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Cyrii - Toxic and Hostile behavior

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:38 am
by iamgoofball
Your byond account: Iamgoofball
Your character name: Func U Vehicle
Their character name: ???
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): Cyrii
Server and time: Usually Basil, earlier in the morning.
Logs and/or screenshots: Don't have any. I would of saved logs but I figured a ban request wouldn't of gotten anything done before. Plus he does this every time he realizes I'm on the server, so I can probably just get some logs by just being connected at the same time he is.
Description of what happened: Well, every time I join a /tg/ owned server when Cyrii is online, if I say anything in OOC he'll start ranting and raving about how I should kill myself and how I'm a "gay nigger faggot" and how I've "ruined the game" and many, many, many other toxic and abrasive things. I'll just be idling on the lobby sometimes, not having said anything in OOC, and he'll just start ranting about the exact same shit, and then he usually checks Who, sees I'm logged in, and then starts slinging insults at me and requests that I kill myself.
Why they should be banned: Why the fuck would this ever be tolerated? Why should this person be able to just insult me and degrade me and tell me to kill myself?
Even if it's "just a joke, lol" or "ironic", it's not fucking funny or acceptable to ever joke about that.

I want this person banned for this toxic and hostile behavior akin to paprika's horrifyingly terrible public relations skills. Or at least told to stop fucking doing this shit. It fucking makes me lose hope in life when I come on, ask for feedback on my stuff, and then get "kill yourself fag and revert gaychem :^))))" as the response from Cyrii.

I want to maintain the code I made, I want to fix bugs and improve on stuff from feedback, but when the only "feedback" I get is "kill yourself goon-reject" it takes real goddamn effort to actually clone a branch and fix those bugs or make those improvements because this kills my will to fix anything.

Re: Cyrii - Toxic and Hostile behavior

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:47 am
by MrStonedOne
Can i get some example times and dates (and what server) so i can grab logs.

Re: Cyrii - Toxic and Hostile behavior

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 6:28 pm
by TechnoAlchemist
I've experience similar behavior on Sybil from him. He's extremely volatile and caustic to anyone who says something out of line with his views. He's generally been a toxic person in my view and I've found that ignoring him tends to stop his shitty behavior. He's definitely a really negative and not fun person to interact with and he tends to use his "veteran" status as an excuse for his behavior. I don't have any logs because I didn't think it was a big deal. Just my two cents.

Re: Cyrii - Toxic and Hostile behavior

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 7:37 pm
by Vekter
Let me go log surfing and see if I can find any examples.

E: Aside from being an annoying little shit, I haven't seen anything TOO blatant as far as "oh my god I need to ban him". I'll issue him a warning and note him for it.

Re: Cyrii - Toxic and Hostile behavior

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 6:29 pm
by NikNakFlak
Vekter looks like he handled this. If anymore needs to be said, post. If not I am moving this to resolved in the next couple of hours.

Be sure and save specific logs of this in the future if this ever happens again, it would save us time and make it easier to handle.