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Ban Max Fatkins From HoP (Again)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 7:36 pm
by Falamazeer
Your byond account:Wootanon
Your character name:Ziggy Two-Shoes
Their character name:Max Fartkins
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it):Tolstovskiy
Server and time:Sybyl log 2015-02-02 (10 03 pm)
Logs and/or screenshots:Spoiler below
Description of what happened: AI was malf, and full blown nuts, I told the HoP to give out access excluding the bridge, and he was still not giving out emergency access as ordered, with a timer counting down. Second time he's done this. Like I said in the last thread, even changing crazy situations he will not relent in being a stingy asshole, He does it because he likes being an inconvenience. And it should be stopped, It's every round, EVERY GODAMN ONE!
Why they should be banned: It's shit, and it's every round he plays HoP.
Here's the last one I made over the same shit.

Captain Announces

Declaring it, AI is rogue, HoP I command you give out access like it's fucking candy, do not give access to the bridge though, or we will get a million fucking recalls

[Common] Zheng Ho exclaims, "FUCK THE HOP!!!!"
[Command] George McClemens says, "Why would the AI be rogue"
Priority Announcement

The emergency shuttle has been called. It will arrive in 10 minutes.
Nature of emergency:

AI is about to get fucking nasty

Call signal traced. Results can be viewed on any communcations console.

[Common] Autumn Sinnow says, "And Captain is insane."
OOC: RumyanyPirozhok: might finally stop being so unrobust
[Common] Malfunctioning AI states, "HERE WE GOOOO"
[Common] Zheng Ho exclaims, "Recall please!"
[Common] Jaggers Edgeworth says, "Hello everybody"
[Command] George McClemens says, "What's the justification for this captain"
[Common] Harry Dresden says, "AI DON'T."
[Common] Jaggers Edgeworth says, "I am mister jaggers im a cool guy"
security newscaster beeps, "Breaking news from Station Announcements!"
Central Command Update

Anomaly Alert

Hostile runtimes detected in all station systems, please deactivate your AI to prevent possible damage to its morality core.

Attention! Delta security level reached!
The station's self-destruct mechanism has been engaged. All crew are instructed to obey all instructions given by heads of staff. Any violations of these orders can be punished by death. This is not a drill.

[Common] George Sears says, "ALL ABOARD CAPTAIN CRAZY'S WILD RIDE"
[Common] George Sears says, "OH FUCK"
[Common] Blake Anderson exclaims, "Ai!"
[Common] Harry Dresden says, "I JUST WAN TO MAKE MY AUTISM FORTRESS, AI."
[Common] B.E.E.P. states, "Bye SS13"
[Security] Jaggers Edgeworth says, "Oh god"
[Command] George McClemens stammers, "N-Never-r-r-rm-m-mid"
[Command] Shady Slim says, "I told you retards to open that vault but you gotta do some other pointless shit"
[Security] Jaggers Edgeworth says, "Im locked in friends"
[Command] Ziggy Two-Shoes says, "Thats my justification bud"
Ziggy Two-Shoes says, "Thats my justification bud"

A little later He shut down the station by bolting and shocking everything ever, I got stuck in my room, without a multitool.

Captain Announces

Locked in my office for trying to save you, sorry guys, I think I'm fucked, but captains orders, open everything up to the crew, save this station, or I'm going down with the ship

His reply :
Head of Personnel's Desk Announcement:
you get access you need to do your job better considering situation, not just all access for you to fuck off and die in maint"

Re: Ban Max Fatkins From HoP (Again)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 7:53 pm
by Timbrewolf
That's pretty poor HoP play. I'll get them in here one way or another.

Re: Ban Max Fatkins From HoP (Again)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 7:54 pm
by Ikarrus
Had to do a double take here. It's nearly identical to your last request.

Re: Ban Max Fatkins From HoP (Again)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 8:07 pm
by Timbrewolf
An assistant demanding you give them something incredibly very powerful in a crisis is different from the Captain ordering you to do so.

I don't like allowing this because the only solution becomes the Captain meta'ing that "Oh right this is the guy who never listens to me when shit hits the fan" and demoting them at round start. In a situation like this he really should cut the shit and do what the Captain tells him.

He is basically cooperating with a malf AI to fuck up the round at this point. The Captain has given him the order to do this thing and he's still not doing it because >pout.

If he had a reason to think "That's not the Captain, it's a trick!" I might be more inclined to side with them on this but looking at the logs there's no reason to doubt him.

Re: Ban Max Fatkins From HoP (Again)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 8:11 pm
by Ikarrus
At this point I'd just like to speak with Max and have them lighten up a bit.

Re: Ban Max Fatkins From HoP (Again)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 8:34 pm
by Timbrewolf
If you can tell him to stop doing this in certain situations and he changes his playstyle APC DESTROYED MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

Re: Ban Max Fatkins From HoP (Again)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 11:06 pm
by tolstovskiy
Yeah,i may have gone too far that round. The announcement actually was towards crew members like cargo technician that I gave armory access instead of all access and made him to actually start ordering crates and arming crew. I was just making sure that some crucial jobs were still performed. Yes, it doesn't make it any better, since it still looked like full blown mutiny for these who weren't in the line(everyone).

If any admin wants to talk, add me in steam if you can't reach me otherwise, same profile name as byond account.

Re: Ban Max Fatkins From HoP (Again)

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 4:27 am
by Ikarrus
Well, I'm basically going to tell you what you already know, so we can just leave this as a warning. If you still want to talk it out feel free to seek me out in BYOND or IRC (or in game).

It should go without saying that if we keep getting complaints like this it's going to be a ding dong bannu.