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Jeffery Allen (HoP) Strips access and tools for no raisens.

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 4:13 pm
by Falamazeer
Your byond account:Wootanon
Your character name:Ham Sammich
Their character name:Jeffery allen
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it):Dunno
Server and time:Sybyl 10:45AM
Logs and/or screenshots:(Below)
Description of what happened:I late joined as an engineer, and went to the HoP to try to get the higher telecomms access required to play with the scripting, I wanted to re-learn it as I haven't fucked with it since it was a newer feature, I go to the HoP line, and he flashes me for no raisens, no big deal, so I remove his flash, and we come to a peaceable solution to the impasse, I put it back and we just move forward, we talk a bit about telecomms access, and agree that CE access should do it, Then he renames my ID "Village idiot" So I decided to waste his time back by putting a few bits of wire on his desk and drawing runes in his line with a nearby crayon before fucking off, I later come back to see if we're going to have an ongoing issue, and he agrees to fix my title, at which point he renames me insufferable cunt, and strips my access, Followed by shooting me stripping my toolbelt gloves and backpack, then throws me into the prison shuttle with five hundred points being the sentence. and leaves me there cuffed to a chair

I bitch over the radio, and around the time I get loose he comes back because the captain told him to, and he lets me out, but still won't return my tools, glove, backpack or access because "I threatened him"
He gets arrested over this eventually, and I get his gloves from the officer, after he's released he still won't return any of my tools or access, and my entire round has been fucked by this so I give up and let lord singuloth take me.

I ahelped it, but ausops won't lift a finger throughout this process, and I'll say here what I said then.
PM to-Admins: I'm not accepting this as sane and logical policy, I've been dicked since I started this round and I didn't do anything to bring it on myself, You're not doing your job if a griefing asshole can do this to a random roundstart engineer
Why they should be banned:He wrecked my round, repeatedly, for no raisens, I can only assume it was metagrudge, because I gave him no good reason for this, He even started our our talk by calling me fuckboi.

Ham Sammich says, "Hey"
Jeffery Allen says, "Hey fuckboi."
Ham Sammich says, "Bro"
Ham Sammich says, "Need telecomms access"
Jeffery Allen says, "OK"
Jeffery Allen says, "Let me get my shit ready."
Jeffery Allen says, "Just got here."
Ham Sammich says, "Okie dokie"
Your eyes sting a little.
Jeffery Allen says, "HAHA"
Jeffery Allen says, "Oh I'm sorry."
Jeffery Allen says, "Never more."
Ham Sammich says, "Okie dokie"
Jeffery Allen says, "Nyway."
You begin to disconnect the mounted flash's flashbulb...
Jeffery Allen says, "Anyway I mean."
You disconnect the mounted flash's flashbulb.
You put the wirecutters into the toolbelt.
You put the flash into the industrial backpack.
Ham Sammich says, "Yep"
Jeffery Allen says, "Put it back."
Jeffery Allen says, "I swear we can forget this."
Ham Sammich says, "Fine then"
Jeffery Allen says, "ID please."
You install the flash into the mounted flash.
Jeffery Allen asks, "Tcomms you say?"
Ham Sammich says, "Yes please"
Jeffery Allen says, "You have it."
Ham Sammich says, "I wanna learn scripting, not sure which access that takes"
Jeffery Allen says, "You have access."
Ham Sammich says, "Hmm"
Ham Sammich says, "The computer won't accept it, must be tied to something else"
Jeffery Allen says, "Hmm."
Ham Sammich says, "I'll try to figure that out, odd"
Jeffery Allen asks, "Did you get the CE's code?"
Jeffery Allen says, "Here, give it back."
Jeffery Allen says, "Let me give you CE's access."
Ham Sammich says, "Ah, perfect"
Ham Sammich says, "Heh"
Jeffery Allen says, "Um."
Gael Fraser says, "Werid"
Jeffery Allen asks, "What?"
Ham Sammich says, "Yep"
Ham Sammich says, "Village idiot? You waste my time, I waste yours"

(at this point I'm putting bits of wire on his desk)

Gael Fraser says, "Move"
Jeffery Allen asks, "How did i waste your time?"
Jeffery Allen says, "Ham."
Jeffery Allen says, "Get out now."
Gael Fraser says, "Hi"
Ham Sammich says, "Enjoy your litter"
Jeffery Allen says, "Hi."
You finish drawing rune.
Jeffery Allen says, "Sir."
You start drawing a rune on the floor...
Jeffery Allen says, "Sec."
Jeffery Allen says, "I need this man removed."
You finish drawing rune.
You start drawing a rune on the floor...
Aedoh Thraen says, "Got it."
Jeffery Allen says, "He has been harrasing me."
Danny Pizzahands has thrown the cleaner grenade.
Aedoh Thraen has been hit by the cleaner grenade.
Ham Sammich has thrown the blue crayon.

(I drew runes, and an officer tried to arrest me with a cleaning grenade so I ran off to go complain to the captain)
Ham Sammich says, "Hey"
Micks Tape asks, "Yes?"
Ham Sammich says, "Your HoP is a dick, flashed me, renamed me village idiot"
Micks Tape says, "How eccentric of him"
Ham Sammich says, "I didn't do anything to bring it on myself, he's just an ass"
Micks Tape says, "Noted"
Micks Tape asks, "Anything else?"
Ham Sammich says, "Watch him, I bet I won't be the last guy he fucks with, that's all though"
Jeffery Allen asks, "Yes?"
Ham Sammich says, "Ey"
You put the wirecutters into the toolbelt.
Ham Sammich asks, "You wanna stop being a cock, or are we doing this?"
Jeffery Allen exclaims, "I gave you access!"
Jeffery Allen exclaims, "Everything you asked for!"
Jeffery Allen exclaims, "I only changed the name to be funny!"
Ham Sammich says, "You renamed my awesome title, clearly you're trying to start an issue with me"
Jeffery Allen says, "I renamed it."
Jeffery Allen says, "Fine."
Jeffery Allen says, "Give it here."
Jeffery Allen says, "Haha."
Ham Sammich says, "Okie dokie then"
Jeffery Allen exclaims, "NO ACCESS FUCKER!"
Ham Sammich says, "Nice"
Ham Sammich says, "You're on"

(A bit later

Jeffery Allen says, "Haha."
Ham Sammich says, "Uh huh"
Jeffery Allen says, "What a mothercuerl."
Jeffery Allen says, "Motherfucker I mean."
Jeffery Allen says, "That was terrible."
Ham Sammich says, "We'll see"
Jeffery Allen fires the hybrid taser!
Ham Sammich is hit by an electrode in the chest!
Jeffery Allen puts the hybrid taser into the satchel.
Jeffery Allen is trying to put zipties on Ham Sammich!
Ham Sammich says, "And yep, a false arrest as well"
You are buckled to the chair by Jeffery Allen!
[Common] Ham Sammich exclaims, "AI!"
Ham Sammich exclaims, "AI!"
Jeffery Allen tries to remove Ham Sammich's industrial backpack.
[Common] Ham Sammich exclaims, "HALP!"
You were unbuckled from the chair by Jeffery Allen.
Jeffery Allen tries to remove Ham Sammich's insulated gloves.
Jeffery Allen tries to remove Ham Sammich's toolbelt.
PM to-Admins: Ok, I'm beyond done with this situation, I've been randomly flashed, robbed, had My ID renamed twice, and stripped of all access, and now arrested by this HoP who is now prison shuttling me for not a single crime

You are buckled to the chair by Jeffery Allen!
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Ausops: Ok, I can look into it. Who exactly did all these things?
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: Jeffrey allen, HoP
PM to-Admins: And he's doing it right this second
Jeffery Allen says, "500 points."
You are buckled to the chair by Jeffery Allen!
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Ausops: I'm handling some atm, I'll try and resolve your ahelp asap.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
Jeffery Allen asks, "Think you can do that?"
Jeffery Allen says, "Don't be so glum."
PM to-Admins: First he renamed me Village idiot, I protest, and he renames me unbearable cunt or some such nonsense, all I asked for was telecomms because I wanted to learn the useful scripts
[Common] Ham Sammich asks, "Captain Micks, That HoP I told you about? He's now thrown me into the prison station, For nothing. Can you please intervene?"
[Common] Jeffery Allen says, "It was not for nothing."
[Common] Jeffery Allen says, "You threatened me,"
[Common] Ham Sammich says, "Oh please, I littered your table with wire because you named me village idiot then cunt beyond words, Then I drew some crayon on your line, moral highground is not yours"
Jeffery Allen says, "Ugh."
Jeffery Allen says, "Captain made me come."
Jeffery Allen says, "Least you could have done was work."
Ham Sammich says, "I'm not working for this, You are not security"
Jeffery Allen says, "Alright."
Jeffery Allen says, "I'm not."
Jeffery Allen says, "But I don't like threats."
Ham Sammich says, "You are a shithead, and I'm not gonna cooperate in any meaningful way"
Jeffery Allen says, "Great."
Jeffery Allen says, "So that means you won't get any access back."
Ham Sammich says, "My gloves, my bag and my tools"
Jeffery Allen exclaims, "Ooooh no!"
Ham Sammich says, "You stole them all"
[Common] Ham Sammich says, "And now he's left me again, wearing my gloves, and having stolen my access, my bag, and my tools, for not even one raisen"
[Common] Jeffery Allen says, "I didn't leave you."
[Common] Jeffery Allen says, "Get on the shuttle yo ushit."
[Common] Ham Sammich says, "Drag me then, I'm done, not taking a step until I have my tools bacck"
Jeffery Allen fires the hybrid taser!
Your armor softens the blow!
Ham Sammich is hit by an electrode in the head!
Jeffery Allen puts the hybrid taser into the satchel.
Jeffery Allen is trying to put handcuffs on Ham Sammich!
Jeffery Allen says, "You fucker."
You are buckled to the chair by Jeffery Allen!
Ham Sammich says, "No you"

This is Jeffery Allen!
He is wearing a head of personnel's jumpsuit.
He is wearing a head of personnel's cap on his head.
He is wearing an armor.
He is carrying an energy gun on his armor.
He has a satchel on his back.
He is holding an industrial backpack in his right hand.
He has some insulated gloves on his hands.
He has a toolbelt about his waist.
He is wearing some brown shoes on his feet.
He has a breath mask on his face.
He has HUDSunglasses covering his eyes.
He has ÿthe head of personnel's headset on his ears.
He is wearing PDA-Jeffery Allen (Head of Personnel).
He has minor burns.

After this, he drags me out, drops me off by security, and runs off with my belt and my gloves on his person.
I'm then grabbed by an officer and let go again.

[Common] Townes Fullbright asks, "What did ham sammich do?"
[Common] Jeffery Allen says, "He's free to go."

I then go up to the line again to try to get my shit back

Ham Sammich says, "My shit"
Jeffery Allen says, "Oh you."
Townes Fullbright says, "This is a job for centcomm"
Jeffery Allen says, "No no. You're shit."
Ham Sammich says, "I want my shit"
Jeffery Allen says, "I want to shit."
Townes Fullbright says, "Change his id back to normal"

Admin PM from-Ausops: Alright, sorry for the delay. What exactly lead to all this happening? The ID changes, stripping and gulag?
Jeffery Allen says, "Fuck no."
PM to-Admins: He flashed me in his line, Randomly, I removed the flash, he said we could forget about it if I put it back, I did, he then renamed my ID village idiot, I complained and littered his desk with wire, He tried to have me arrested, I draw crayon runes in his line, I try to make peace, he changes my ID to "cunt beyond words" then later, shoots me, prison stations me, and is still not giving my gloves, badge, backpack or access back.
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Ausops: Alrighty, thanks.

Long silence later, The HoP gets arrested,
Jeffery Allen asks, "Yes?"
Jeffery Allen exclaims, "I'm down!"
Jeffery Allen asks, "OK?"
Jeffery Allen exclaims, "DOWN I SAY!"
Townes Fullbright is trying to put handcuffs on Jeffery Allen!
Jeffery Allen says, "Aww."

I follow them up to the brig

Jeffery Allen says, "I don't have your shit."
Ham Sammich says, "Hey"
Jeffery Allen says, "Yours is in the locker."
Ham Sammich says, "He's wearing my belt and gloves"
Jeffery Allen says, "No I'm not."
Jeffery Allen says, "Yours are in my closlet."
Townes Fullbright tries to remove Jeffery Allen's insulated gloves.
Townes Fullbright tries to remove Jeffery Allen's toolbelt.
Jeffery Allen says, "Those are mine."
Jeffery Allen exclaims, "HEY!"
Ham Sammich says, "Then take mine, we'll trade"
Jeffery Allen exclaims, "THOSE ARE MINE!"
Jeffery Allen attempts to unbuckle themself!
Jeffery Allen asks, "Am I going to get proccessed?"
Ham Sammich points to the insulated gloves
Townes Fullbright says, "Id please"
Ham Sammich asks, "My belt?"
Townes Fullbright says, "You have plenty"

At this point, I give my ID to townes, and he gives me gloves but keeps the toolbelt because apparently I have plenty.

PM to-Admins: I need an answer on this, or I'm going to FNR, My access is still gone and unlikely to be replaced, my tools are gone, and my round is fucked

A bit later, jeffrey gets released, not sure why, and he goes right back to his office and remakes his old ID

This is Jeffery Allen!
He is wearing a head of personnel's jumpsuit.
He is wearing a head of personnel's cap on his head.
He is wearing an armor.
He is carrying an energy gun on his armor.
He has a satchel on his back.
He has a toolbelt about his waist.
He is wearing some brown shoes on his feet.
He has a breath mask on his face.
He has HUDSunglasses covering his eyes.
He has ÿthe head of personnel's headset on his ears.
He has minor burns.

Admin PM from-Ausops: I'm talking to him right now.
Jeffery Allen asks, "What?"
Jeffery Allen says, "You got what you want."
Jeffery Allen says, "Just go away."
Ham Sammich says, "My ID, my tools my bag"
Jeffery Allen exclaims, "I DON'T HAVE IT!"
Jeffery Allen exclaims, "THEY TOOK MINE!"
Jeffery Allen says, "Or yours."
Jeffery Allen says, "And your ID is at brig."

This is Jeffery Allen!
He is wearing a head of personnel's jumpsuit.
He is wearing a head of personnel's cap on his head.
He is wearing an armor.
He is carrying an energy gun on his armor.
He has a satchel on his back.
He has a toolbelt about his waist.
He is wearing some brown shoes on his feet.
He has a breath mask on his face.
He has HUDSunglasses covering his eyes.
He has ÿthe head of personnel's headset on his ears.
He has minor burns.

He then gets a new toolbelt from the closet where my bag still remains, Townes puts jeffreys PDA on the desk so I pick it up.

Ham Sammich says, "My belt, my bag"
Townes Fullbright says, "Return the PDA"
Townes Fullbright says, "Its the HoPs"
Ham Sammich says, "I will"
Jeffery Allen says, "No toolbelt."
Ham Sammich says, "My belt"
Jeffery Allen says, "No."
Townes Fullbright says, "Borg"
Ham Sammich says, "Not gonna return the PDA until then"
Townes Fullbright says, "He has spares"
Jeffery Allen says, "Sorry."
Jeffery Allen says, "Wrong order."
Ham Sammich says, "Fuck this shit"
Jeffery Allen says, "Now go."
PM to-Admins: This is not being resolved, He stolen my shit, fucked with my round all round, I late joined just before he latejoined and I've done nothing except be fucked with and now eaten over this

At this point I went to engineering to see if I could find another toolbelt, and singuloth eats me because of space lag

so I continue on with the ahelp

Admin PM from-Ausops: I know what you want to happen, I have a decent clue as to what will happen if you don't think he's banned or jobbanned, and as much sympathy as I can afford you, I still need to do what I'm supposed to do

PM to-Admins: Whatever dude, What part of I started my round and the first thing Ive had happen to me is my ID fucked with, stripped to my jumpsuit and left worthless in cuffs in a hallway isn't getting accross to you?

Admin PM from-Ausops: All of it, I've been reading the ahelp logs constantly.

PM to-Admins: I'm not accepting this as sane and logical policy, I've been dicked since I started this round and I didn't do anything to bring it on myself, You're not doing your job if a griefing asshole can do this to a random roundstart engineer

Admin PM from-Ausops: You're making assumptions about what I'm doing and thinking I'm siding with the HoP. I haven't, chill out.

PM to-Admins: Then tell me any single step you've taken, because this is the second time I've been dicked from the moment I logged in, and you've shrugged your shoulders over it, Fuck it, To FNR I go

Re: Jeffery Allen (HoP) Strips access and tools for no raise

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 4:37 pm
by imblyings
I will explain my thought process.

I get an ahelp, I check the attack logs, find nothing of value much, I check in with the engineer and HoP about what's going on. The HoP is enroute to releasing him during my first question. He hasn't answered why so I ask him why after the engineer is eventually removed from the gulag.

I get a somewhat unsatisfactory answer, so I check the HoP's notes. The way I approach issues is that if they don't have a note regarding a similar issue, I warn them. I do this for most people apart from fringe cases where they're being absolutely griefing shits, e.g. releasing the singulo deliberately etc. He doesn't have any previous notes for similar misconduct. I observe the two for a bit and notice security attempting to resolve things IC. Meanwhile, I'm talking to the HoP after getting a good idea of what happened, and making sure he understands how the gulaging was inappropriate.

There was no new precedent that I made during the round and the policy hasn't changed. I simply choose to take a warning first/ban second time approach with things. A note was added to his record and the optimum outcome to this I believe, was him not repeating what he did again. The accusation of a metagrudge is an odd one but that can be added to their notes, in case further interactions of this sort happen between you two.

Re: Jeffery Allen (HoP) Strips access and tools for no raise

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 4:54 pm
by Falamazeer
He was perfectly decent to anyone else in his line, I'm the only one he robbed to the bones and demoted for no fucking reason, hence the accusation of some sort of metagrudge, Could be untrue but it's the only guess I have.
Admin PM from-Ausops: I know what you want to happen, I have a decent clue as to what will happen if you don't think he's banned or jobbanned, and as much sympathy as I can afford you, I still need to do what I'm supposed to do
At this point I'm the bad guy for expecting someone at round start who fucked me in the ass all round to have something done about it.
I'm the unreasonable ban mongerer, for expecting a result after this level of fuckery, this thread wouldn't have happened had you stated you'd lifted a godamn finger and actually warned and noted him
imblyings wrote: apart from fringe cases where they're being absolutely griefing shits, e.g. releasing the singulo deliberately, Stealing the armory then dunking anyone in their way while not an antag, randomly demoting and gulaging a station engineer, then still refusing to return tools or access etc.
Fixed that for you.

Re: Jeffery Allen (HoP) Strips access and tools for no raise

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 4:57 pm
by TechnoAlchemist
I'm wondering if the village idiot ID had telecom a access? Did you try it?

Re: Jeffery Allen (HoP) Strips access and tools for no raise

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 5:00 pm
by Falamazeer
I did, I could enter the normal telecomms doors like any station engineer but still couldn't make it to the command area, Pretty sure CE access gets you in there.

Re: Jeffery Allen (HoP) Strips access and tools for no raise

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 5:05 pm
by imblyings
Admins are under no obligation whatsoever to tell people about whether bans happened or not. I did not characterize you or paint you as a 'bad guy'. I guessed you were frustrated and wanted something done in return for what happened to you, which was how your ahelps to me came across. Constant ahelps sent to me asking if anything was done also make it harder for me to approach it without bias, because I have one person bwoinking me constantly about it from one view.

Releasing the singularity deliberately, causing lag and ruining the rounds of many people, is not equivalent to what happened. The former also get banned on a first-case basis when a cursory adminhelp questioning reveals that they know what happened and don't care. This was not the case. I received no ahelps about the HoP stealing the armoury and griefing with it, and what security chatter I did notice did not seem to suggest it was a major issue that sec had to deal with.

In any case, the situation was resolved when I had given him a note. If you want further sanctions against the HoP, make your case, otherwise this is a thread best made in the admin complaints forum.

Re: Jeffery Allen (HoP) Strips access and tools for no raise

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 5:12 pm
by Falamazeer
The stealing of the armory reference was to kaladin stormblessed, another case where you sat on your hands.
But your right, it's not an admin complaint.

I feel like If I had fucked with someone this hard for the crime of daring to enter my line I'd net a command joban from HoP for it, and I ask a headmin reviewing this to decide.

Re: Jeffery Allen (HoP) Strips access and tools for no raise

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 5:19 pm
by imblyings
A lack of an admin telling you personally that X was done to Y because Y did Z does not mean nothing happened to Y, and you need to understand that concept.

I'll ask a headmin to pop in.

Re: Jeffery Allen (HoP) Strips access and tools for no raise

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 5:42 pm
by Hornygranny
I don't agree with the decision made here. The HoP's actions are characteristic of someone lacking the maturity required to play a head of staff, regardless of the minor retaliation from Falamazeer. While I understand wanting to be lenient to players that may not have a long history of bad behavior, a temporary jobban is not a horrible punishment.

Re: Jeffery Allen (HoP) Strips access and tools for no raise

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 11:29 pm
by CandyClown
OK, let me tell you my side of the story. You come in, I flash you for shits and giggles, you take out my flash in the wall. We both agree to forget about it and you put it back. So you hand over your ID, tell me you want tcomms access because you cannot do scripting. You toss your ID over but it already has tcomms and I hand it back telling you that. But you say you can't do scripts so you hand it back for me to add CE's access for it. (Generally getting good vibes from this dude so I give it to him.) But here's where I get really classy. I rename his ID to village idiot and give it back and he runs away but not before wasting my time with cable art and holding up the line. (I really don't understand what it was, but it looked very modern.)

A bit later, he comes back and is pretty much like, change the name I want a nice name. (Obviously not like this and I'm sure there was cunt in there somewhere.) So I take the ID back and rip all the access from it and change the name to a rude name. So he threatens me and runs off. Now, I have a disabler but I ain't into getting dunked so I grab a taser and cuffs. I run across him in the hallway and he repeats his threat, to which I stun and cuff him.

At this point I'm taking him to brig but decide that gulag would be better. (Obviously, brigging over such a threat is terrible. Especially gulag.) I do the usual gulag shit and send him on his way. (Worth noting that I only took his gloves, toolbelt, and pack.) I go back to my job and get told by the cap to get him. This is where Ausops PM's me asking me if I have a minute to talk. To which I reply, "Yes. I'm freeing the fucker now." I of course do as I'm told by the captain and free him minus his aforementioned gear that I took from him.

And really after this, I don't remember too much. I don't think anything besides what I told you happened except him begging for his gear back.

Re: Jeffery Allen (HoP) Strips access and tools for no raise

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 12:18 am
by Falamazeer
I'm not sure what in that mess is supposed to be a justification. You robbed me to my bones, gulaged me, And then kept my shit for the remainder of the round.

all over bullshit you started, and that I was more than happy to drop at any point so I could fulfill my mission to relearn tcomms, had the village IDiot ID even worked, I'd have probably just kept it, But clearly you didn't see fit to give me the real access. Just more of you picking a worthless fight for the sake of doing it.

You're a shithead, and you shouldn't be put in a position of power if all it leads to is you jacking off on your own sense of power on other players.

Re: Jeffery Allen (HoP) Strips access and tools for no raise

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 1:04 am
by CandyClown
That wasn't really an justification, just a mere telling of the story. I fully accept a temp. jobban from heads. I understand what I did was shit and I'm sorry.

Re: Jeffery Allen (HoP) Strips access and tools for no raise

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 1:46 pm
by imblyings
Alright, I'll take what HG said onboard.

I'm not the kind of guy to retroactively fuck someone up afterwards but it was made clear in this thread and to me that behaviour of this sort can be met with a jobban even for first offences. As for Candyclown, you know what happened and I hope it doesn't happen again.

Re: Jeffery Allen (HoP) Strips access and tools for no raise

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 6:28 am
by imblyings
I've asked HG if there's anything more that needs to be done and the answer was no. Thread will be locked in 24 hours unless it hasn't been resolved satisfactorily yet.