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Badknees Cagney is a shit/Admins don't do shit

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 4:17 am
by Neapher
Your byond account: Neapher
Your character name: Jon Rude
Their character name: Badknees Cagney
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): Sorry, don't know it.
Server and time: Sybil 10:40PM Friday
Logs and/or screenshots:

Description of what happened:
During cult round I was a CE model citizen... meaning I didn't do shit for the cult. Yeah sue me. I got my arcane tome, wrote some notes and was going to card the AI when a sec borg showed up and saw me lurking around AI sat. Well I noped the fuck out of that one. I took my cult shit and stashed it in an O2 locker before wiring the solars to create an alibi. That was the last time I saw it.

I did at one point earlier in the round decide that I should help the cult a little bit, so I poured some welder fuel on a lizard and set him and myself on fire. That lasted three whole seconds before I fucked off, changed my clothes and created an alibi by going to space (leading to the previous story).

I also found out that the camera in the toxins storage was disabled so to create a panic and attempt to help my cult again I opened two NO2 tanks and forgot to wear a gas mask. A lawyer and a scientist rescued me and I was able to bullshit them to think I was ambushed. I framed a guy later and he was arrested. Last time it was mentioned.

When problems began to happen was when I was in science later fixing my toxins mess. I turned on the panic syphons to air out the wing and while waiting for the NO2 to disperse I was tased by a sec guard and dragged to brig by a borg (I want to call law 1 on this but fuck it the AI could deal with atmos). I was in the clusterfuck of a brig complaining that I was arrested while fixing the air content when the warden stripped me to my boots and jumpsuit, dragged me to the escape pod, grabbed me and threw me into space at the speed of sound.

I ahelped it at the time and the admin response was "You were confirmed cult" How was I confirmed cult? "You attacked multiple people and had cult items."
I've already stated why this is bullshit. Admins took no further action for the remainder of the round despite further shit behavior from the warden.

Later during evacuation the HoS showed that he had no knowledge I was dead. I was executed without evidence, without permission, and without admin interaction to a reasonable extent. I was also a head of staff with the ID on my person to prove it, so that's even further being shit.

He was not cult or traitor.

Why they should be banned:

Thoroughly shit behavior, execution without even saying a word to the prisoner or his superior, and absolutely zero evidence or even having been told my charges. Nobody at any point told him what I was guilty of except that an officer told the borg to arrest me. Ruined an otherwise unproductive but fun round.

I'm less bothered that a shit player murdered me, and continued to be a shit all round than I am by the fact that admins did not do anything to intervene in the shitty behavior and waived it based on charges that could not be proven which shows that they did not actually investigate the situation.

This is PURE LAZINESS from the admins and a common reason that /tg/ popularity is declining rapidly. Admins should be held to a higher standard and actually have to work to keep their position rather than fuck off and tell me I can't plasma bomb genetics.

Re: Badknees Cagney is a shit/Admins don't do shit

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 5:05 am
by Vekter
1) You aren't permitted to help the cult without admin approval.
2) If you have issue with the way it was handled by an admin, make an admin complaint. That part of the request will be ignored.
3) You set a guy on fire and were found with cult gear. I'd space you too, BUT I would have at least told you why first. I'll look into this shortly.

Re: Badknees Cagney is a shit/Admins don't do shit

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 6:22 am
by Scones
Just to note, I've had to handle literally the exact same situation with Badknees before. He doesn't seem to understand that cultists can be deconverted - I get so many ahelps asking if he's a ling or something because he silently pulls people out and spaces them without a word.

Re: Badknees Cagney is a shit/Admins don't do shit

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 6:34 am
by Vekter
Alright, thanks for context Scones. I'll have a chat with him.

Re: Badknees Cagney is a shit/Admins don't do shit

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 9:35 am
by Not-Dorsidarf
Adding context: The OP claims that he did NOT have cult gear at the time, which is the gist of his argument, apparently - that he was executed under proof manufactured by security (and that they may have lied to an investigating admin)

Re: Badknees Cagney is a shit/Admins don't do shit

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 1:45 pm
by Shaps-cloud
Not sure if this belongs here, but a few days ago I was a doctor during the "spider swarm nightmare" round, and Badknees as the detective saw the CMO, Von Kross, using a duel esword on a giant spider in the medbay lobby (he wasn't an antag, I guess he found it or something). Badknees immediately unloaded on the CMO with his revolver and put him into crit, and then finished him off with an execution on the spot. I tried dragging the CMO to the medbay storage room to defib him, but Badknees followed me and shot me in the leg, before dragging the body off to sec or something, they never were brought back for cloning or borging. I'll admit that the CMO should have been stunned, cuffed and brought to the brig for having a dual esword out of nowhere, but he was using it on the hostile giant spiders that were stinging everyone and was making no effort to conceal it, which kinda tips the scales towards the "maybe he's not a traitor" side of the scale. Its the fact that Badknees summarily executed the unconscious and harmless CMO, as the detective of all people, and then proceeded to shoot a doctor trying to save their life, before dragging the body off never to be seen again (much less cloned or borged) that flagrantly crosses the line.

Again, this is an unrelated incident and I don't know if this belongs here, but I feel like it should be brought up to show that it's not an isolated incident with Badknees.

Re: Badknees Cagney is a shit/Admins don't do shit

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 10:28 pm
by Neapher
Vekter wrote:1) You aren't permitted to help the cult without admin approval.
2) If you have issue with the way it was handled by an admin, make an admin complaint. That part of the request will be ignored.
3) You set a guy on fire and were found with cult gear. I'd space you too, BUT I would have at least told you why first. I'll look into this shortly.
I was a roundstart cultist and I was not found with cult gear at any time.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Adding context: The OP claims that he did NOT have cult gear at the time, which is the gist of his argument, apparently - that he was executed under proof manufactured by security (and that they may have lied to an investigating admin)
That is exactly what I believe happened. I had solid alibis for if security did investigate me, and even if they somehow knew I was a cultist there was no evidence that was ever found to convict me of it.

What I'm saying the problem was is that I (think, i'm really not sure because I was arrested and executed without a word to me or any other sec officer about what I had done) was arrested for non-cult behavior (Siphoning toxic air from science) and executed silently. When I ahelped it the responding admin said I was arrested for attacking multiple people (Partially right, but definitely not in context.) and was found with cult items (I had none.) Which insinuates that he lied to the admin and said that's why I was killed.

Fun bonus: He didn't really search me from what I could tell, he just stripped me down to a jumpsuit and shoes.

Re: Badknees Cagney is a shit/Admins don't do shit

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 12:17 pm
by peoplearestrange
Given its been over a month since anything has happened with this, I'm considering it resolved.

PM me if it need reopening etc.