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Zarkhes Fairhair

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:36 am
by Shadowlight213
Your byond account: Shadowlight213
Your character name: Jaylee Powell
Their character name: Zarkhes Fairhair
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): Unknown
Server and time: Basil , 04 20, 2015. 4:37 PM
Logs and/or screenshots:
Description of what happened:
So, I see the captain and HOS, (who was a promoted detective it seems) in the brig talking about something. The HOS the stuns the captain and starts dragging him. the captain gets free and starts running around.
Eventually, the HOS drags him into the labor shuttle. He then strips the captain, who is asking for help, and starts beating him.
When I asked what was going on, their response was "he wanted to blow up the station"
Afterwards, he drags the captain to perma aoround a bit, before eventually killing him in the insanity ward.
Upon killing them, they use their sec hailer and promptly go braindead.
End round, they were not an antag.
Why they should be banned
This is EXTREMELY shitty behavior from an non antag. Even more so from security.

Re: Zarkhes Fairhair

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 1:46 pm
by WrathOfMe9
I second this, I was the HoS that came in after he went braindead.

Zarkhes is an ass, I was there when the captain he killed got cloned.

Blake Goodman was I.

Re: Zarkhes Fairhair

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 1:54 pm
by Saegrimr
I'll run through the logs here in a bit.

Re: Zarkhes Fairhair

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:17 pm
by Saegrimr
Yeah, all i'm seeing here is a random assault on the captain about 5 minutes after this bit.

[19:13:59]SAY: Zarkhes Fairhair/Zarkhes : This is HoS speaking.Due to enormous damage on ship, pillaged security storage and many more, i therefore declar Martial Law.All personel are requried for personal search.ASAP

Ban applied until he shows up for his side of the story.

Re: Zarkhes Fairhair

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:37 pm
by Zarkhes
Ok, i didnt know this was so serious.It was on badger, i started to play for a while, then friend showed up, as a Captain.We was talking a bit over TeamSpeak.I sad there is no security, so he made me HoS.i tried to RP a bit by saying the ship is evidently damaged, and i want to force personal search on every person on board.I actualy never get into that, i was too busy with Brig.

After a while, friend (Captain) declared that the server is dead, round is stagnating and he will end the round by nuclear fire.I told him that its a bad idea, that we could ruin someone elses fun.But he insisted, so i tried to bring him into prison.I wanted to close him, but i am not so experienced so he flew.And i am sure i didnt killed him because i wanted to force-dress him with those crazy-person suits.

I would like to say that i play on both servers for maybe 2-3 weeks without incident.I realy enjoy it, and i even declare on previous posts how i value RP and i wished there was more people on Badger.

So far from my point of wiew, i didnt break the rules in any way.I wanted to save the station.And i didnt transfer any IC information trough TS.

Re: Zarkhes Fairhair

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:50 pm
by Saegrimr
Metacomms is some serious shit. You say you didn't break the rules, yet you clearly did not read them.

You and your friend present an extremely unfair advantage over the rest of the users by communicating over teamspeak, so we cannot trust the two of you to be playing on the same server.

Re: Zarkhes Fairhair

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:00 pm
by Zarkhes
Today i played several games, all clean and fair.I play almost every day without incident.There is a proof that you can trust me.Also he played bunch with me.We talk casualy, not trying to secretly rule the station.if i wanted to be jerk, i wouldnt bother playing as detective and interogation every prisoner i bring.Creating files, informing warden, updating records.Even the fact that i spend time and effort explaining is the proof that i want to play here.Otherwise i would just go be ,,jerk,, somewhere else or create another account.

Like i sad, we dont shared any information in character.Im sure he even sad it IC.Are you sure we would spend time in this kind of game to ,,win,, ?

Edit : What is the most absurd that i am acused of being a jerk even if i tried NOT to be a jerk.If i let him blow it up, maybe even help him everything would be cool.But because i tried to stop him, sudently i am beign PERMAbaned for beign a shitty player?Even if i got countless games to proove othervise...

Re: Zarkhes Fairhair

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:06 pm
by Saegrimr
Sharing any information about the round at ALL is against the rules. There's a reason we ban people for IC in OOC as well.

Re: Zarkhes Fairhair

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:11 pm
by Zarkhes
Are you not trying to accept my points on purpose?Why are you keep repeating same argument over and over when im trying to have a converastion.I sad it and i will sad it again.I DIDNT share ANY information over teamspeak, thus i cannot violate the rules.

I didnt spent any enormous hours, but even then i encounter cryborgs who was on hunt for revenge (showing emotions, acting like a bitch) captain who executed prisoner on escape pod (because hes in charge) and many more.Yet ill get banned for actualy wanting to SAVE the station.What exactly i did?Did i ruin someone elses fun?No.Did i murder some innocence?No.

And when he ban me, and want to hear my story, all he care about is one sentence i sad.And keeps repeating it so he dont have to deal with it anymore...

Re: Zarkhes Fairhair

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:17 pm
by Stickymayhem
He made you HoS and by your own admission you were metacommunicating specifically about the round.

I'm away. Please permaban zarkhes and get the Captain who was communicating with him to explain himself.

Re: Zarkhes Fairhair

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:18 pm
by Saegrimr
You literally just told me that he told you "that the server is dead, round is stagnating and he will end the round by nuclear fire."
None of this was said in-character, especially not the nuclear fire part.
You then killed him for what he said to you through teamspeak.

In fact the only things he said the ENTIRE ROUND before that point were

[18:58:16]SAY: Darcey Kimple/Hranolky : Why there is no light at all


[19:21:39]SAY: Darcey Kimple/Hranolky : Help me

as you were beating him to death.

So you're saying you communicated nothing about the round in progress while simultaneously being promoted by your friend and then beating him to death? Without any words exchanged between the two of your characters in-game?

Re: Zarkhes Fairhair

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:21 pm
by Zarkhes
Wow, that was quick.I wonder if you could deal in same way with those countless cunts that keeps flowing each day trough sybil.So am i permabaned because he made me a HoS?

Re: Zarkhes Fairhair

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:24 pm
by Saegrimr
I make a fairly large number of metacomms bans from sybil, yes. Most of them don't even bother to appeal. Most of them were from other players noticing suspicious behavior and they tipped us off.

And yes, you're permabanned for communicating with your friend outside of the game to gain an unfair advantage. Your friend is banned too.

Re: Zarkhes Fairhair

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:28 pm
by Zarkhes
So just because he doesnt sad those thing on common mean he doesnt sad them at all?

Also, what kind of Advantage i get?I wasnt a traitor that would comunicate with HoP and helping him.Are you realy so sure of yourself that you refuse to separate those two types?We talked over TS, we didnt shared any information what so ever.

I didnt tried to ruin anyones fun.Quite opposite...

Also why is nobody willing to accept the fact that i played MANY more rounds without even act like a dick IC.Is that an argument that you dont like?

Re: Zarkhes Fairhair

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:30 pm
by Saegrimr
You've already proven that you gain an advantage with your friend over teamspeak in that he will silently promote you to whatever you want. We have no way of identifying what other benefits or information you share. Therefore we're going to assume the worst. This is not up for discussion.

Re: Zarkhes Fairhair

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:33 pm
by Zarkhes

If we communicate about game, if we plot some plan to take advantage on others, do you think i would write it down here?Why do you think i spend my time here?To proove that you are a idiot and i was right all along?NO.Because i enjoy this game and i want to play it further.

You just WANT to assume, thats all...

Re: Zarkhes Fairhair

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:33 pm
by Stickymayhem
Yeah this is done.

And so it was that singulo gained another member.