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holoqram ban request

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 12:20 pm
by bobbybay
Your byond account:bobbybay
Your character name: sexy mother fucker (hadnt joined in a while didnt know it was still set to this )
Their character name:Moe Tsun'Dere (Head of Security)
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it):holoqram
Server and time:13:10 11/05/2014 GMT
Logs and/or screenshots:Sexy Mother Fucker says, "I mean no harm"
Moe Tsun'Dere fires the energy gun!
Sexy Mother Fucker is hit by an electrode in the head!
Sexy Mother Fucker stammers, "s-st-t-top-p"
Sexy Mother Fucker stammers, "w-wah-ht-t t-th-he h-hel-l-ll-l"
Sexy Mother Fucker stammers, "s-s-st-top-p-p-p it"
Sexy Mother Fucker stammers, "im-m ot g-goin-ng-g-g t-t-to d-d-do an-ny-yth-hing-g"
Moe Tsun'Dere is trying to put handcuffs on Sexy Mother Fucker!
Sexy Mother Fucker stammers, "im-m n-not a g-gr-rief-fer"
Sexy Mother Fucker stammers, "IM N-NOT-T A G-GR-RIEF-FER-R"
You are buckled in to the chair by Moe Tsun'Dere.
Moe Tsun'Dere fires the proto-kinetic accelerator!
Sexy Mother Fucker is hit by a kinetic force in the right arm!
Moe Tsun'Dere says, "You are dumb."
Sexy Mother Fucker says, "YOU CANT ARREST ME"
Moe Tsun'Dere fires the proto-kinetic accelerator!
Moe Tsun'Dere fires the proto-kinetic accelerator!
Sexy Mother Fucker (Head of Personnel) [145.9] says, "you cannot arrest me"
Sexy Mother Fucker says, "you cannot arrest me"
HoP's Desk has been hit by Moe Tsun'Dere with the proto-kinetic accelerator.
Sexy Mother Fucker (Head of Personnel) [145.9] says, "for teling you that you are gya"
Sexy Mother Fucker says, "for teling you that you are gya"
Sexy Mother Fucker has been struck in the head with the proto-kinetic accelerator by Moe Tsun'Dere!
Sexy Mother Fucker (Head of Personnel) [145.9] says, "now you are trying to kill me"
Sexy Mother Fucker says, "now you are trying to kill me"
You attempt to unbuckle yourself. (This will take around 2 minutes and you need to stay still.)
You were unbuckled from the chair by Moe Tsun'Dere.
Moe Tsun'Dere fires the energy gun!
Captain Ian is hit by an electrode in the head!
Moe Tsun'Dere fires the energy gun!
Sexy Mother Fucker is hit by an electrode in the head!
Moe Tsun'Dere puts the energy gun into the security satchel.
Current Admins:

Moe Tsun'Dere says, "Fuck your Ian."
Captain Ian has been attacked with the stunbaton by Moe Tsun'Dere!
Captain Ian has been attacked with the stunbaton by Moe Tsun'Dere!
Sexy Mother Fucker (Head of Personnel) [145.9] stammers, "SH-HE K-KIL-L-LL-LED-D IAN-N"
Sexy Mother Fucker stammers, "SH-HE K-KIL-L-LL-LED-D IAN-N"
Moe Tsun'Dere puts the stunbaton into the security belt.
Sexy Mother Fucker (Head of Personnel) [145.9] says, "AI"
Sexy Mother Fucker says, "AI"
Moe Tsun'Dere (Head of Security) [145.9] says, "AI, open."
Moe Tsun'Dere says, "AI, open."
Sexy Mother Fucker (Head of Personnel) [145.9] says, "BOLT ME DOWN"
Sexy Mother Fucker says, "BOLT ME DOWN"
Sexy Mother Fucker (Head of Personnel) [145.9] says, "wow a griefer"
Sexy Mother Fucker says, "wow a griefer"
Sexy Mother Fucker (Head of Personnel) [145.9] says, "..."
Sexy Mother Fucker says, "..."
Necronomicon (AI) [145.9] states, "Ian is not a human."
Sexy Mother Fucker says, "I am"
You are buckled in to the bed by Moe Tsun'Dere.
Moe Tsun'Dere fires the proto-kinetic accelerator!
Sexy Mother Fucker is hit by a kinetic force in the head!
Sexy Mother Fucker (Head of Personnel) [145.9] says, "and I am human and she shot me with a protokinetic accelerator"
Sexy Mother Fucker says, "and I am human and she shot me with a protokinetic accelerator"
Moe Tsun'Dere fires the proto-kinetic accelerator!
Sexy Mother Fucker is hit by a kinetic force in the head!
Sexy Mother Fucker (Head of Personnel) [145.9] says, "SHES DOING IT AGAIN"
Sexy Mother Fucker says, "SHES DOING IT AGAIN"
Moe Tsun'Dere fires the proto-kinetic accelerator!
Sexy Mother Fucker is hit by a kinetic force in the head!
Sexy Mother Fucker (Head of Personnel) [145.9] says, "ITS KILLING ME"
Sexy Mother Fucker says, "ITS KILLING ME"
Moe Tsun'Dere fires the proto-kinetic accelerator!
Sexy Mother Fucker is hit by a kinetic force in the head!
Sexy Mother Fucker says, "wow"
Sexy Mother Fucker says, "stop griefing"
Moe Tsun'Dere (Head of Security) [145.9] says, "These kicks are for your head to start working."
Necronomicon (AI) [145.9] states, "Nothing i can do about it."
Moe Tsun'Dere fires the proto-kinetic accelerator!
Sexy Mother Fucker is hit by a kinetic force in the right arm!
Moe Tsun'Dere fires the proto-kinetic accelerator!
Sexy Mother Fucker is hit by a kinetic force in the head!
... You can almost hear someone talking ...

Description of what happened: I joined the round (unknowing my name was sexy mother fucker) and said whatup and noticed my name then basically embraced the character by singing im to sexy for milan. I went to my office geared up then went up to the hos and said "gus wot m8" "ur gay" (bad on my half) after this I went to mining as I had a mining card and got a protokinetic accelerator , holoqram then said "ill deal with him" I said im in my office , I sat in the little section (im the hop) she came in tased me took the protokinetic accelerator shot me multiple times , then dragged me to security buckled me to a bed and then shot me with it until I died. I did IC in OOC , there were no admins on to report to and no other way to contact the player. she said that because I had a silly name and was acting silly she had the right to murder me.
Why they should be banned:

Re: holoqram ban request

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 3:16 pm
by CreationPro
bobbybay wrote:Image

You went in with an inappropriate name, started IC in OOCing and OOC in ICing. Seems to me like you're the one deserving a ban here.

Re: holoqram ban request

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 3:22 pm
by bobbybay
ic and ooc when there were no admins as it was the only way to communicate with the player and I didnt know my name was set to taht. Are you honestly saying its ok for him to murder me because I have a bad name.

Re: holoqram ban request

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 3:24 pm
by CreationPro

Re: holoqram ban request

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 7:10 pm
by elyina
With the name "Sexy Mother Fucker", yeah, definitely.