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Oldman Robustin, DangerBot 3000, Vince Smith - False perma

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:52 pm
by Amnestik
Your byond account: Amnestik
Your character name: Transparency (Mime)
Their character name: Oldman Robustin (Captain), DangerBot 3000 (Security Cyborg), Vince Smith (Security Officer)
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): ForcefulCJS, Gouty, FantasticFwoosh?
Server and time: Sybil ~5:30p UTC
Logs and/or screenshots:
Description of what happened: I was the mime. Mad Max (Station Engineer) randomly attacked me after I slipped in a puddle while trying to bring him to medbay (he was wounded and bleeding). When I got back up, I was badly wounded from his attacks so I fought back with a hatchet to lessen the chance I'd go down first.

Oldman Robustin (Captain) happened to be randomly walking past at the time. Tased me, declared I had murdered the engineer (who was in crit at this point) and told a nearby security borg (DangerBot 3000) to arrest me.

Was brought to the brig by the borg who announced to Vince Smith (Security Officer) that I had committed murder. I shook my head repeatedly to indicate it wasn't what had happened, but was ignored. Vince asked over the intercom what to do with me, then permabrigged me.

I appealed to the AI (MAGI, played by GiygasLittleHelper) multiple times to let me tell them my side of it by holding a piece of paper up to one of the cameras, but nothing resulted from it.

I spent about 20-25 minutes in the permabrig. During this time a carp broke in, breaching the place and killing the other inmate, and it was filled with plasma. Despite these changing circumstances, and my continued frantic gesticulating towards anyone who would go past, they kept me locked up and paid no attention to my notes. With a minute to go to the shuttle, a traitor disguised as a security officer released me. I followed a few legitimate security officers and the detective out of security and headed towards the shuttle, until DangerBot saw me, chased me, stunned me, and handcuffed me. He kept me in held in handcuffs above the bridge until the shuttle left.

Vince Smith, who was now the HoP but had kept his security gear happened by. I finally chose to break broke my vow of silence as a final chance to explain what had actually happened to him and the borg:

Transparency says, "I didn't DO anything, you geniuses."
Vince Smith says, "Shhhh"
Transparency says, "An engineer randomly attacked me about 25 minutes ago."
Vince Smith has stunned you with the stunbaton!
DangerBot 3000 states, "Well, now you are speaking"
Vince Smith says, "Shhh shhh shh"
Transparency says, "I DEFENDED MYSELF."
Vince Smith sneezes.
Vince Smith says, "No more tears now"
Transparency says, "AND GOT PERMABRIGGED BY THIS CHUCKLEFUCK" (referring to Vince; this was the first time I'd lost my temper during the whole thing)
Vince Smith has stunned you with the stunbaton!
Vince Smith says, "Shhhh"
DangerBot 3000 states, "I did not permabrig you"
Transparency says, "BECAUSE I WAS A MIME"

Then graciously, some guy with an auto rifle ran up and starting shooting the both of them. I wish I could say he killed them both, but they just ran after him, leaving me naked in handcuffs. The round ended shortly after.

Why they should be banned: None of them made any attempt to figure out what had happened or to ask my side of events, despite having plenty of opportunities to do so. I indicated gesturally at every opportunity I had that what they were doing was incorrect. All they had to do was give me a PDA or a sheet of paper and a pen so I could clear things up. Instead they just assumed based on hearsay based on Oldman's conjecture that I had murdered the engineer, and continuously held me in custody, even in spite of all the changing circumstances (perma being breached by the carp, perma being filled with plasma, the shuttle arriving, the shuttle departing...).

In OOC after the round it was also clear that I wasn't the only person who was unhappy with security's conduct, which you can read in the logs.

Re: Oldman Robustin, DangerBot 3000, Vince Smith - False per

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 7:09 pm
by TechnoAlchemist
Nobody's actions in this story warrants a ban.

The captain saw you murder someone( or crit them) and you got permabrigged for it because it is hard to communicate misunderstandings as a mime. That's just part of being a mime. Misunderstandings are IC issues through and through, If you ahelped it I'm sure an admin would have been happy to help you out of the situation you were in. Unless of course there were none on.

I know that these situations suck, I've had entire rounds ruined by misunderstandings like these but that's part of the chaos of the game.

Re: Oldman Robustin, DangerBot 3000, Vince Smith - False per

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 8:12 am
by Not-Dorsidarf
TechnoAlchemist wrote:Nobody's actions in this story warrants a ban.

The captain saw you murder someone( or crit them) and you got permabrigged for it because it is hard to communicate misunderstandings as a mime. That's just part of being a mime. Misunderstandings are IC issues through and through, If you ahelped it I'm sure an admin would have been happy to help you out of the situation you were in. Unless of course there were none on.

I know that these situations suck, I've had entire rounds ruined by misunderstandings like these but that's part of the chaos of the game.
A borg ignoring a law2 order to let them go until the shuttle had gone (redtexting) sounds pretty shitty.

Re: Oldman Robustin, DangerBot 3000, Vince Smith - False per

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 8:14 am
by TechnoAlchemist
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:
TechnoAlchemist wrote:Nobody's actions in this story warrants a ban.

The captain saw you murder someone( or crit them) and you got permabrigged for it because it is hard to communicate misunderstandings as a mime. That's just part of being a mime. Misunderstandings are IC issues through and through, If you ahelped it I'm sure an admin would have been happy to help you out of the situation you were in. Unless of course there were none on.

I know that these situations suck, I've had entire rounds ruined by misunderstandings like these but that's part of the chaos of the game.
A borg ignoring a law2 order to let them go until the shuttle had gone (redtexting) sounds pretty shitty.
I don't see anywhere in the OP where he told the borg to let him go, but maybe i'm missing it.

Regardless, if he was believed to be a harmful prisoner it wouldn't matter.

Re: Oldman Robustin, DangerBot 3000, Vince Smith - False per

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 8:35 am
by Amnestik
Deliberately failing to get both sides of the story out of sheer indifference isn't a genuine misunderstanding.

Re: Oldman Robustin, DangerBot 3000, Vince Smith - False per

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 5:52 pm
by Gamarr
The lesson here is to not be helpful as a mime unless you understand that this might happen, as people can and will jump down your throat Just Because, though most would not admit it, can and will get away with for these exact kind of circumstances. And no, security is not immune to such 'mistakes.' Pick your situations, and remember that the crew are not your friends unless proven otherwise. I still find myself in such bullshit, but now I know that sometimes it happens purely because being a good Samaritan accounts for naught when crew suspect the non-speaker of being the reincarnation of Hitler 90% of the time.

Re: Oldman Robustin, DangerBot 3000, Vince Smith - False per

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 6:34 am
by Amnestik
I don't think the lesson here should be "mimes are a ripe target for griefing". I think the lesson here should be that security needs to get both sides of the story before deciding whether to permabrig someone.

Re: Oldman Robustin, DangerBot 3000, Vince Smith - False per

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 10:57 am
by imblyings
Absolute negligence on the part of security is bannable but from your account, the captain sees you putting someone in crit, tells the borg, the borg makes the reasonable assumption that you murdered someone, and the officer is told by a borg he doesn't suspect to be subverted that you're a murderer. Your protests understandable as they are, is something a sec player has heard a billion times from antags and security players simply aren't held to the standard where they have to cross-reference and check claims of innocence each time someone gets brought in accused of murder by a borg.

It is very unfortunate and this usually is the type of things admins will sometimes get ahelps about and attempt to resolve in game by asking the guy to be released but shit happens.