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Elshellin Vasileva, metagaming

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 2:41 am
by Bob Dobbington
Your byond account: Bob Dobbington
Your character name: Daisy Holmes
Their character name: Elshellin Vasileva
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): RG4ORDR
Server and time: Sybil, around 6:00PST
Logs and/or screenshots:
[Common] Elshellin Vasileva says, "HMMM"
Elshellin Vasileva says, "HMMM"
OOC: Youngbuckliontiger: and people standing up
OOC: ExcessiveUseOfCobby: only prob with neuro is that is knocks them out, Smash keeps people up
[Common] Michael Cariello says, "HMMM"
OOC: Youngbuckliontiger: are not suspicious
OOC: ExcessiveUseOfCobby: yeh
[Common] Thela Astame exclaims, "Okay, Momoji eats choloate is printed and all versions of LXM are on their way!"
Daisy Holmes asks, "A guy can't take a nap?"
[Common] Elshellin Vasileva exclaims, "I SMELL A BLOB FROM DAISY HOMS NEAR ENGINEERING!"
OOC: Cedarbridge: If I'm neruotoxining you, I probably don't care if you're standing or not.
[Common] Michael Cariello says, "OMG BLOB HALP"
[Common] Orbital DK states, "Hacking doors is ill advised"
[Common] Lorenzo Sulyard says, "thanks ai"
OOC: Fragnostic: that ling in the armory revived 3 times
[Common] Elshellin Vasileva asks, "WHO LIES DOWN IN A LOCKER NEAR ENGINEERING?"
OOC: Blackiwhat: we're talking about the drink, Cedar
PM to-Admins: Metagaming, noun: what Elshellin Vasileva just did.
OOC: Cedarbridge: So am I.
Elshellin Vasileva points to Daisy Holmes
OOC: Blackiwhat: oh
OOC: Blackiwhat: kek
You are the overmind!
You are the overmind and can control the blob! You can expand, which will attack people, and place new blob pieces such as...
Description of what happened: Got metagamed by RG4 as blob at roundstart, for being in a maint tunnel near Tcomms. Completely ruined my round.
Why they should be banned: This was fucking shit, and it happened three seconds before I burst so there was no chance to go hide somewhere else. Seems like pretty open and shut metagaming to me.

Re: Elshellin Vasileva, metagaming

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 2:52 am
by Bob Dobbington
That guy was being an asshole the previous round too. I didn't include him in the BR because you can only get outed once, so his shit didn't make me any worse off after I already got metagamed by RG4. I'm pretty sure the only reason that this BR is against RG4 and not him is because RG4 types faster.

Re: Elshellin Vasileva, metagaming

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 2:55 am
by RG4
I entered the maint tunnels after setting up the emitters and containment fields. I notice there's someone whose laying down in an open locker right next to t-comms and I inspect to see if they're dead or not because you really never know if someone's dead. So I notice they're alive and it strikes me as fishy as possible, random assistant laying down in an open locker right next to the T-Comms R-Walls
This is honestly as suspicious as you can get, you're an assistant laying down in an open locker right next to a high risk area on the station. No random assistant will go into maint and lay down in an open locker in that specific of a location. In earnest you should have picked a better location and not made yourself to look guilty as can be.

Re: Elshellin Vasileva, metagaming

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 2:56 am
by RG4
Saintish wrote:[Common] Michael Cariello says, "OMG BLOB HALP"

this is clearly worse than whatever the OP's complaining about

fucking disgusting

Permaban post-haste
I have no clue who that person is if you're assuming I know him.

Re: Elshellin Vasileva, metagaming

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 4:49 am
by Timbrewolf
He's allowed to know what a blob is and what a blob does. How a blob comes about.
Calling someone out as a blob just because they laid down is metagaming though.

I think the actual problem here is that, unless I'm mistaken, there's no obvious sign to people watching BUT metagaming that someone is about to turn into a blob. There ought to be some kind of redtext emote ala proboscis extending or whatever that tips off people nearby that some unnatural shit is happening.

I'm prepared to let R4G off with a warning and hope that someone would fix that. Every blob player drags a locker with them for defense and attacks TCOMMS. Yeah he was metagaming but at the same time you were being REEEEEALLY obvious about it and using some obvious tricks of the trade here.

I mean, why else would you be dragging a locker around but to defend your core, right? Does a blob have a lot of items it needs to store in there? R4G was able to metagame because you were trying to powergame. You're both not quite at 100% here.

Re: Elshellin Vasileva, metagaming

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 4:58 am
by Bob Dobbington
I think you might be misapprehending the situation here. I wasn't dragging a locker around, the locker was there, it's the assistant wardrobe in engineering maint, and I wasn't using it for anything in particular. I rested and unrested a couple of times because I was bored. I picked maint below Tcomms because it seemed like a good place to bleb, as it enables easy disruption of comms, and the key to doing well as bleb is to prevent the crew organizing effectively. It wasn't like I dragged a welded locker into maint to block the tunnel, which would rise to the level of powergaming, I think. It's one thing to be suspicious about "Hey, why is this assistant napping in maint." It's another thing to immediately yell BLOB over comms before I've so much as popped because, now that assistant maint is a thing of the past, any non-engineer in maint in the early stages of the round is assumed antag. It's one thing to shout about suspicious assistant in maint and quite another to make the leap to blob, which requires the 2nd-order OOC knowledge that blob players waiting for their random timer to expire get bored and do stuff like rest in maint.

EDIT: honestly, using welded lockers to block hallways in engimaint is stupid even for powergamers, as everyone in that part of the station spawns with a welding tool
EDITAGAIN: So, to recap, other than a locker being near where I was, the only suspicious things I did were to be in maint near Tcomms and to be resting. That's it. The locker was even open, I think, as I figured being found in a closed locker would be obviously hiding, being found in an open locker is more like "what"?

Re: Elshellin Vasileva, metagaming

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 5:15 am
by RG4
What you had done in honest was a bad idea was leaving the locker open. Seeing a non-dead,comatose, braindead or asleep assistant in an open locker near a vital area of the station. I probably wouldn't have suspected a thing if you were at least sleeping because that would been IMO more inconspicuous than one whose alert on the ground. Having the locker closed would've guaranteed me not noticing because I was only going to wire the solars before I noticed you.