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Rance Ransu - Assaulting and stealing from the captain

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 2:17 pm
by Amnestik
Your byond account: Amnestik
Your character name: Gunner Chauvin
Their character name: Rance Ransu
Server and time: Sybil 2pm UTC
Description of what happened:
Assaulted the captain over a law uploaded by the CMO.

After the captain attempted to demote them for this, stole the captain's ID and bag. Hid these and then committed suicide to avoid responsibility.

Why they should be banned:
Assaulting and stealing from the captain with little to no IC justification as the warden

Re: Rance Ransu - Assaulting and stealing from the captain

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 9:52 am
by DrPillzRedux
A shit y non-human law was uploaded and everyone was saying you did it so I, as acting HoS and at the time the only sec member, detained you. After questioning I let you go.

You couldn't stop there of course.

You turn around after being uncuffed and shoot at me, so I shoot back and take your ID before passing it off to the HoS that joined. I was questioned and no action was taken against me.

In the future stop being so mad when you get detained. Being a captain does not mean sec cannot detain you for questions given probable cause.

EDIT: And after reading your raging lies and bullshit I can thoroughly say fuck you. First of all, you did not move to demote me in any way besides shooting at me. You said zero, nada, nothing was discussed. Second, I did not hide your ID nor your stuff. Your weapons were in the wardens office, in plain sight, and your ID (which you had in your PDA you dumb turd) was given to the HoS that joined after you demoted for being insane and unreasonable. Either you're too fucking dumb to realise you left your ID in the PDA and too blind to see that your guns were in my office, or just so ass blasted that you wanted to cry and try to get someone banned.

Re: Rance Ransu - Assaulting and stealing from the captain

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 1:33 am
by Vekter
This is an IC issue.

E: Let me elaborate. Theft by default is an IC issue and should be dealt with accordingly. If you're doing a shitty job at captain, the crew is allowed to mutiny you, though any and all consequences are yours.

Please consider listening to the input of your crew next time.