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Ban Request - Smoke Kerman (AriPapas)

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 12:37 am
by Jeb
Your byond account: stapler2025
Your character name: Normally, Jebediah Kerman. Nukeop round, was Nikolas Kerman.

Their character name: Smoke Kerman
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): AriPapas

Server and time: Sybil, round ended ~6:25pm MST

Logs and/or screenshots: No logs, no screenshots, sorry.

AriPapas was Smoke Kerman (body destroyed)

Description of what happened: This actually spans multiple rounds. AriPapas doesn't seem to understand anything about the game, from the mechanics to the rules. They constantly IC in OOC, couple rounds prior they were an asimov cyborg that cuffed and tried to space me from the emergency shuttle (adminhelped, no response). The current round, they were a nukeop under my lead. They proceeded to forcefeed alcohol to every member of the team, then get drunk themselves, pass out, go braindead and come back long enough to *deathgasp.

Told them to donate their TC, they didn't, and bought a flamethrower, a minibom and fucking soap instead (which was never used because they deathgasped on the shuttle and blew it all to fuck).

Why they should be banned: Every reason above. They don't deserve to play this game.

Re: Ban Request - Smoke Kerman (AriPapas)

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 2:04 am
by Stickymayhem
I've was around too and can vouch for all of this.

This guy is the most blatant IC in OOC I've ever seen , from complaining he died to ruining rounds by declaring borgs rogue or calling out traitors. He was on during the quiet period where the admins weren't around so he seemed to have gotten anwway with most of it.

Re: Ban Request - Smoke Kerman (AriPapas)

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 11:52 am
by Skorvold
I'm so so so sooo soo sorry this took so long for us to get to.

He is perma'd until he can explain himself here.