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Runtime Rhyme: Security lockdown

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 10:48 pm
by Luke Cox
Your byond account: NocturnalQuill
Your character name:Luke Cox
Their character name:Runtime Rhyme (AI)
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): Stickymayhem
Server and time:Around 3:15PM, 4/6/2015
Logs and/or screenshots: None, but I imagine everything is in server logs
Description of what happened: Security was quite chaotic that shift. I was dealing with a Mime that had stolen from Chemistry, when the whole brig got locked down. I ordered the AI to unbolt us, and nothing. I originally thought that the AI was malf after hearing about a sec borg allegedly attacking an officer, so I used the mime as a hostage in order to escape. Then, a sec borg comes in, starts stripping me, then carries me to the brig with another officer in pursuit. We're thrown in the bridge, lockdown on, with the bridge unpowered, and all of security bolted in the prison wing. I would later find out that the warden had killed a guy. To my knowledge, the AI didn't say anything in security channel. He never made any attempt to contact me directly via PDA or the command channel. When we get out, half the station is bombed.
Why they should be banned: I understand that the warden had killed a guy. That is unacceptable, I agree. He should probably be looked in to too. However, the AI could have said something in command channel or sent me a PDA message. If you don't know what to do, adminhelp. Instead, he bolts down all of security while a bomber runs loose and ruins the round for everyone in sec because of one person. I think a temporary AI jobban would be appropriate in this case. I'd understand a little if this was somebody new to AI, but an admin should know better.

Re: Runtime Rhyme: Security lockdown

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 10:57 pm
by Scones
So to clarify (Because that is a serious wall of text), the Warden killed somebody, and the AI/silicons took this as a green light to imprison the entirety of Security in the Prison Wing for an extended period of time while a bomber destroyed a large portion of the station?

I'll check logs on this in a bit and redirect Sticky here if he isn't already aware of the thread.

Re: Runtime Rhyme: Security lockdown

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 11:02 pm
by Luke Cox
Scones wrote:So to clarify (Because that is a serious wall of text), the Warden killed somebody, and the AI/silicons took this as a green light to imprison the entirety of Security in the Prison Wing for an extended period of time while a bomber destroyed a large portion of the station?

I'll check logs on this in a bit and redirect Sticky here if he isn't already aware of the thread.
Yep. I was unaware that the Warden had killed without provocation, and the AI made little to no effort to inform me of it. All he had to do was PDA/command channel me about the warden's behavior, and he'd be stripped of his gear and rank and down the disposal chute in minutes. Instead, he incapacitates everyone in security. I only threatened the Mime because I couldn't see any other way to make him stop it. At no point did I actually try to kill him.

I don't know how many people died in the bombings, but massive chunks of the station were destroyed and security was powerless to stop it. I think the AI shut down the sec channel at one point, but that might just be me. Logs should tell.

Re: Runtime Rhyme: Security lockdown

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 11:17 pm
by Madjura
I was present for this round as Officer, Crushtail
(I joined 20 minutes into the round)
Every single door in security and the courtroom was bolted (I did not check perma, but the doors leading there were bolted, even the doors leading to the security pods were), everything was locked down and equipment power was off
Even if the AI did that just to prevent human harm (I haven't witnessed any myself but there was a lot of shit going on) it locked a barman (don't remember the name, look in the logs when I say "Why are you still here, you were just released" and warden saying "because he is a savage beast that attacked me", the guy talked there) into the brig with me and the warden
Admittedly he was in a cell with a timer up so disabling equipment power kept him safe, more or less, I guess? But he was out of the cell a bit later (unknown how, I guess the AI let him out as the cell was not broken) but he could still not get out of the brig even though he was not involved at all as far as I could tell
Captain and HoS (HoS was naked) were locked into the bridge, lockdown on, doors bolted, like at the brig; all of that while everything was exploding everywhere
Much later, when the HoS and Captain had been freed by me from the bridge the AI still kept bolting the doors into the brig, though at the time I had already disabled every camera except one directly above the brig door so I don't know if that justifies the AI repeatedly bolting the doors but I would say no, and remember that at the time a lot of things had exploded and people had died, from what I could tell no member of security was able to properly respond to the bombings and try to prevent them because everything was locked down always

Re: Runtime Rhyme: Security lockdown

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 11:32 pm
by Luke Cox
Madjura wrote:I was present for this round as Officer, Crushtail
(I joined 20 minutes into the round)
Every single door in security and the courtroom was bolted (I did not check perma, but the doors leading there were bolted, even the doors leading to the security pods were), everything was locked down and equipment power was off
Even if the AI did that just to prevent human harm (I haven't witnessed any myself but there was a lot of shit going on) it locked a barman (don't remember the name, look in the logs when I say "Why are you still here, you were just released" and warden saying "because he is a savage beast that attacked me", the guy talked there) into the brig with me and the warden
Admittedly he was in a cell with a timer up so disabling equipment power kept him safe, more or less, I guess? But he was out of the cell a bit later (unknown how, I guess the AI let him out as the cell was not broken) but he could still not get out of the brig even though he was not involved at all as far as I could tell
Captain and HoS (HoS was naked) were locked into the bridge, lockdown on, doors bolted, like at the brig; all of that while everything was exploding everywhere
Much later, when the HoS and Captain had been freed by me from the bridge the AI still kept bolting the doors into the brig, though at the time I had already disabled every camera except one directly above the brig door so I don't know if that justifies the AI repeatedly bolting the doors but I would say no, and remember that at the time a lot of things had exploded and people had died, from what I could tell no member of security was able to properly respond to the bombings and try to prevent them because everything was locked down always
Captain wasn't locked in the bridge, but everything else is accurate

Re: Runtime Rhyme: Security lockdown

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 11:33 pm
by onleavedontatme
Warden startes beating people for having picket signs

I freed an assistant (was a sec borg)

Other officer starts attacking me for freeing the prisoner

Everyone screaming ai is rogue. Get locked for a while

Some other fucking officer going nuts in medbay

Try to save warden from lizard lawyer (in a cell somehow, rest of sec doesnt see) but sec attacks me so I start bolting doors to try and get to the warden

Warden kills lawyer

AI tells me to arrest hos for threatening mime death. Get him locked in the bridge, nearly beaten to death by officers so I left

Was all very confusing.

Basically a griefing warden, who was banned, was murdering people and the thin red line unknowingly leapt to his defense despite people shouting he was murderous. Nobody would trust eachother or spend five minutes talking it out.

Anyway the person who caused all this is banned already, I think the rest was just retarded escalation

On my phone so shitty formatting and half the details missing but there you go

I did die when the bombs went off though so I missed the second half of the round

Re: Runtime Rhyme: Security lockdown

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 11:38 pm
by Stickymayhem
The problems with security started when one officer, Austin I believed, harmbatoned someone as I watched. I check it against the suit sensors, the harm is real, and I send a borg and beepsky to handle it. I locked the officer in medbay while beepsky arrived and arrested him, but beepsky is immediately killed by a group of people there, and my borg is locked down.

I tried to contact you in security or command channels Luke but to no avail. I also said it on the common channel but was still ignored. After witnessing someone else get beaten, I head to the brig to see the warden fighting to the death with a prisoner within a cell while the HoS was bringing in someone else. I locked down the brig to try to prevent the immediate harm.

This was meant to be a temporary solution to the situation to get the immediate harm resolved, but the Head of Security, now locked down between the brig doors with a cuffed prisoner and I believe a second officer, is now screaming that he's going to kill the mime if I don't unlock the doors. I send my secborg in to attempt to safely extract the mime, who is now the hostage of Luke claiming he's going to murder him, but it's too risky and the borg retreats.

At this point the HoS declares that if I don't lift the lockdown in ten seconds he's going to start murdering all his prisoners one by one. I believe it is at this point the warden drags his fresh kill right past the HoS and into the officer's area, which I also lockdown to prevent the lethal Warden's escape. I bar access to armory at this point too because it just makes sense.

Before the HoS reaches the point of actually killing prisoners (OOCly of course I assume he didn't intend to) my borg saves the mime, I get him out of there and the HoS gets arrested by my borg. He's screaming bloody murder and officers are now shooting the ion rifle at the bolted doors to try to unlock them, causing more harm with the shock thing, and at this point I just give up on security alltogether.

When the HoS is threatening murder to get their way, they lose all hope of a working relationship with an asimov AI. It was hectic so I wasn't able to respond to all questions or whatever he had, but I had a continued contact with the Captain, and let him check my laws personally and all that. The Captain was on my side for the whole round, as were most of the crew as far as I could tell.

Security went completely out of line and made less than no effort to appease an asimov AI, or even request any law changes early on to facilitate the kind of violence they were engaged in.

I think the worst I did this round was cruising on the caps lock a little hard, but between all the bold shouting and harmcrying it was practically necessary.

EDIT: I was deadminned so I had no idea that the warden was banned. As a side note, it seems the officers supported the warden and leapt to his defence, causing more harm, as well as a couple of them being shitty themselves. Luke Cox probably had so much to deal with he didn't know about it, but his hostage taking was a bad move.

Re: Runtime Rhyme: Security lockdown

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:15 am
by Luke Cox
Stickymayhem wrote:The problems with security started when one officer, Austin I believed, harmbatoned someone as I watched. I check it against the suit sensors, the harm is real, and I send a borg and beepsky to handle it. I locked the officer in medbay while beepsky arrived and arrested him, but beepsky is immediately killed by a group of people there, and my borg is locked down.

We got an officer screaming about a rogue borg, so we assumed it was emagged along with Beepsky

I tried to contact you in security or command channels Luke but to no avail. I also said it on the common channel but was still ignored. After witnessing someone else get beaten, I head to the brig to see the warden fighting to the death with a prisoner within a cell while the HoS was bringing in someone else. I locked down the brig to try to prevent the immediate harm.

PDA the HoS if you don't get an immediate response. The channels were busy and it's easy to miss.

This was meant to be a temporary solution to the situation to get the immediate harm resolved, but the Head of Security, now locked down between the brig doors with a cuffed prisoner and I believe a second officer, is now screaming that he's going to kill the mime if I don't unlock the doors. I send my secborg in to attempt to safely extract the mime, who is now the hostage of Luke claiming he's going to murder him, but it's too risky and the borg retreats.

After the previous incident with the borg, I suspected that we might have a malfunctioning or traitor AI given the circumstances. You bolted down the brig before I even threatened the mime, and you didn't comply when I asked you to unbolt it. I threatened the mime because I didn't see any other way out. He was never in any danger, before or after the treat

At this point the HoS declares that if I don't lift the lockdown in ten seconds he's going to start murdering all his prisoners one by one. I believe it is at this point the warden drags his fresh kill right past the HoS and into the officer's area, which I also lockdown to prevent the lethal Warden's escape. I bar access to armory at this point too because it just makes sense.

Again, nothing else was making you comply. You were determined to lock us down, and at this point nothing else would make you lift the lockdown.

Before the HoS reaches the point of actually killing prisoners (OOCly of course I assume he didn't intend to) my borg saves the mime, I get him out of there and the HoS gets arrested by my borg. He's screaming bloody murder and officers are now shooting the ion rifle at the bolted doors to try to unlock them, causing more harm with the shock thing, and at this point I just give up on security alltogether.

Your borg dragged me through maint so the rest of the crew wouldn't see it drag me off. You were making deliberate attempts to conceal your actions. Security probably went crazy because they assumed you were traitor or malf. Your actions seemed to indicate that.

When the HoS is threatening murder to get their way, they lose all hope of a working relationship with an asimov AI. It was hectic so I wasn't able to respond to all questions or whatever he had, but I had a continued contact with the Captain, and let him check my laws personally and all that. The Captain was on my side for the whole round, as were most of the crew as far as I could tell.

And when you bolt down the entire security wing because the warden harmbatons somebody, you lose all hope of a working relationship with any competent security team. Again, this was all over one person's misconduct.

Security went completely out of line and made less than no effort to appease an asimov AI, or even request any law changes early on to facilitate the kind of violence they were engaged in.

As I mentioned earlier, people died because of your actions. You don't dismantle the entire security team because of one warden.

I think the worst I did this round was cruising on the caps lock a little hard, but between all the bold shouting and harmcrying it was practically necessary.

EDIT: I was deadminned so I had no idea that the warden was banned. As a side note, it seems the officers supported the warden and leapt to his defence, causing more harm, as well as a couple of them being shitty themselves. Luke Cox probably had so much to deal with he didn't know about it, but his hostage taking was a bad move.

I can sympathize with an asimov wanting to prevent a security team from getting out of hand, but you didn't try too hard to alert me of what my team was doing. You could have gone to the captain or me via pda message, but instead you shut down all of security while a bomber runs around destroying half of the station. Situation should have gone like this:

1. PDA me or captain, "Your warden beating and killing prisoners"
2. I investigate warden
3. I clone the dead guy, and the warden is stripped of his rank

This would be one thing if you were new to AI, but behavior like this from an admin is unacceptable.

Re: Runtime Rhyme: Security lockdown

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:30 am
by Stickymayhem
It was not over one person. At least two other officers, before the warden incident, had harmbatoned people. After the incident all the officers engaged in shitty behaviour. With you throwing around death threats that makes most of the security team harmful.

I was yelling about it across multiple channels. I didn't have the time to PDA as, although you think I bolted down the entire brig at once, I did not. I was micromanaging doors to ensure the escape of those being harmed and prevent the warden from fleeing into maint with a dead body.

I wasn't complying because I was busy immediately trying to seperate the warden from everyone else and get the secborg inside to help out. From my perspective you threatened the mimes life very soon after being locked down. I immediately opened the door in front of you because I have to comply with a threat like that, but the borg was ready to arrest you as soon as it was safe to do so from that point onwards. You made a bad move.

The reason the borg dragged you into maint is because the officers were trying to kill it and it was either drag you back through the officers who you've convinced your being kidnapped by a malf ai or take the safer side route and keep the officers and warden, of which only one officer was innocent of harm, safely locked down.

I contacted the captain about you and had you in the bridge the captain was busy and took a while to respond to you being there. Seeing as the captain was reasonable and hadn't been harmful at all, I left it up to them to give you the all clear on returning to duty, which I think was reasonable.

It wasn't an isolated incident. I personally saw multiple people get harmbatoned and my borgs get attacked before any of the lockdown took place. Once I did that, I left you in place as I micromanaged to prevent the warden getting free, and in that time you yourself became a threat to the people around you.

Re: Runtime Rhyme: Security lockdown

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:47 am
by Luke Cox
Stickymayhem wrote:It was not over one person. At least two other officers, before the warden incident, had harmbatoned people. After the incident all the officers engaged in shitty behaviour. With you throwing around death threats that makes most of the security team harmful.

I was yelling about it across multiple channels. I didn't have the time to PDA as, although you think I bolted down the entire brig at once, I did not. I was micromanaging doors to ensure the escape of those being harmed and prevent the warden from fleeing into maint with a dead body.

I wasn't complying because I was busy immediately trying to seperate the warden from everyone else and get the secborg inside to help out. From my perspective you threatened the mimes life very soon after being locked down. I immediately opened the door in front of you because I have to comply with a threat like that, but the borg was ready to arrest you as soon as it was safe to do so from that point onwards. You made a bad move.

The reason the borg dragged you into maint is because the officers were trying to kill it and it was either drag you back through the officers who you've convinced your being kidnapped by a malf ai or take the safer side route and keep the officers and warden, of which only one officer was innocent of harm, safely locked down.

I contacted the captain about you and had you in the bridge the captain was busy and took a while to respond to you being there. Seeing as the captain was reasonable and hadn't been harmful at all, I left it up to them to give you the all clear on returning to duty, which I think was reasonable.

It wasn't an isolated incident. I personally saw multiple people get harmbatoned and my borgs get attacked before any of the lockdown took place. Once I did that, I left you in place as I micromanaged to prevent the warden getting free, and in that time you yourself became a threat to the people around you.
There was a considerable amount of time between the initial incident with the borg and beepsky and when you locked down the brig. You had ample time to PDA me or the captain and you chose not to. Even in the brig, you could have made announcements or notified me or the captain or anything, but you chose the most disruptive solution, and people died as a result.

Re: Runtime Rhyme: Security lockdown

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:52 am
by Stickymayhem
I didn't see the warden killing anyone until well after that incident.

During the incident I did announce to everyone that the officer had harmbatoned someone and to please let the borg take him to you.

I don't use PDAs that much. It's a matter of preference. I made sure the information was out there and the captain sure saw it.

Re: Runtime Rhyme: Security lockdown

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 1:01 am
by ThatSlyFox
I gave the warden a day ban as well as a week ban from all security roles.

I do personally believe sticky focused too much on the HoS and less so on the real problem, the warden. I did read in the logs that the HoS did threaten to kill the prisoners but as we all saw the mime was never harmed. I can't comment on the regular officers since I never saw them do anything of note(But then again I was focused on that warden).

This whole issue prevented secuirty from doing their job effectively and if communication was better between both parties this could have been avoided.

Re: Runtime Rhyme: Security lockdown

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 1:10 am
by Luke Cox
Stickymayhem wrote:I didn't see the warden killing anyone until well after that incident.

During the incident I did announce to everyone that the officer had harmbatoned someone and to please let the borg take him to you.

I don't use PDAs that much. It's a matter of preference. I made sure the information was out there and the captain sure saw it.
PDAs are by far the best way to directly contact someone and to be sure they received your message, particularly in busy chats. Use them constantly. "Personal preference" isn't an excuse not to use an effective communications channel.

I will admit that my security team was out of hand, but you still handled the situation horribly. There was little communication from you or the captain about the situation at security. I was in the halls most of the round, so I wasn't privy to most of what was going on in the brig. We had protestors outside the brig who were getting a little irritating, so I told sec to take their picket signs if they wouldn't disperse. They lawyer was inciting riots, so I told my officers Either way though, nobody ever told me that I needed to rein in my team. You didn't try too hard to communicate what the issue was until the brig was locked down and you were refusing to lift the lockdown. You or the captain made no effort to resolve the situation without escalating things. Your failure to communicate effectively enabled a traitor to bomb half the station.

Re: Runtime Rhyme: Security lockdown

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 1:15 am
by Stickymayhem
ThatSlyFox wrote:I gave the warden a day ban as well as a week ban from all security roles.

I do personally believe sticky focused too much on the HoS and less so on the real problem, the warden. I did read in the logs that the HoS did threaten to kill the prisoners but as we all saw the mime was never harmed. I can't comment on the regular officers since I never saw them do anything of note.

This whole issue prevented secuirty from doing their job effectively and if communication was better between both parties this could have been avoided.
I agree communication was a problem. I focused on the HoS because of the whole security force, he was the guy talking to me and the Captain. With all the micromanaging and disasters occurring I found it hard to keep up with the conversations.

The warden disappeared, presumably due to the ban, so after the initial lockdown I couldn't do anything about them.

Also, although we all know he wasn't actually going to kill anyone, ICly it's pretty much the worst thing you can do to get an asimov AI to do your bidding. It's a one time solution that will absolutely ruin any possibility of the AI working with you again.

PDAs are slower and only target one person. I don't want to get into a conversation about the merits of PDAing but it was better to tell everyone what was going on. I of course didn't communicate until I locked you down because I can't do both at once effectively. I did what I could to stop and minimize the harm going on, then I communicated when I had a spare moment of not micromanaging doors and ensuring my borg wasn't locked down or killed.

Re: Runtime Rhyme: Security lockdown

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 1:29 am
by ThatSlyFox
Stickymayhem wrote: Also, although we all know he wasn't actually going to kill anyone, ICly it's pretty much the worst thing you can do to get an asimov AI to do your bidding. It's a one time solution that will absolutely ruin any possibility of the AI working with you again.
Yea I discussed that with him. Attacking and almost killing the borg wasn't kosher either. But again both sides failed to give appropriate communication. This should just be dropped.

Re: Runtime Rhyme: Security lockdown

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 7:10 am
by oranges
Head of Security, now locked down between the brig doors with a cuffed prisoner and I believe a second officer, is now screaming that he's going to kill the mime if I don't unlock the doors. I send my secborg in to attempt to safely extract the mime, who is now the hostage of Luke claiming he's going to murder him, but it's too risky and the borg retreats.

This is a problem for me sticky, because you should've immediately unlocked them, the threat of near term harm overrides any long term harm security may commit so you have to act right then and I don't believe sending a borg to extract the mime is a valid way to bypass that either.

Re: Runtime Rhyme: Security lockdown

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 1:00 pm
by Stickymayhem
oranges wrote:Head of Security, now locked down between the brig doors with a cuffed prisoner and I believe a second officer, is now screaming that he's going to kill the mime if I don't unlock the doors. I send my secborg in to attempt to safely extract the mime, who is now the hostage of Luke claiming he's going to murder him, but it's too risky and the borg retreats.

This is a problem for me sticky, because you should've immediately unlocked them, the threat of near term harm overrides any long term harm security may commit so you have to act right then and I don't believe sending a borg to extract the mime is a valid way to bypass that either.
As I've said multiple times, I followed his orders until the hostage was safely freed by the Borg. He did not remain in the lobby doors.

He was freed from confinement, then said he intended to kill all the prisoners in ten seconds of I didn't unlock everything. The Borg, within that time frame I believe, took down the hos and I let the mime run out of the brig

Re: Runtime Rhyme: Security lockdown

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 1:54 am
by oranges
I really misread that then, sorry

Re: Runtime Rhyme: Security lockdown

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 2:22 pm
by peoplearestrange
Long times passed since this. I seems to me just like bad communication and a misreading of a situation dealing with an asimov AI.
The AI is not securities friend, its there to prevent harm (under asmiov ofc).

Obviously the situation could have gone a lot better but I believe that no further action is required.
PM me if there are any further issues with this.