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DarkNightSin: Rule 1

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 1:21 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf
palpatine213 wrote:Can we focus on the policy, and not on the player? Make a ban request if you want to complain about them

Your byond account: Dorsidwarf
Your character name: Various
Their character name: Various
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): DarkNightSin
Server and time: Various
Logs and/or screenshots:
Description of what happened:
Steelpoint wrote:I recently had a round where I was a traitor spawned Alien (Traitor bought a larva in Xenobio for all their TC's), I eventually became a Queen as the Traitor kept throwing about six or so monkeys into the pen.

Suffice it to say we were eventually released (amusingly NOT by the Traitor), the other Aliens wanted to keep the Traitor, who kept giving us monkeys up to that point, alive. I agreed and told the Aliens to leave 'the one with the green mask (biohood) alive and uninfected".

All well and good until suddenly one Alien (Hunter 450 for reference) suddently runs up to the Traitor and begins to slash the Traitor to death, without even attempting to infect the Traitor. I order Hunter 450 to stop killing the Traitor but 450 ignores me, eventaully three Aliens and myself are trying to kill 450 (you can't kill aliens as a alien) until eventually 450 continues to ignore me, while calling me a shit Queen for not killing a Human, and spaces itself while dragging the now dead Traitors body.

Now I adminhelped the issue (I think Hibble got the PM) and whoever picked up the phone said that this issue has no prior real precedent, and had to talk with other admins. I don't know if anything came of the issue but that's irrespective to this thread.
Tunder wrote:Xenotraitor here, DarkNightSin is the shitter hunter in question. Staunchly defended his actions at every opportunity, probably deserves a ban from xenos for ignoring the queen's direct orders.
lumipharon wrote:THAT motherfucker.

I've seen him fuck around more then once as xeno, it's really fucking annoyin when some shitter hunter is trying to space THE QUEEN, or incite revolt.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:He caught a major ban from Urist for shitting around on lowpop and turning everyone into xenoes despite an admin telling him to chill and cut it out, I remember.

Was he the one who spammed scream so much on basil that the queen threw him out the airlock, at which point he resorted to macro'ing "SUCK MY CHEEZY NUTS" into hivemind?
ThanatosRa wrote:What a shining pillar of the community. Probably a good example of at least examining player behavior between servers to look out for shitters.
Stan_Studnick wrote:I think I've dealt with that guy before and if it's the same cunt I'm thinking of I'm still pissed off he killed off the entire botany department before I could facehug them and then laughed when I got mad.

Really the reason why this thread exists is banworthy enough but if he's been a shithead other times and on other servers then I'd say he needs to go away forever.
Laharl Monthy wrote:Mh...I have a short-term memory, but I think I remember him as well - and like everyone here, not in a good way. Dates back about a month...

Round Start. I'm the RD, Oldman Robustin' is a scientist, I smell bombs ahoy. Except, for some reason, 5 minutes into the round, Oldman comes in and asks me where the hell did I hide the Valves. I tell him I don't know, he doesn't believe me. Fine, I'm clearing that up. We both check Toxins and the backroom, nothing is yet set up, and we have a mystery on our hands - after a bit of arguing back and forth, we both come to the conclusion that none of us did the thing.

So, after checking in with who was still in the department, I notice that the Scientist played by DarkNightSin (can't be bothered to remember the name) is missing. I ping him thought Science chat, he denies everything, Oldman and me don't believe him one bit. Cue a bit of chasing once he comes back to the RnD department (that ticked me off even more, I was sure he was the culprit at that point), that leads us to arrivals. After giving him the baton and questioning, he still denies it. Sadly, since I don't have any proofs, I just release the guy.

...And then, he trips me, steals my baton, and runs off never to be seen again. I page Sec to set him on arrest, and pretty much tell the whole department that if he shows up, his ass is to be robusted. In the meanwhile, the fucker also confesses on the radio that he actually stole the valves, to taunt us. He spaced them FNR. (Well, FNR...Oldman was a traitor, but no-one could know that five minutes in.)

Seeing him stuck in the shuttle brig made me quite happy. And yes - he wasn't a traitor, I believe.

Tho I'm suddenly not sure if it was our guy or not, I'm sure CJS would remember it better.
Tunder wrote:For correlation, as he came here from Plebbit and feels strongly against RP. Perfect background for shittery.

Why they should be banned:
ThanatosRa wrote:What a shining pillar of the community. Probably a good example of at least examining player behavior between servers to look out for shitters.

Re: DarkNightSin: Rule 1

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 2:20 pm
by Tsaricide
This was handled in game I'm pretty sure, I forget which admin talked to him about this incident but he was talked to after that round ended.

Unless a head admin wants to ban him over this.

Re: DarkNightSin: Rule 1

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 6:33 am
by Not-Dorsidarf
This wasn't a BR for any of the individual shitteries, it's because he apparently has a long history of doing similar things and being an immense dick in general, getting only a slap on the wrist each time.

If we had alien job bans, I'd probbably ask for one of those instead.

Re: DarkNightSin: Rule 1

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 10:21 am
by peoplearestrange
I have to add that it certainly does hugely detract from the RP and also the general fun of the round when cult/rev's dont work together. Surely this applies to Xeno's as well?

In honesty though that round went pretty well and a lot of people had fun from the antics caused. It's a shame that the traitor got killed, but ultimately Xeno's are wild and crazy and you shouldn't trust them with your life. HOWEVER the queen should be overruling as thats exactly what a queen is for, for the good of the hive etc.

Personally I'd like to see a stern ass note and warning to that player that as with any cooperative antag roles, team work IS required for all to enjoy. And if they pull shit like that again they'd get an antag role ban.

Re: DarkNightSin: Rule 1

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 11:34 am
by imblyings
It's now an actionable ruling(tm) that can be referred to by any player on the rules page for when aliens act like faggots towards their own team.

Otherwise it seems like a string of relatively minor but annoying enough IC stuff done in science. Maybe a flat antag ban next time someone catches them dicking around as a xeno.

Re: DarkNightSin: Rule 1

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 12:12 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf
Xeno isn't covered by antag bans, incidentally.

Re: DarkNightSin: Rule 1

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 1:46 pm
by imblyings
It'd hurt more than a xeno ban though.

Re: DarkNightSin: Rule 1

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 1:51 pm
by peoplearestrange
I'll add a note warning them of this and that "next time we'll be deadly serious, next time".