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Loonicus: Security Job Ban

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 10:55 pm
by Loonikus
Your BYOND name: Loonicus
Your character name: Smity Werblemanjenkens
Their character name: Smity Werblemanjenkens
Their BYOND account: Loonicus
Server and/or time: N/A
Logs and/or screenshots: N/A
Why they should be banned: Scaredofshadows, our host, has begun to enforce higher standards for Security. While I fully respect his ability and his authority to enforce these standards, I feel I cannot meet the expectations he has set for Security on his server. Therefore I have decided the best course of action would be to be banned from Security before I ruin rounds for other players. I work in the aeronautics industry, and in our industry our employers often make us take an oath that includes us pledging to acknowledge when a task is beyond our capabilities, as our inexperience could cost many lives. While the stakes are not so high here, I feel I am caught in a similar conundrum. I acknowledge that I cannot play Security the way that I am expected to by the server administration, so I would ask that I would be banned from Security roles (Head of Security, Warden, Security Officer, Detective) before I become a detriment to the server rather than after the fact. I will leave the duration of the ban to your discretion, although I would prefer a job ban ban lasting no shorter than two months.

Addendum: This is a serious ban request. This is not some kind of convoluted insult towards the host or any administrator. This is not a sarcastic commentary on any policy or other bans. This is a serious ban request. I do not feel I am capable of living up to the standards required by Security and I do not want to be a detriment to this server. Please ban me from these roles.

Re: Loonicus: Security Job Ban

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 10:59 pm
by Ikarrus
Jobban applied. Feel free to appeal whenever you want to lift it.