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Ashlyn Northey - Meta harmbatoning FNR

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 2:51 pm
by Kangaraptor
Your byond account: Kangaraptor

Your character name: Kiara Elison

Their character name: Ashlyn Northey

Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): Dunno'.

Server and time: Sybil, around... 12:15AM, GMT+10 (11:21 server time?)

Logs and/or screenshots: Can't, they were too far back in the logger.

Description of what happened: Changeling round, went mute + cryo with a stunprod as per usual. I was dicking around at escape and poking around maint as I usually do as an engineer when I find an assistant next to the airlock. No one around, figure fuck it why not. I beat him down and dragged him into science maint to try and find somewhere quiet to suck the delicious DNA out of him when I ran across a random sec officer. As one might expect, he stuncuffed me. Okay, no problem. The assistant is standing next to him, I'm cuffed behind the securitymans, so I tried to play it up as the assistant having a go at me and me managing to get the better of him. While Vincent is screaming over sec radio for backup to maint, I cryosting them both. Somewhere around here the assistant emoted '... tries to talk' or something to that effect, security guard is feeling cold but isn't sure which of us is a changeling so he says both of us might be. No problemo.

Right now I'm calling for lingsupport and he arrives just in time. Armblade out, bashes the shit out of the sec dude and runs off (without uncuffing me, mind you) after beating me into deep orange which I regenerated quietly before anybody else showed up. When I get up, I start trying to uncuff myself; this is where it gets stupid:

Ashlyn runs up from lower toxins maint, practically ignores the assistant (at least from what I know, he was stuck in the bomb testing airlock thingy) and IMMEDIATELY starts harmbatoning me. At this point I'm wondering what the fuck is going on, because they have no proof that I'm anything but someone with a restrained assistant and a 'possibility' of my being a changeling. Not to mention that I'm restrained (see: totally unable to do anything with a group of people standing around him, I could cryosting all day and still end up ded).

At this point I gave up and started cryostinging out of spite, because fuck it, they were gonna kill me anyway. After I end up having to fleshmend (or regen, I think it might have actually been a regen) after she bucklecuffs me to the chair in bomb testing and leaves me alone, I'm greeted to her and the HoS barging in with Ashlyn claiming 'I was dead'. Sure, I was close to dead, but not dead. At this point I'm carted off to the incinerator to be lelburnt and, as far as I could tell, the assistant was let off while security completely ignored that a third individial was responsible for Vincent's death.

Why they should be banned: Basically, I'm calling meta shit on this. They had proof after I regenned, but that's not what I'm cheesed about; it's the fact that she came barging in, harmbatoning a restrained engineer FNR with the INTENT TO KILL on a pretty loose suspicion. Admittedly, I did have a stunprod on me; but that is hardly proof of being a changeling, like really. I could understand if I was waving an armblade around and regenning with people in plain sight - but I wasn't. I was confirmed after the fact, and using that to justify their killing me after the fact is totally bogus and not okay.

Re: Ashlyn Northey - Meta harmbatoning FNR

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 3:31 pm
by Fatal
The warden was watching this on cameras before I turned up, chat logs will prove what was said on the radio

Something along the lines of, it's one or the other, and given that you were next to the dead security officer, and the OTHER guy kept collapsing, I figured it was you

Also, after hitting you enough, I saw you were healing pretty rapidly, and after cuffing you to a chair and hitting you more, you were dead on examination, as well as having deathgasped, then you were alive later

I guess I did get it a little wrong, because the security officer on the ground was burnt and bruised, so I figured he managed to cuff you (he was yelling for help at this point) before he took too much damage from the cryosting (I had no idea another changeling was involved)

But yeah, basically, the warden was watching the cameras on the radio and told me what was going on, although apparently he didn't see the ling armblade vincent either

Ling rounds are generally confusing, but as soon as you healed using the fleshmend / regen, it confirmed what the warden was telling me as far as I'm concerned

Re: Ashlyn Northey - Meta harmbatoning FNR

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 3:36 pm
by Kangaraptor
Fatal wrote:The warden was watching this on cameras before I turned up, chat logs will prove what was said on the radio

Something along the lines of, it's one or the other, and given that you were next to the dead security officer, and the OTHER guy kept collapsing, I figured it was you

Also, after hitting you enough, I saw you were healing pretty rapidly, and after cuffing you to a chair and hitting you more, you were dead on examination, as well as having deathgasped, then you were alive later

I guess I did get it a little wrong, because the security officer on the ground was burnt and bruised, so I figured he managed to cuff you (he was yelling for help at this point) before he took too much damage from the cryosting (I had no idea another changeling was involved)

But yeah, basically, the warden was watching the cameras on the radio and told me what was going on, although apparently he didn't see the ling armblade vincent either

Ling rounds are generally confusing, but as soon as you healed using the fleshmend / regen, it confirmed what the warden was telling me as far as I'm concerned
Ah, okay. That makes a bit more sense; perhaps I jumped to conclusions too quickly. The guy was armbladed with the door closed, so that would explain that.

On my end it only showed me in -deep- crit when I was on the chair, so maybe there was some latency involved there; either or, I can accept all that, so I guess my request is withdrawn.

Sorry for the trouble.

Re: Ashlyn Northey - Meta harmbatoning FNR

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 3:42 pm
by CreationPro
I'm glad it all worked out in the end. Changeling rounds really can get confusing, and this thread means they are serving their purpose.

Re: Ashlyn Northey - Meta harmbatoning FNR

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 3:42 pm
by Kangaraptor
CreationPro wrote:I'm glad it all worked out in the end. Changeling rounds really can get confusing, and this thread means they are serving their purpose.
Haha, yeah. Thanks for getting back to me quickly, too.