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Bork Lesnar (Captain job-ban request)

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 8:51 am
by Falamazeer
Your byond account:Wootanon
Your character name:Crash Zelous (HoS)
Their character name:Bork Lesnar
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it):dunno
Server and time:315ish
Logs and/or screenshots:
Description of what happened:Basically, there were nudist, I as HoS said that we weren't going to spend time and effort arresting them unless they committed higher crimes, told that what little crew I had, and they abided by it mostly, next thing I know, captain is declaring a clown/mime race war, making a shit-ton of both to fight, and the nudists jumped in there at some point.

It negatively impacted a lot of people in a lot of ways, especially cargonia, which had the race war on it's lawn, but I don't know a lot about that and I'll let other speak for themselves who were closer, as for me, I had an officer who dressed up in a plague doctors mask and evening dress who habitually screamed over the radio to execute the nudists despite my explicit instructions to stop it, both in person and on the radio, He'd just walk away Xerxes God king was his name, He felt he could go on what amounted to a murder spree because this captain told him he was a mime, and that he needed to kill all the nudists/clowns. It eventually ended with me shooting him down, and stripping and perma-ing him, he had a bloody baton, and he felt he was justified in going full rouge as a sec officer because the captain told him to do it. Meanwhile, the crew is divided with insane amounts of violence on both sides, and the captain egging it on in announcements all the while, In the end, the brig was burned to the ground, And I was forced to take him into custody forcefully.

Why they should be banned:He shat the round up and gave people the justification they needed to go literately insane. He should not have the power to do so in the future, he's a disruptive force.

Re: Bork Lesnar (Captain job-ban request)

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 8:58 am
by imblyings
Ckey is icecreamcohn.

Re: Bork Lesnar (Captain job-ban request)

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 9:01 am
by Falamazeer
Captain Announces

War Update. The mimes have decided to join the fight once more and for saving the Capt from space. They have bee rewarded. Look out nudies and clowns

Captain Announces

More and more crew are joingin the mimes.... ALL CLANS.,.. YOU HAVE 1 MIUNTE TO GET TO CARGO AND TAKE IT OVER! GO!

Captain Announces

The Mimes are winning this war.. Are there any clowns or nudists to kill?!?!?!?

Captain Announces

The mimes have grown eevn stronger

[Common] Bork Lesnar says, "Clowns and mimes have a stand off out by cargo"
[Common] Bork Lesnar says, "Mimes attacked"
[Common] Bork Lesnar says, "They have one"
[Common] Bork Lesnar says, "They have a clopwn"
[Common] Bork Lesnar asks, "Where are the nudists?"
[Common] Bork Lesnar exclaims, "WE HAVE A LCOWN ON FIRE!"
[Common] Bork Lesnar says, "ALL MIMES AHVE ATKAEN OVER CARGO"
[Common] Bork Lesnar says, "THEY NOW GET FULL ACCESS TO It"

Like an insane announcer, but with a captains ID, Meanwhile In my little corner of the fuckfest I got a shitler in cuffs

Xerxes God King says, "Kill all nudists"
Xerxes God King says, "Kill all clowns"
Xerxes God King says, "Kill all security"
Crash Zealous asks, "What the fuck is your problem?"
Xerxes God King says, "These batons have clown blood on them"
Crash Zealous asks, "Won't listen to order, bloody baton, dress? what the fuck? why can I not count on you?"
Xerxes God King says, "Im not a security member"
Xerxes God King says, "I am a member of the Mime order"
Crash Zealous says, "Your ID and implant say otherwise"
Xerxes God King says, "The Captain made me a mime"
Crash Zealous says, "You are my officer, and now you aren't even that"
Xerxes God King says, "Officially"
[Command] Crash Zealous asks, "Cap, you make Xerxes a mime?"
Crash Zealous asks, "Cap, you make Xerxes a mime?"
[Command] Bork Lesnar says, "He is a miem"

Mental Ugh

Crash Zealous asks, "A syringe gun?"
Crash Zealous asks, "A broken bottle?"
Xerxes God King says, "For putting clowns to sleep"
Xerxes God King says, "For shanking clowns"

Re: Bork Lesnar (Captain job-ban request)

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 9:16 am
by Vekter
This sounds pretty cut and dry. Unless one of the other admins objects I'd like to handle this matter.

Re: Bork Lesnar (Captain job-ban request)

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 10:09 am
by lumipharon
This was the same guy, that a few rounds earlier spend the ENTIRE round fucking with the janitor, assaulting him, harrassing him, stealing his shit, stabbing his eyes out etc etc.

Re: Bork Lesnar (Captain job-ban request)

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 1:47 pm
by Jeb
Cam confirm Bork essentially turned the round into nations.

Re: Bork Lesnar (Captain job-ban request)

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 3:06 pm
by Hibbles
Go for it, Vekter. If even half the stuff in this thread is true, this person probably shouldn't be doing the Captain thing.

Re: Bork Lesnar (Captain job-ban request)

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 8:47 pm
by Xerux
I was the clown in this round, somewhere between 5 - 10 minutes in Bork called both the mime and I to the bridge. He told us there was going to be a war, that one of the two of us was going to be dead by the end of it. He then turned us out into the halls, told us to recruit crew members for the war and to give them matching costumes. Somehow nudists became involved as a third side. Neither the mime or I wanted any part of it and made it clear to the captain but costume crates were ordered and random people got either a clown or mime mask, some others stripped down and joined the nudists.

I spent quite a while hiding out in the public garden trying to grow stuff since Bork was doing combat announcements and I figured I'd get assaulted in the halls. Eventually, I wander out, see a chaplain with a clown mask get cuffed and arrested for attacking the mime. A couple minutes later I wind up getting attacked by someone in a mime outfit, cuffed and lit on fire in the bar while the captain and Xerxes watch. For whatever reason, the person who lit me on fire puts me out and drags me around in front of the bridge until the CMO steals me, ties me to a chair and kills me with a minibomb. Eventually I get cloned by a friendly miner and at the shuttle I get assaulted by another person in mime gear repeatedly until the miner and I beat them down, cuff them and hand them to a medic. As soon as they get healed, they're back at it again until they get beat back once more.

Re: Bork Lesnar (Captain job-ban request)

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 10:14 pm
by Vekter
Alright, he's been jobbanned from all head positions for a week.

Re: Bork Lesnar (Captain job-ban request)

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 3:02 am
by Jacough
Might be worth noting but I've had quite a few problems with Xerxes myself lately. They are relatively minor but still pretty annoying. The first is that he never wears his uniform. It's always a red dress, a gas mask or something like that, and some other crap. It makes things a bit confusing. He also seems to have a habit of getting his job changed pretty early on without really informing the rest of security or turning in his gear. Not too long ago I was playing warden and someone called in and said there was a guy breaking into the kitchen with a revolver. Went there to check it out and Xerxes was in there chilling there with (my mind is a little fuzzy here, still getting my short term memory back)either no ID or some other ID. Asked what was going on, told him I had gotten reports that he had a revolver, etc. He whips out his revolver, I panic and we both open fire on each other. Wasn't until after I took him to the brig, searched him, and went through the crew manifest and found out surprise, he was the detective until he got a job change without really telling anyone.

Really minor shit but kind of irritating.

Re: Bork Lesnar (Captain job-ban request)

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 5:08 am
by Timbrewolf
This seems hypocritical given the direction people were striving to take the game. If you're trying to instill more FUN and hijinks, jobbanning the Captain because a clown and a mime got wrapped up in some violence and cargo was inconvenienced by a player-created event that seemed to involve a great many more people voluntarily joining in for some violence seems to run counter to that.
You are playing a game where you are not fully in control of everything. You will be put into situations beyond your control, which will result in some rounds being ruined for you. Man up and deal with it. However, if you are obviously griefed, be sure to report it to administrators by using the 'adminhelp' verb.
If the Captain just executed the Mime and Clown and left it at that, sure, that's pretty shit. But he made both of them aware of what was about to happen and clearly announced everything going on over the intercom. Both the Mime and the Clown had a chance to take the initiative and lead their respective factions in this fight. It sounds like the Clown decided to run and hide instead, and ended up dying repeatedly because of it.

Is the ability to create random events like this not one of the perks of being the Captain in the first place? The only people out of everyone involved (and again, it sounds like a ton of people got in on this) that are complaining are a single Clown and some Cargonians (who also by the sound of it had a chance to join one of the factions and participate themselves).

It just seems like a random Clown/Mime war with a surprise third faction of Neo-Nudists rising up and warring for the station is exactly the kind of ridiculous, classic SS13 hijinks people wanted more of. Given how much heads up everyone was given that this was going to be happening and the opportunities for so many players to join in rather than be a seems like the people who are upset about this ruining their round chose to not join in and chose not to have fun themselves.

Re: Bork Lesnar (Captain job-ban request)

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 5:13 am
by Jeb
I was one of the indirect-founding members of the nudist party, me and Mikhail decided to *flip on the HoP's desk. I ended up killing myself because I didn't want to take part in the captain's little "game".

It was almost comparable to nations, Anon3, except it wasn't nations. People were randomly assigned a side and told to go fuck everyones world up during an otherwise normal round, with antags (I would assume, anyway. I killed myself and went to bed shortly after).

While it's nice that a Captain decides to do something fun and exciting, essentially forcing the entire station to fight against each other isn't the type of "events" a Captain needs to be instigating.

Re: Bork Lesnar (Captain job-ban request)

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 5:16 am
by Timbrewolf
It sounds like the only two people that were forced to fight were the Mime and Clown, though you could argue that if they really wanted to not participate they could've gotten a quick job change.

If you didn't want to be in the nudist army like you were you could've just put your clothes back on and gone about your business.

By your own admission you suicided, you weren't slaughtered FNR by some overzealous combatant.

Re: Bork Lesnar (Captain job-ban request)

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 5:46 am
by newfren
I รก in this round and while I certainly noticed the was going on, I was not forced to take part. I believe I ran around playing the piano in various high security locations and was not approached by either side to join them.

Re: Bork Lesnar (Captain job-ban request)

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 5:58 am
by Falamazeer
Not really the point, people who did join used it as a captain approved license to griff, and only a retard could think this wouldn't happen

Re: Bork Lesnar (Captain job-ban request)

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 6:18 am
by Scones
There are some pretty lax standards for Captain but this is transgressing even those very weak lines.

Starting race wars is not acceptable behavior when it converts the round into quasi-nations and devolves into a bloodbath.

Re: Bork Lesnar (Captain job-ban request)

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 6:38 am
by Timbrewolf
Scones wrote:There are some pretty lax standards for Captain but this is transgressing even those very weak lines.

Starting race wars is not acceptable behavior when it converts the round into quasi-nations and devolves into a bloodbath.
It's a little different. People in this situation could put on or take off their uniforms if they didn't want to be involved.

Signing up to play the game and then someone screaming RACE WAR NOW, you're involved with that now no choice. You might be victim to one roving gang of people or the other. You can't change your race to something that isn't on a side in that event. People could opt in or opt out of this. People had a choice.

If this event sucked and everyone used it as a license to griff where are the people who got mistreated by it?

Show of hands, who here among you was murdered by a pack of Mimes/Clowns/Nudists when you were just standing there minding your own businesses not affiliated with any of the groups?

Cargo got disrupted, as Cargo often does. A Clown got murdered because he got briefed and decided the winning move was to go hide somewhere while still playing as the Clown.

If you look at it that way, this event went off better than a lot of admin events do. Only one guy died who wasn't really interested in participating, and I would argue that he could've easily avoided that if he just changed his outfit and job when he was given a proper warning.

This is administrating against the kind of FUN, chaotic element I thought people were trying to resuscitate and bring back to the game?

Did that attitude die over the last month after I left? Is that not something people want anymore?

Re: Bork Lesnar (Captain job-ban request)

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 7:16 am
by oranges
No it's just that you were already disconnected with what people actually wanted.

Re: Bork Lesnar (Captain job-ban request)

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 8:17 am
by Vekter
I'll leave it up to the headmins, then. It would be different if he was just egging them on, but he caused the whole damn thing in the first place.

Re: Bork Lesnar (Captain job-ban request)

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 3:10 am
by icecreamcohn
Hey guys I am a little late to the show.

I just want to bring up a few things.

1. Before any of this started I did let both the Clown and Mime what I was going to do.

2. I made it VERY clear to all parties involved that if any civilian is harm they will be placed in perma.

3. No one was forced at Gun point to do this.

Now to address the HoS.
Falamazeer wrote:It negatively impacted a lot of people in a lot of ways, especially cargonia,
The only impact this had for Cargo was a mime or clown( not sure which) died in the front room.

Falamazeer wrote: I had an officer who dressed up in a plague doctors mask and evening dress who habitually screamed over the radio to execute the nudists despite my explicit instructions to stop it, both in person and on the radio, He'd just walk away Xerxes God king was his name, He felt he could go on what amounted to a murder spree because this captain told him he was a mime, and that he needed to kill all the nudists/clowns

Now this is incorrect. I did not tell him he could do any of this. I asked him what are you. He said mime.
Falamazeer wrote: Meanwhile, the crew is divided with insane amounts of violence on both sides, and the captain egging it on in announcements all the while, In the end, the brig was burned to the ground, And I was forced to take him into custody forcefully.

Also incorrect. I think maybe 4 or 5 people died. ALL of which knew what they were going to do.

You also knew what was going on and made a statement over the HoS announcement with your semi approval what the war but no deaths.
Vekter wrote:I'll leave it up to the headmins, then. It would be different if he was just egging them on, but he caused the whole damn thing in the first place.
Did I start it? No.. The Clown Mime war has been around longer than any of us. Did I try to spice it up. Yes I did, but with limits.

Scones wrote:There are some pretty lax standards for Captain but this is transgressing even those very weak lines.

Starting race wars is not acceptable behavior when it converts the round into quasi-nations and devolves into a bloodbath.
I just want to note. the ONLY people killed in this were people who voluntarily joined the Clowns,Mimes or Nudist.
Falamazeer wrote:Not really the point, people who did join used it as a captain approved license to griff, and only a retard could think this wouldn't happen
I did not give approval to grief any one but someone who is part of a Waring faction. If they did there would be MAJOR penalties to be paid.
Xerux wrote:I was the clown in this round, somewhere between 5 - 10 minutes in Bork called both the mime and I to the bridge. He told us there was going to be a war, that one of the two of us was going to be dead by the end of it. He then turned us out into the halls, told us to recruit crew members for the war and to give them matching costumes. Somehow nudists became involved as a third side. Neither the mime or I wanted any part of it and made it clear to the captain but costume crates were ordered and random people got either a clown or mime mask, some others stripped down and joined the nudists.
This is partly correct. You told me you wanted nothing to do with it, but you asked or the mime I am not sure at this moment. One of you asked me to order Costumes for you so I did. No one was randomly given anything by me. I ordered the crates,. You guys recruited.
Falamazeer wrote:I spent quite a while hiding out in the public garden trying to grow stuff since Bork was doing combat announcements and I figured I'd get assaulted in the halls. Eventually, I wander out, see a chaplain with a clown mask get cuffed and arrested for attacking the mime. A couple minutes later I wind up getting attacked by someone in a mime outfit, cuffed and lit on fire in the bar while the captain and Xerxes watch. For whatever reason, the person who lit me on fire puts me out and drags me around in front of the bridge until the CMO steals me, ties me to a chair and kills me with a minibomb. Eventually I get cloned by a friendly miner and at the shuttle I get assaulted by another person in mime gear repeatedly until the miner and I beat them down, cuff them and hand them to a medic. As soon as they get healed, they're back at it again until they get beat back once more.
This mostly sounds like you were the target of an Antag.

Re: Bork Lesnar (Captain job-ban request)

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 6:20 am
by Falamazeer
Last quote attributed to me, but I didn't say it.

Other than that I'm in no position to argue, I don't perfectly recall the round this long later but, My announcement 'supporting' all this, was merely an announcement that we as security are not taking a side or arresting the nudists for nudity so long as they don't commit a crime that isn't public nudity.

Re: Bork Lesnar (Captain job-ban request)

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 3:10 am
by Amelius
Can confirm that Bork Lesnar is a complete chucklefuck. Today I was playing cards with the crew as Captain, and he wordlessly pickpocketed my ID, ran off with it, tossed it at the chef, and went braindead immediately once I caught him and whipped him a bit, as nonantag.

Shitler / 10.

Re: Bork Lesnar (Captain job-ban request)

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 5:03 pm
by Vekter
His punishment has already come and gone. Resolved.