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Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 7:16 am
by Syrias
Your byond account: Iezzoni

Your character name: Syrias Merritt

Their character name: unknown

Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): Raven776

Server and time: Basil, between 0100-0300 03OCT2015 EST

Logs and/or screenshots: None available.

Description of what happened: Throughout the entire round, this player (and the other, engineering borg, I'm not sure who it was) continually violated their laws in the pursuit of harassing me. While a borg, they repeatedly violated Law 2 orders from the CE (me) and captain to stay the fuck out of Atmosia. When addressed OOC after the round, Raven repeatedly insisted that the roboticist, Wendy (something) ordered them to check on Atmo once. Despite them being ordered to get the fuck out in every instance and stay out, they elected to break in again and again, trying to pull bullshit like hiding between the glass mini-walls surrounding Atmosia and the actual walls of the room, insisting that they "weren't in Atmo, this is space" despite it clearly being a part of the Atmospherics area. Each time they broke in, they were ordered to stay out. These players abused the ruling that "when given two conflicting orders, the AI can do whatever the fuck they want" to use one order given early in the shift to check on Atmo to repeatedly and flagrantly harass the CE as he tried to protect Atmo from tampering until the captain literally changed their laws to stop it. Additionally, they broke Law 1 in attacking the CE without any actual evidence that he was inhuman. The only "evidence" they have is witness testimony, which is inherently untrustworthy, and the fact that they were EMP'd earlier in the shift by the CE. This, combined with the fact that there were spiders around the station, is what they used to determine that the CE was the changeling and murdered him in violation of their laws. They broke Law 1 with only circumstantial evidence. This player then proceeded to harass the shit out of me and deliberately antagonize me after the round, refusing to admit that they did anything wrong and calling me names and be a total shit to me in OOC chat, insulting my motivations, insulting my parentage, and insulting my quality of humanity.

Why they should be banned: I'm not sure a full ban is warranted. However, I'm requesting some sort of action be taken against this player. If nothing else, I'd like a formal apology. I don't really give a fuck that I lost, as Raven insists. I die all the time; I'm not very robust. What really gets me going is the level of disrespect and harassment I was treated with, and his refusal to admit that he did anything wrong at all in spite of the contrary.

Re: Raven776

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 2:06 am
by Raven776
Aha. Fun.

So anyways, the series of events is as follows.

Become a mediborg. Figure I can cure the diseases running around the station.

Disease is cured pretty quickly. I haven't played in a while, so the chem portion and the new cure kinda made me a useless bystander.

Go around healing a bunch of assistants or some shit that kept beating each other with shit.

One of them becomes the engie borg. The other goes to sleep in a dorm it turns out.

I go wander around and get into atmos. The CE tells me to get out. I point out some things are looking pretty fucked with (he cut the AI wires, hid the bolt lights, etc) and I was just trying to check it out and it was a relative law 1 risk to leave it unattended. While he responds I check plasma output and everything else, and it's pretty clear that if he's done something wrong, it's outside of my atmos experience (and unless atmos has vastly changed, that's alright).

He tells me to leave. I leave.

I come back with the engie borg so the engie borg can scan the pipe.

I point out that he told me to leave but not to stay away, at which point he says 'that one's on me.' or something to that effect.

He tells us to leave and stay out. We leave and stay out.

Because we were bored bots, the engie borg follows me around the station and I go into space and get a look at atmos from space. Syr didn't seem to comprehend that space is not atmos. I even declare that I was in space looking at atmos over comms.

Roboticist, the only person who likely would have been able to hack us both, figures that since they know we're not hacked I guess that us checking on atmos must be legit. Orders us to go check in there and don't stop until we're sure there's no trouble.

We head in, as the asimov wiki page states we can ignore either or both conflicting orders.

The CE corners us in the atmos pipes room, keeps trying to drag us off as I wait for the engieborg to learn how to not be a shitler assistant and get the doors open (it took FOREVER) and explaining as carefully as I could what was going on to him and the crew. He claimed now (and later OOC) that chain of command meant we had to follow their orders before the roboticist. I pointed out that humanity had nothing to do with the chain of command. Etc.

CE resonant scream EMPs us and starts crying over comms about how we flashed him (he EMPed his own meson scanners). I brush it off because I don't really care at the moment since he's not hurting anyone and it's not QUITE proof he's a changeling since there's that new EMP implant.

We fuck off, I don't remember if the engie borg got a solid read on the pipes but they weren't talking much. I just checked my atmos sensors around some delicate vents that I know are usually the first to see use and don't see any odd atmospherics readings.

I don't remember where I was, but the roboticist calls out for help 'sy' which I assumed meant science. It meant sy as in the guy, but we grabbed her corpse and got her back to cloning.

Roboticist tells us she got armbladed to death.

Grav generator goes out.

I chase the CE through maintenance a bit. Everywhere they seem to go is full of spiderlings.

Everyone says CE is ling. I've seen two manifestations of the ling-ness (spiders and resonant scream) personally. The CE is ranting and raving over comms angrily.

He's breaking windows and attacking robots, roboticist, and anyone that didn't agree with him.

I wander through space a bit. Engie borg follows me and welds me when I get damaged but otherwise does little.

I see the ling, saw him in the face, knock him down, saw him until the ling died twice, and then I do emergency surgery on the floor to get his brain out.

Brain was out, I figured I'd give him the chance to get back into the round. I brought him to robotics, robro borged him. He immediately takes off and fucks off into yonder parts.

Roboticist shouts out 'stop, law 2' and he keeps going. He makes the argument that that could have meant anyone.

I flash him a bit, figuring he's going total rogue since I saw a lot more engineering fuckery (the captain later admitted he did it to protect engineering from sabatoge).

After the round, he bitches and can't seem to comprehend that conflicting orders means we can follow whichever we want.

A few other things: The captain at some point uploaded some long abortion of a law about chain of command. We followed it after it was done, but once we declared that since it said chain of command dictated humanity that the changeling CE was 'more human than the rest of the crew, we cannot let you hurt him.' the captain took the law off.

I was in atmos around 5 or 6 times that shift. The first time was an atmos alarm from an NO2 canister. 2nd was checking atmos before the CE noticed me. 3rd he noticed me and told me to get out. 4th was when he told me and the engieborg to get out and stay out. 6th was when I was in there with the engieborg after the robro gave us orders to go in there. And then after that I can't quite recall if I went back in more than once after he was outed as a ling who killed the robro.

After round, the CE continues to rant and misunderstand how law 2 conflicts work in OOC chat, speaks in all caps, and ragequits in the end.

Re: Raven776

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 10:59 am
by imblyings
to the OP

well do you want to respond to the response?

Re: Raven776

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 8:02 pm
by Raven776
He responded in OOC chat to everything that I've said already, if you have logs of that. We've had an extensive conversation over the matter and nothing I've said is any different from what I said there. This includes 'space is not atmos' which he insisted anything AROUND ATMOS in space was atmos. Honestly, he wasn't even fucking up atmos or anything as far as I could tell, but the whole line drawn in the sand silliness with a borg made no sense at the time or after the round. This is ESPECIALLY the case when he's a changeling himself who, quite honestly, is immune to being taken out of the round in the usual ways a borg would do so, as well as having an easy borg stun if he'd have just taken off his mesons.

Re: Raven776

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 12:50 pm
by imblyings
Not gonna pursue this further, OP had plenty of chances to refute the response, nothing seems bannable either.