoted to Head of Comedy and worked as HoP for awhile and ended up grabbing the chaplain gear(no chaplain) and helping out sec when they found a cult. Tried to be a credit to the station. After waterboarding some suspected cultists in perma they got released but there was a big tomato fight(worse than it sounds) in the brig so an engineer, raz mcsky, didn't get his gear when he left. So after things calmed down I let him back in to get it and thats when Elle first went off on us, stunning and removing him and ignoring me explaining the situation. I explained, let him back in again(and a third time), and she again stunned us and kicked him out. I lost track of the engineer and moved on. Later I opened the armory for some sec officers. (the second snippet from the log) This is when she arrested me and harmbatoned me, keeping me in custody for the rest of the round and onto the shuttle (wasn't long before the end of the round but it was a shitty way to finish what had been a great round for me).

Why they should be banned: Theft and dereliction of duty(warden refusing to return released prisoners gear is shitty as fuck) and then refusing to do so again and again despite having the situation explained is even worse. Harmbatoning me while I was cuffed and compliant because I was technically a clown (despite the context of me not being a shitler and at the time having a rank higher than hers approved by HoS and captain AND not even having commited any crimes) I'm not sure if WeeYakk is Elle but I pulled his OOC quote from the log too b/c if that was Elle's reasoning for her actions then I feel like he's just pulling out an excuse to justify his beating. I didn't "fuck up" in any way the entire round, I tried to help people out.

Re: Elle Lowell warden abuse

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 2:12 am
by Hibbles
I was Captain there, I recognize the quote. The point is, the Clown offered to work HoP since we didn't have one, and I consulted with the HoS and we agreed the Clown could have great power if he agreed we could kill him if he abused it. Or at the very least, apply severe beatings, yadda yadda, threats. This arrangement worked for all sides, and I never heard how things turned out or that Security was even upset with the clown, I wasn't aware of what eventually happened. Given that I'm responsible for you getting the access and stuff I'm not going to get officially involved but IMO you didn't do anything that could even be seen as 'fucking up' in the heat of the moment. You were credit to team.

Re: Elle Lowell warden abuse

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 12:21 pm
by WeeYakk
IIRC the reasoning behind it is because you let two of the people (or one; two days ago is hard to remember, regardless though) you promoted to officer into the armory during a cult round and implants don't show up on huds currently due to bugs. I told you to stop letting the engineer into the brig because he had nothing to do with the cult stuff going on in the back of permabrig. You had him mistaken with the other two engineers who were rounded up due to being suspected cultists I guess? I had been trying to get him out of brig all round but every time he was released our shitcurity officers, who did nothing about Rob releasing killer tomatoes, would arrest him seconds after he left the brig. IIRC he also made a comment about getting revenge on the arresting officer(s) and that made him less savory to have in brig though I wouldn't blame him for dunking them. I dragged him out three times and you kept letting him back in. Also if he did have stuff in the brig that was confiscated you could just grab it yourself and throw it to him outside, no need to let people in to have their pick of confiscated weapons n shit.

Also comments like "hos shoot your warden" and "I'm your boss" (HoP is not security's boss) didn't help. Lotta stuff went down and communication could have been better but you didn't die and you only missed out on the last minute of the round and an uneventful shuttle ride. I feel like I acted within orders to stop you from what I perceived to be you fucking up.

e: This round was like 2 days ago and that's like forever so I don't remember much. pls no ban for lying in appeal zealotmins

Re: Elle Lowell warden abuse

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 5:17 am
by baverage
To refute your points in order:

I promoted only one person to sec and the logs will show that I got HoS approval first. If you were in doubt about someones implants and loyalty then I'd say blame lies with the person who has loyalty implants in their office and who's job it is to implant people.

The engineer's gear was in the perma locker and there was too much to carry out to him, plus he hadn't even left the brig at the first time, I only opened the perma door for him (IIRC). Yes there was other engineers in the brig and things got messy, hell I'll admit I think your right that I took the wrong one back one of the times, but I couldn't have carried an engies gear out to him even if I had almost nothing on me. You stood next to the overflowing locker while you were cuffing him and refusing to let him pick it up, you couldn't have missed it. Also, it was job to make sure released prisoners get their gear back, and you were just mutely shooting us and tossing him out every time over my explanations.

You say that there was just miss-communication but I think it's telling that both times you got physical with me I was trying to explain myself as best I could even if I got frustrated and other people were standing up for me, while you were mutely shooting me or calling me a shit. One of those other people was Thaddeus Dark, HoS, your boss, telling you to chill. (You can see these in the snippets I pulled from the log) I just reread the log and you say exactly one line of text in my presence, "stop", early on in our entire interactions and not even to me(I think, it's right after you shoot someone else) and nothing else until after you arrest&harmbaton me, when you call me a shit.

This round no one died but someone who so greatly fails at clarifying the situation and then proceeds to arrest and harmbaton a head of staff rank is not someone who should be playing sec.

Re: Elle Lowell warden abuse

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 8:58 am
by baverage
I was reminded of this when I talked to WeeYakk today on the server. He(She?) is alright and I'm over this, I think there was just some miscommunication and I got salty about it.

Re: Elle Lowell warden abuse

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 10:06 am
by peoplearestrange
Will resolve this as OP doesn't want to press charges anymore *files documents in legal briefcase*