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FrowningMaccus-Grief as borg

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 2:37 am
by FrostFenex
Your byond account:FrostFenex
Your character name:Sal 9000
Their character name:Security-Cyborg-338
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it):FrowningMaccus
Server and time:Basil,6:20 CE
Logs and/or screenshots:I waited tell the round end to post this and by then the logs were gone
Description of what happened:The captain was a hulk who tried smashing into the upload and my core, he was taken down and borged
once he was a borg,he went straight into my core and beat me to death.
Why they should be banned:He killed his AI while under Asimov

Re: FrowningMaccus-Grief as borg

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 2:46 am
by Antonkr
Sounds like absolute shit. Will go log diving. Will update with action taken.

Re: FrowningMaccus-Grief as borg

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 2:47 am
by FrostFenex
Okay, thanks

Re: FrowningMaccus-Grief as borg

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 4:01 am
by Timbrewolf
How did you manage to borg a hulk?

A hulk is not a human according to the AI (so if they're causing trouble you can deal with them, but you shouldn't automatically start purging them from the station).

But if you laser a hulk back into being a human, you have to treat them according to your laws.

I'm a bit skeptical of the situation since, AFAIK, you would've had to wail on the hulk captain until he was non-hulk before you would've been able to subdue him to borg him. If that's true, then really we ought to be banning you for human harm.

Re: FrowningMaccus-Grief as borg

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 4:10 am
by FrostFenex
The captain was hulk when he smashed into my upload, he was subdued by the crew(my turrets didn't fire at him) I didn't stop the crew because I had asked earlier in of and possibly in a ahelp whether hulks were human and they said no. So I let him be subdued and after a long while(where he may have been cloned, I didn't see everything) he was borged. Did that answer your question?

Re: FrowningMaccus-Grief as borg

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 4:14 am
by Maccus
What about you leaving the lasers on lethal and then getting half the crew killed, forcing me, the borg, to bust in and shut you down for being an idiot?

Re: FrowningMaccus-Grief as borg

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 4:38 am
by FrostFenex
The lethals were on from you attacking(though they never fired and I forgot to turn them off. When you came in and started killing me I had been busy with other things and I died preventing me from turning them off. also I belive the crew was there from when I shouted for help? Or were they there already?

Re: FrowningMaccus-Grief as borg

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 5:01 am
by Maccus
So you don't even remember exactly what was going on but you're going to say I should be banned for putting you down for killing several crewmembers.

Re: FrowningMaccus-Grief as borg

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 5:18 am
by FrostFenex
I don"t remember killing them I remember them running in as you were killing me and they got layered to death as you were( I was still shocked and hadn't turned off the turrets) and then I died which made them die. Also if your talking about killing crew I remeber someone saying you kept pushing them into laser fire until they died in deadchat

Re: FrowningMaccus-Grief as borg

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 5:21 am
by Maccus
You turned on lethal turrets. Turrets that kill people. Turrets you should never have unless you're rogue. And you're wondering why I shut you down? I don't remember pushing anyone into turret fire. What I do remember is you harming humans and being an awful AI.

Re: FrowningMaccus-Grief as borg

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 5:24 am
by miggles
I was the detective in this round. I wasn't really taking part in the whole debacle but I can attest to the fact that the AI did in fact kill 4 people with its lasers when the sec borg was trying to stop him.
I dunno why the captain was breaking in anyway, but he's the captain, so it's not like he isnt allowed in there to begin with. AI left its lasers on after he turned human, too.

Re: FrowningMaccus-Grief as borg

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 5:26 am
by Maccus
Yeah if you're gonna try to get me banned for fixing your screw-up I'm gonna bounce out of this thread, Anton already PMed me in-game an hour or so ago and it should be settled.

Re: FrowningMaccus-Grief as borg

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 5:42 am
by danno
I had unrelated problems with Fenex earlier in the round but wasn't really involved in the whole debacle but I do remember passing the core as a ghost and watching as around 4 people died trying to get into his core to card him. He never turned the lasers off.

Re: FrowningMaccus-Grief as borg

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 5:54 am
by FrostFenex
I was busy, and I hadn't seen the people in there so my bad, also I did not know a admin had dealt with this
ban request is redacted. Please lock this thread.

Danny when I switched to see the last blows of the Borg there was not 4 people
I think the people you saw are the ones who died trying to get in after I was dead.

Re: FrowningMaccus-Grief as borg

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 6:59 am
by ZangoZett
I don't know if this was resolved or not, but I have something to add. I was an assistant that round, and just near the end of the shift, the borg in question asked me to retrieve the HoS, who was dead in the core. I approached the core, and seeing as the lethals were stuck on, decided "awww hell nah" and started to leave through the upload.
However, as I was leaving, a previously inactive Upload turret flipped on and was set to lethal, and began lasering me to death. As I attempted to leave the upload, the Borg deliberately blocked my path, leading to me getting lasered to death. I don't even know if borgs can toggle the turrets on or off, but I am 100% sure it was off as I walked in, and I was able to stand in the upload, look into the mess of the core, and begin to leave before it was activated. Either way, the borg deliberately got me lasered to death.

Re: FrowningMaccus-Grief as borg

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 5:58 am
by FrostFenex
So what's going to happen with this is it going to be further looked into or just put in resolved?

Re: FrowningMaccus-Grief as borg

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 4:10 pm
by Mastigos
The Captain/Borg was a total shithead, busting into the upload to kill the AI for no reason, I was the mime that lasered him to death and saved the HoS and an Engineer from being beaten to death by the Captain, then tried to borg him on HoS's orders before everybody and their mother tried to stop me because reasons. After he was finally borged, I guess he ran in to kill the AI? I didn't get the chance to see what was going on before I died and clicked out. The AI started screaming about someone being in there trying to kill him, and some of us ran in to stop whatever was going on. Unfortunately the turrets were still set to lethal and I assume the AI was dead, since it wasn't responding on radio I and another couple of people died in the core because nobody turned off the turrets.

Either way, the captain was being a griefing shit for no reason whatsoever; busting into the upload as a hulk just because you can, and then killing the AI fnr after you're killed and borged is just awful.

Re: FrowningMaccus-Grief as borg

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 12:29 am
by peoplearestrange
This topic has been resolved.

If this was done in error please PM me or another admin.

Restored thread at OP's request. Need more info from game admins.

Re: FrowningMaccus-Grief as borg

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 2:52 pm
by Timbrewolf
There's nothing to this. I'm curious why the captain wanted into the AI chamber in the first place but it's kind of a moot point.

Neither player acted particularly great in this situation but neither much worse than the other. As a borg you have other recourse than running in to try to beat the AI to death, you also could've disabled the turrets and such. But you really shouldn't ever be in a position where you have to disable an Asimov AI's lethal turrets because an Asimov AI should be super careful about using those. I don't know why the Captain should be having to hulk up and smash into areas he has access to in the first place, what started all this.

It's resolved. No action to be taken against anyone involved.