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Nonconsensual Sex Change

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:28 pm
by feem
Your byond account: feemjmeem
Your character name: Prone-to-Blackouts
Their character name: Jack Alice
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it):
Server and time: Sibyl, ~3:45PM PDT
Logs and/or screenshots: Unfortunately not present, but was ahelped at the time.
Description of what happened:

I was a male lizard character wearing a dress. Jack Alice warned me that I was "confusing his pants" or something and that I had to change clothes. A little while later he stunbatons me, handcuffs me, and drags me to genetics to change my sex to female.

Why they should be banned:

I did not consent to this. I did not make any statements or take any actions which in any way described my gender or sex outside of the mechanisms of the game itself, and by extension did nothing even remotely ERP-like or indicative of any kind of relationship or desire for one. The captain felt that my character wearing a dress meant that my sex should be changed to female and he stun/cuffed me to force that change upon my character.

The player was warned but I don't think this is sufficient. He stunned the character and chopped off his dick. This isn't LifeWeb.

First of all, Rule 1, completely unjustified 'BECAUSE I SAID SO' stuncuff/drag around. That's pretty minor by itself and I normally wouldn't give a shit.

But combine that with the forced sex change and you've got a really troubling situation. I've been mad at this game before but I've never actually been made uncomfortable by it.

This was also said on OOC when this was being discussed:

OOC: TechnoAlchemist: Sex change is surgery not rape

Which, sure, true. Unless you force it upon the character.

I'm really surprised this happened at all, and I'm even more surprised that I'm having to file this request.

Re: Nonconsensual Sex Change

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:35 pm
by Vekter
I wouldn't classify this under rape, but it's damn sketchy. I'm not okay with it in the slightest. I'll look into it.

Re: Nonconsensual Sex Change

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:38 pm
by Tsaricide
Yeah this shouldn't be okay to do.

Re: Nonconsensual Sex Change

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:40 pm
by feem
I didn't really mean to call it rape or classify it that way, that was more the opinion of a few others in the conversation.

Re: Nonconsensual Sex Change

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:50 pm
by Alex Crimson
This is stupid. Start ruling this kind of stuff as "not ok" and soon you will have a bunch of other stupid ban requests. Its surgery, who cares? If he tried to ERP in any way then i can understand a ban request, as its against the rules. Changing someones sex against their will has never been against the rules. If you are going to take this seriously, then just remove the operation.

Re: Nonconsensual Sex Change

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:52 pm
by TechnoAlchemist
The issue here isn't that it's ERP or that sex change is taboo, it's that they were cuffed against their will for no reason, and forced into a surgery they did not want. It's a rule one violation because it's a dick move judging from the context.

I'll try to get the person in here.

Update: Evidently they were noted and sufficiently warned for what they did. So they were in a sense punished.

Re: Nonconsensual Sex Change

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:57 pm
by Scones
TechnoAlchemist wrote:The issue here isn't that it's ERP or that sex change is taboo, it's that they were cuffed against their will for no reason, and forced into a surgery they did not want. It's a rule one violation because it's a dick move judging from the context.

I'll try to get the person in here.

Update: Evidently they were noted and sufficiently warned for what they did. So they were in a sense punished.
This was already handled.