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Long rounds aren't open season

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 12:43 pm
by GeEom
  • My byond account:
    • GeEom
    My character name:
    • Karlie Keplar
    Their character name:
    • [Do not recall, too long]
    Their byond account:
    • Oildrum
    Server and time:
    • Basil, 26/03/15, ~11:40 GMT
    Logs and/or screenshots:
    • [None]
    Description of what happened:
    • Setting: I joined an empty server, spawning as solo player antag. Call me weird but I then played for an hour and a half. I set up the engine, finished research, mined, upgraded the cloner to auto, caught four(!) anomalies, and killed 20-30 vending machines (brand intel is a nightmare for ~no crew). I planned fun for new arrivals, and set up various kit for this purpose.
      Enter Oildrum: This player did not announce their arrival. They saw the round length, joined as CMO, went straight to the bridge and called the shuttle. I tried to talk to them over radio a few times before recalling. They did not say a word. I found them in chemistry, and said three or four lines through the windows, warning them of the ongoing vending machine crisis. Still no text. No RP. I entered medbay (not chemistry where they were) and shot down the break room vendors, patching the floor. On my way back up through medbay their character fired a syringe gun at me. I dodged this and tried once more to communicate. I dodged two more syringes trying to discern a motive before the improvised stun prod came out. When I was buckle cuff dragged out of play, and the shuttle was called without cause again, they said their first words.
    Why they should be banned:
    • This player had no IC motive to end the round, and little meta motive (They had not had five minutes to claim boredom.) My disruption of their call lead them to attack me. This is evidenced by their first actions on station: preparing a handful of (presumably malicious) syringes and a stunprod, despite never seeing me or responding to me.

Re: Long rounds aren't open season

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 3:47 pm
by Scones
A few minutes apart, these are their first actions on the station. During this time they say nothing, and GeEom is presumably busy elsewhere and doesn't see them on their way to the Bridge.
[07:42:59]ACCESS: Login: Oildrum/(Dalya Greenawalt)
[07:46:02]GAME: Oildrum/(Dalya Greenawalt) has called the shuttle.
[07:49:20]GAME: GeEom/(Karlie Keplar) has recalled the shuttle.
Karlie says hello. No response.
[07:50:53]SAY: Karlie Keplar/GeEom : Hellooo
[07:51:18]SAY: Karlie Keplar/GeEom : Got any rabid machines in there? There were lots.
Big log of the CMO attacking Karlie, cuffing and stripping her - All without a word said right up until the end. There are no logs for the syringes fired but I'm assuming that's what the "Do not do that" is in reference to.
[07:52:16]SAY: Karlie Keplar/GeEom : Do not do that.
[07:53:40]ATTACK: Dalya Greenawalt(oildrum) stunned Karlie Keplar(geeom) </font>
[07:53:47]ATTACK: Dalya Greenawalt(oildrum) handcuffed Karlie Keplar(geeom) </font>
[07:53:55]SAY: Karlie Keplar/GeEom : Why?
[07:53:59]ATTACK: Dalya Greenawalt(oildrum) stunned Karlie Keplar(geeom) </font>
[07:54:09]ATTACK: Dalya Greenawalt(oildrum) stripped Karlie Keplar(geeom) of the security gas mask</font>
[07:54:10]ATTACK: Dalya Greenawalt(oildrum) stripped Karlie Keplar(geeom) of the satchel</font>
[07:54:10]ATTACK: Dalya Greenawalt(oildrum) stripped Karlie Keplar(geeom) of the insulated gloves</font>
[07:54:11]ATTACK: Dalya Greenawalt(oildrum) stripped Karlie Keplar(geeom) of the laser cannon</font>
[07:54:11]ATTACK: Dalya Greenawalt(oildrum) stripped Karlie Keplar(geeom) of the bulletproof armor</font>
[07:54:12]ATTACK: Dalya Greenawalt(oildrum) stripped Karlie Keplar(geeom) of the brown shoes</font>
[07:54:12]ATTACK: Dalya Greenawalt(oildrum) stripped Karlie Keplar(geeom) of the bulletproof helmet</font>
[07:54:13]ATTACK: Dalya Greenawalt(oildrum) stripped Karlie Keplar(geeom) of the research director's vest suit</font>
[07:54:13]ATTACK: Dalya Greenawalt(oildrum) stripped Karlie Keplar(geeom) of the toolbelt</font>
[07:54:15]ATTACK: Dalya Greenawalt(oildrum) stripped Karlie Keplar(geeom) of PDA-Karlie Keplar (Research Director)</font>
[07:54:23]ATTACK: Dalya Greenawalt(oildrum) stripped Karlie Keplar(geeom) of Optical Meson Scanner</font>
[07:54:25]ATTACK: Dalya Greenawalt(oildrum) stripped Karlie Keplar(geeom) of the research director's headset</font>
[07:55:35]SAY: Karlie Keplar/GeEom : Are you not going to say a fucking word?
At last, they speak. They've just been dragging around the RD, waiting for the shuttle.
[07:58:11]SAY: Dalya Greenawalt/Oildrum : How does that even work

[07:59:58]SAY: Dalya Greenawalt/Oildrum : Also drugged me somehow. Dunno how that even happened
Karlie actually didn't give them any sort of toxin - They OD'd with their own Hypospray
[07:49:30]ATTACK: <font color='red'>Dalya Greenawalt(oildrum) injected Dalya Greenawalt(oildrum) with hypospray(Omnizine)</font>
[07:49:31]ATTACK: Dalya Greenawalt(oildrum) injected Dalya Greenawalt(oildrum) with hypospray(Omnizine)</font>
[07:49:32]ATTACK: Dalya Greenawalt(oildrum) injected Dalya Greenawalt(oildrum) with hypospray(Omnizine)</font>
[07:49:33]ATTACK: Dalya Greenawalt(oildrum) injected Dalya Greenawalt(oildrum) with hypospray(Omnizine)</font>
[07:49:34]ATTACK: Dalya Greenawalt(oildrum) injected Dalya Greenawalt(oildrum) with hypospray(Omnizine)</font>
[07:49:35]ATTACK: Dalya Greenawalt(oildrum) injected Dalya Greenawalt(oildrum) with hypospray(Omnizine)</font>
No comment on this one.
[08:00:17]SAY: Dalya Greenawalt/Oildrum : >Taking spare id
[08:00:24]SAY: Dalya Greenawalt/Oildrum : >Not rewriting your own ID with all access
[08:00:28]SAY: Dalya Greenawalt/Oildrum : Total pleb station
[08:00:43]SAY: Dalya Greenawalt/Oildrum : Shit

And they weren't a traitor, ling, or otherwise. Karlie didn't do anything remotely antagish considering they spent an hour and a half running a solo station before the CMO came and decided an hour and a half was too long. I'm going to redirect them to this thread and hopefully get their side of the story.
[08:11:14]GAME: Antagonists at round end were...
[08:11:14]GAME: Changelings: Karlie Keplar(GeEom).
[08:11:28]SAY: Dalya Greenawalt/Oildrum : :^)

Re: Long rounds aren't open season

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 6:23 pm
by GeEom
I really appreciate that you've caught the log and looked through it to this extent. I was slightly paranoid that if someone kicks my sandcastle over, its not really the community's problem.

It's surprising to me that such a communicative player in-game hasn't taken the opportunity to present their side of affairs here.

Re: Long rounds aren't open season

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:22 pm
by peoplearestrange
Given the near month of this hanging I'll poke Scones for a final say seeing as they were dealing with this.
Otherwise I'll resolve this in 24hours.

EDIT: Never got a reply, its been WAY over 24hours, resolving. PM me if needs reopening etc.