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Bobdobbington(Daisy Holmes)

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 6:50 am
by KAP
Your byond account: Kaptain alexander
Your character name: Steve Mic
Their character name: Daisy Holmes
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): Bobdobbington
Server and time: Around 9:45 PST I think
Logs and/or screenshots: I only thought to take it after the round, so I only have the last half more would be appriciated

Description of what happened: Making mechs as roboticist, Decide I'd like to see these things save the station someday, so I start handing them out to command staff, give one durand to the captain, and about to give a gygax to the HoS when I step out for a minuite. I come back and there are like five people in robotics, after helping them, I notice that my gygax is missing, thankfully, I had thought ahead, and put tracking beacons on the mecha. I asked daisy holmes to return the mecha peacefully, and alerted the HoS that the gygax had been stolen. After asking her to get out of the mech, she replies she would if I gave her a phazon. I offered her an oddyseus or a riply with her choice of equipment instead, she says no and ran off with the mech instead. I activated the EMP's on the mech, and got in my phazon to destroy the mech, after sec taking her away, she returns later in the round and blows up my phazon with her spear, I chase her to try and hunt her down but she escaped me after I hit her with my welder a few times.

Why they should be banned: Besides being a dick, isn't this power gaming? Why does an assistant need a phazon or a gygax, isn't the line on power gaming crossed when you take something from another department that you would have no real reason to use? I mean they could have gotten a job change if they wanted a mecha so bad, I was the only roboticist on station, and the scientists made their own mecha in their very own fabricator, Hell they could have gotten a job in security and asked me for one that way, but no, they had to go as an assistant and steal my gygax

TL;DR this is some powergaming shit, and assistants shouldn't take everything not nailed down, just because they can.

Re: Bobdobbington(Daisy Holmes)

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 9:05 am
by callanrockslol
Just a future hint, you can remove DNA locks now, so DNA lock every mech after you build them before the person you are giving them to shows up.

Re: Bobdobbington(Daisy Holmes)

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 9:11 am
by Vekter
Ehhh. Technically, he didn't break any rules. You left a mech without a DNA lock and, unfortunately, it got hijacked. Just ends up being a really shitty thing for an assistant to do.

Still, pretty tide of him, so I'll make a note of it. Moral of the story? Lock ya mechs.