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Alarmclock - Sexual Abuse

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 11:56 pm
by Demonbane
Your byond account: Adminbane
Your character name: Paxton Vasilyev
Their character name: Rollo Kinsman
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): Alarmclock
Server and time: Basil, around 4pm PST
Logs and/or screenshots: Got this showing he don't give a damn he did something borderline permabannable. Unfortunately I don't got much else, thanks to me being an idiot and quitting the game.
Description of what happened: I was in perma after some scuffling with the Captain, which I'm fine with. After some more faffing about in perma he says I need to be educated. This was me with an electropack being dragged in handcuffs, a dress, and lipstick all around the station while Rollo was being a complete creep about it. He also nearly chopped my wang off (started heading to surgery, but backed off), but I'm sure he knew that'd definitely be a permaban, so he just decided to toe the line.
Why they should be banned: I think that at any point, if a player feels there's been sexual abuse, within reason, there is a big problem. I'll be the first to admit this isn't considered abuse to a good amount of people, and that I look like I want a hugbox, but what he did was not okay. If forced sex change is complete permaban on the spot, and if this is "borderline" as CrimsonVision said, why did he only get a "stern talking to"? Even when he did, it was obvious he didn't give a shit, and I wouldn't doubt he'd do something like this again. I'm not asking for a permaban, I'm asking he be reprimanded in some way at all. I don't think sexual abuse in any form should fly considering it says in the rules that it shouldn't, and I would hope the people who made the rules would agree with me.

Re: Alarmclock - Sexual Abuse

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:08 am
by Saegrimr
I figured traitoring you and letting you make your own amends with the situation would have been enough alongside the "stern talking to", but I guess I was wrong.

Yes, he shouldn't have been a creepy fuck about it. If he continues it will be a permaban. No, i'm not going to ban anybody because of muh feelings especially after you had your fun and murdered him (on my go-ahead).
As I said before, alien wing wang facerape might trigger someone's repressed memories of their uncle throatfucking them as an infant, but we're not going to remove it.
If you have some adversity to dresses based on your childhood that's something you need to get over as a person.

If any other admin disagrees then so be it, deal with it your own ways.

Re: Alarmclock - Sexual Abuse

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:10 am
by Demonbane
Like I said, that's just a game mechanic I'm fine with. I'm not trying to make this about my feelers, and I'm sorry if it felt that way, I was trying to show that while some people may not see it as abuse, others do. You have to look at it in an unbiased way, as I've taken a moment to. My own experiences aside, I still feel as if this was a sexual thing, a nonconsensual sexual thing. That is explicitly against the rules.

EDIT: About the first sentence, I can understand there's game mechanics some people don't like (trust me, I do) but this instant was not a game mechanic, this was someone being an abusive prick in a way that is not acceptable, according to the rules.

Re: Alarmclock - Sexual Abuse

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:11 am
by Scones
If forced sex change is complete permaban on the spot
Since when?

Re: Alarmclock - Sexual Abuse

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:11 am
by QuartzCrystal
I pulled the logs and was going through it (before I saw Saegrimr's post here) and I was going to say
[19:11:53]ADMIN: PM: Saegrimr/(Milton Sutton)->Alarmclock/(Rollo Kinsman): Does not matter, this is legit other admins would be permabanning you no discussion territory. Its pretty creepy compounded with the rest of the chatlog.
pretty much sums it up. Saegrimr gave him a very stern talking to and you got your revenge.

Re: Alarmclock - Sexual Abuse

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:13 am
by Demonbane
Scones wrote:
If forced sex change is complete permaban on the spot
Since when?
That's what CrimsonVision told me, and I'd assume that's the case anyway.
What exactly is "unconsensual ERP" to you folks?

EDIT: And my problem with the stern talking to is that he obviously didn't care about it. It did nothing.

Re: Alarmclock - Sexual Abuse

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:16 am
by Saegrimr
As long as he never does it again, it doesn't matter how he feels about the stern talking to.

Re: Alarmclock - Sexual Abuse

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:28 am
by Demonbane
Already got this figured out in IRC, go on and lock it.